Episode 74

1039 Words

There is an awkward silence between the three of us as we stand motionlessly by the pool lounge. I decide there is no need for me to humiliate Jax in front of Tyra. I will have to speak to him in person. I cannot be angry at him for defending Tyra's honour. I take it he sees a sister in her and that is very sweet. Jaxon is a ladies man and he is big on being a gentle man, he would defend any woman's honour. I can't fight him over that but I cannot and will not let him disrespect or challenge me in front of Tyra. The  both of them need to know who is boss. "I brought Tyra into this country, now I understand that you will always defend any woman's honour but this woman right here is mine and I can do and speak to her however I please, I just need you to keep that in mind" I sternly state.

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