Episode 16

1078 Words
As I stare thoughtfully at Chad, I quietly observe his genuine remorseful expression and I have no doubt that he meant every word he uttered. I have known him for a while therefore I can easily tell if he is faking or being genuine and right now he is being sincere. I'm comforted to hear that it was never his intention to kill or shoot me but that doesn't excuse what he did and it doesn't make me want to forgive him. “I don’t know what you want me to say Chad,” I lift my brows and fold my hands. “That’s okay…you don't have to say anything…I just wanted to see if you are okay,” “Really! Is that all?” I highly doubt as I fold my hands against my chest. “Well... I would also like to know what you told the police?” He utters softly while anxiously ruffling his hair. “Nothing! Don't you think if I had told them the truth you would be behind bars as we speak? But don't think I’m going to keep quiet forever,” I side eye him. Upon hearing that, fear strikes him, he invites himself into the living room and sinks down on the couch his mind churning over what will happen to him if I report him to the police? He can’t imagine losing his job that he loves so much or worse living behind bars and being picked on or sodomised in prison. Sweat begins to appear on his forehead and his breathing hardens. He feels the need to convince me at all costs not to report him. “Tyra if I go to prison who will help you financially and how will you take care of your nana huh, did you take time to think about that?” Of course I took time to think about that the moment I was informed the police would be coming to speak to me. But it doesn't mean he needs to know that, this way I get to take pleasure in seeing him squirm. “I don't care about any of that right now and we can never be together again...we are through," I exhale sharply. I'm taking a risk saying all this to Chad yet I need him and his pay check otherwise nana and I will suffer. I already figured out that Chad being arrested would not do me any good. I may get justice for what he put me through but then my nana would be left to starve. Justice will neither feed us nor settle our bills. If only there was a way to get his financial support without having to be his girlfriend. “You know Tyra...you don’t have to be with me if you don't want to. I completely understand but we can always come to some sort of a win-win arrangement," he thoughtfully states. Although I have no clue what he is getting to I'm intrigued and I give him my full attention after gesturing to him to go on. "How about I pay you $30 000 dollars for your silence and my freedom? Think about it.. you can start your own small business and if you are wise enough then you will be set for life...so what do you say?" He impatiently awaits my response. Wow! I'm taken by his unanticipated suggestion. I take a brief moment to ponder over it. “Do you have that kind of money in your bank account?” I ask making sure enthusiasm is not reflecting in my voice. “Tyra.. I make $48 000 a year,” he rolls his eyes. Oh my god! What am I thinking?...This is not who I am…I can't take bribes or indirectly blackmail Chad. “I think you…you...need to go,” I stutter and follow by walking to the door and holding it open for him to exit. He surprisingly doesn’t argue with me, he right away flounces out of the house. “Thank you for listening and please do take time to think about my offer,” he whispers while standing outside. My eyelids flutter in response, he shoots me a crooked smile and walks away with easiness. Maria gets home after work and finds aromatic dinner ready for devouring, “Hmmm it smells heavenly.. are you sure you are supposed to be cooking?” She fixates on me with a concerned motherly look. “Yes mom...it's been a week already and I feel fine, you can stop worrying,” I tease. I pace to the kitchen cupboard to pull out dinner plates which I place on the table. As we begin to eat I inform Maria of Chad’s proposal to hear what she thinks of it. I already get my response as I watch her abruptly drop down her fork and pause eating. “Oh my god! And just when I thought he couldn't get any despicable than that. Does he truly think money can buy him everything?" She grimaces before her eyes stare deep into mine, "and what did you say? I hope you told him to shove it in his ass,” she twists her lips in disgust. I nibble on my lower lip while rubbing my forehead with my fingers and my eyes staring down at my food. “Tyra! Please tell me that you aren't seriously considering his offer?" She gapes at me and I remain quiet. "Chad is a lunatic...he has to go to jail and be taught a lesson so he will never do this to any other girl,” she grunts with deep hatred reflecting in her tone. “We will starve if he goes to jail and like I said he never meant to shoot me.. it was a mistake.” I defend. “He did not only shoot you but he also assaulted Ayden. He had to go to the hospital for stitches and now he will live with a permanent scar on his head. After knocking out Ayden he kidnapped you and threatened to kill you!" She is quick to remind me as if I would ever forget. “I know exactly what happened Maria because I was there. There is no need for you to narrate the story after all I’m the one who told you everything and now I'm starting to think that was a big mistake,” I gripe.
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