Episode 61

1027 Words

The sports activities are to take place at ten am, it’s still a couple of hours before then. I head downstairs to the dining room and I walk in dragging my feet and my head hanging low. “Surprise!” I hear different voices shout in unison. Astonished, I look up and see mother Margaret, Tyra, Jaxon, Carlo and Frankie huddled together at the table. My gaze drifts back to Tyra and I notice the cake she is holding in her hands. It is a sports themed cake in a round shape, green and white in colour. The cake topper is designed and shaped into a football net. I am caught off guard, surprised and moved by their thoughtfulness. This kind of surprise has never happened before, my guess is it had everything to do with Tyra. This is sweet and thoughtful of them but I am not going to go soft and tell

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