Episode 62

1523 Words

TYRA'S POV It was a few days back when mother Margaret informed me about Alexander's pending birthday. I excitedly suggested that I bake him a cake and mother Margaret liked my idea and offered to help me. I have been whiling up time by learning how to bake by watching tutorials on the internet. Today Is the big day so I woke up early in the morning so as to give myself plenty time to bake a proper cake for Alexander. I was pleased when it came out perfect as I had hoped. With mother Margaret's help I was able to get Jaxon, Carlo and Frankie to gather with me by the dining room to wait for Alexander to walk in so we could surprise him. It took a little threatening from Jaxon to get Carlo to co perate. He cast me a hateful look, as he joined us by the table. "I will hold the cake," he

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