Episode 17

1018 Words
There is tension in the room, generating uncomfortable silence as Maria and I quietly glare at each other. She doesn’t understand why I would protect Chad after everything he has done to me and I don't get why she is being so shallow and ungrateful. Chad is not perfect and he has done awful things to me but he has also provided for all of us...Maria included. I do love Chad and despite his dark side I sincerely believe there is a part of him that loves me. “Listen to me Tyra! Chad is a raging lunatic and the scars on your body should be enough proof of that. If you let him get away with what he did to you and Ayden he will go on to abuse other people and eventually end up with a dead body in his hands." “You know what?...I think I have just lost my appetite,” I sneer as I push away my plate and follow by trailing off to my bedroom. A couple of minutes later I walk past Maria in a different outfit and with a purse in my hands. Maria springs up from her seat and walks over to me, “where are you going?” She caves in her brows and stares at me like a hawk. “If you must know I'm heading to Chad’s house to accept his offer,” I smirk. “I can’t let you do that,” she threatens. “Try and stop me,” I glower before shoving her aside and exiting the house. A short drive later, I pull up in front of Chad's house. I take a quick peek at myself in the rear mirror. Feeling the need to retouch my lipstick I rifle through my purse, after a few seconds of fumbling I pull out my jungle red lipstick. In a moment's hesitation I remember that Chad has always forbidden me from smearing any make up on my face. Well I guess it's a good thing that we are no longer a couple and I no longer have to bend to his rules in fact he is at my mercy. I don't plan on rubbing it in for I do not want him to see me as a threat to his freedom or else he just might decide to finish what he started and silence me for good with a bullet to my head. I just want a peaceful agreement that will benefit both of us. If I can get his money without having to be his puppet I will consider that a victory. I climb out of the car and stride towards the door, I pause when a thought hits my mind. Chad is obsessive and controlling, how can I be sure if I accept his money he will keep his word and leave me alone? Can he possibly be able to watch me warming up to another man? I highly doubt that. The best thing to do after getting the money would be to relocate to another city and be far away from him. I knock on his door and while I wait for Chad to open up I can't help feeling uneasy about seeing him again. On second thought I decide to leave because I'm thinking maybe it's not such a good idea to be alone with him in his house. With my back turned against the door and my leg in front of the other I take the first step but then I hear the door creak open and I stop in my track. "Don't tell me you were leaving?" He furrows his brows and gives me a sly smile. “Of course not...there is something I wanted to fetch in the car but since you have opened the door it can wait," I do not want him to think I'm afraid of him or that I was running away, even though there is a little bit of truth in that. Chad can see right through my soul or I'm just not a good liar. He sheepishly smirks at me as his way of letting me know that he is not fooled and he is therefore embarrassed for me. He mutely ushers me inside the house. “I’m glad you came,” he utters at the same time handing me a glass of wine. “Thank you,” I emotionlessly respond as I accept the glass of wine being handed to me. With my eyes averted from his I go on to take a sip of the wine in my hands. I can feel Chad's eyes burning a hole on my forehead, he is impatiently waiting for me to start talking. “Why are you here?” He hates having to open his mouth to ask but my silence left him no choice. “Well...I have had some time to think and I...” before I can complete my sentence I'm distracted and alarmed by the deafening sound of the police sirens wailing. Chad storms to the window and peers through it. He gasps and panics when he observes two armed police officers marching towards his door. “What is going on?” I question for I'm baffled by the way he is staring at me with a rage of mixed emotions anger, hurt and disappointment. “You called the cops on me how could you?” He scowls and heaves with anger as he takes steps towards me, a dangerous look glinting in his eyes. “What! I...I...didn't,” I swallow hard and with every step he takes heading towards me I take two steps backwards. "You are a snitch...I shouldn't have called the ambulance after I shot you...I should have left you to die," he growls and just as he is about to strangle my neck with his bare hands the cops burst in. "Mr. Rivers, please step away from Ms Smith," The first officer shouts with a gun pointed at him.
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