Episode 21

1281 Words

I take a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself. I laugh in disbelief as I think to myself, "This can't be happening, maybe I'm not seeing clearly," Even though I can see that she is not moving or breathing I still shake her body to wake her up and when she doesn't respond I check her pulse and there is dead silence. She is gone! I fall to my knees, my face crumbles and tears begin to fall from my eyes. “Nana please don’t leave me…I need you,” I holler in devastation. My heart is bleeding and I feel like I'm about to lose my mind. I bury my face on nana's bosom until the teardrops from my eyes wet her dress. I cry until my head begins to ache and my eyelids become swollen. I curl up on the floor with my back leaning against the bed and my arms hugging my knees. I recall th

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