Episode 11

1016 Words
Maria gets home wasted after midnight and she assumes I'm dead asleep since I left the club earlier than her. She is too drunk to bother herself with checking on me, she heads straight to her bed and passes out. Ayden was picked up by passers-by and taken to the hospital where he got the minor cut on his head stitched and he later regained consciousness. In the morning he drives to my home hoping somehow I managed to escape and got home safely. Maria is annoyed by the knock on the door that has jolted her awake. She is surprised to see Ayden on her door step. "Ayden…I know you and Tyra had a great time dancing together last night but I'm sure she didn't forget to mention that she has a boyfriend," She smirks assuming he is interested in me. "Yes she did tell me...is she home?" He impatiently questions as he walks past her, inviting himself in. "Yeah…take a seat...I will go and fetch her," she says. Ayden lets out a deep sigh of relief but before he could fall back on his seat to relax Maria springs out of the corridor. "Tyra is not here and her bed is still perfectly done meaning she didn't sleep here...so where the hell is she? You were the last person to be seen with her so start talking," she utters with a half angry and half confused expression. "She didn't spend the night at my place if that's what you are thinking," he responds and after that his face falls as a dreadful realization dawns on him. He silently recites what happened last night and begins to fear the worst. Maria notices the troubled look in his eyes and realizes something bad must have happened and Ayden knows all about it. "Tell me what happened," she demands. "I'm not sure but I think she was kidnapped, she...she...could be...dead," he stammers. "What! How can you think of something so awful," Maria lightly punches him on the chest. Her face contorts as her heart breaks and panic takes over her. Ayden takes off his beanie hat that he had worn to hide the bandage around his head. "Oh my god…what the hell happened Ayden?" She is panic stricken as Ayden's bandaged head becomes confirmation that something horrible really happened last night. "Tyra insisted on giving me a ride home...while on the highway a black van overtook us and blocked the road. A masked man pulled me out of the car and hit my head with his gun and I blacked out. I don't know what happened after that I only woke up later in the hospital. I really thought he was going to kill me," he shudders. "Do you know who did this...did you get a look at the van's number plates?" "Like I said the man was masked and so was his voice. The van had no number plates. I'm sorry I'm not able to help," he dejectedly bows his head. “This is all my fault.. I did not even bother to check on her when I got home because I was blind drunk and I went straight to bed while my best friend was probably being raped and killed,” feeling guilty, she frets with teary eyes. “Well now that you know what happened...what are you going to do?” Ayden arches his eyebrows. “I don’t know and the police haven’t even bothered to call me for information or questioning, it doesn't make any sense,” she thoughtfully pulls her mouth forward. “Well...uh...that’s because I..I didn’t report this,” he confesses as he rubs the back of his neck. “What!!! Why the hell not…are you mad? Let’s go to the police station right now!” “No! I can’t.. I have seen what happens to people who report such incidents they become the first suspects and I cannot afford a lawyer.” He blinks. “Ayden! This is no time for joking okay,” “Who said anything about joking? How will I explain why I was left alive and why I wasn’t kidnapped too? They might think I was involved and accuse me of being the one who lured Tyra to the kidnapper I can’t take that risk I'm sorry.” “Were you?” Maria suspiciously asks with her eyes widened. “Are you kidding me?” He gapes at her. “Just answer the damn question,” she demands. “No! I wasn’t! Well I hope now you understand why I don’t want to go to the police since even you are doubting my innocence in all this.” “There is nothing wrong with asking questions. The police are not going to look for Tyra if we do not report this. For all we know she might still be alive and in desperate need of our help." She pauses as she pleadingly gazes at him. "Please Ayden... you can’t think about yourself right now. Even if the police do suspect you they cannot arrest you without any evidence.” She adds. “Okay…okay fine we can go,” he reluctantly agrees. “Thank you...just give me five minutes to dress up.” She says before trailing off into her bedroom to dress up. Ayden and Maria arrive at the police station at 9am. The police take down Ayden’s statement and they question him thoroughly and suspiciously. He cannot provide them with any useful information since he did not see who the gun man was or the number plates of his van and he has no idea what happened to Tyra after he passed out. Everything happened so fast and before he could try and observe anything he was knocked out. Maria is also asked to provide information concerning Tyra and who her enemies are. “We will contact you if we hear anything or when we need more information, for now you can go home,” one of the detectives informs them.
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