Chapter 12

2110 Words

Jake’s Point of View “Hey, pumpkin! I made your favourite for breakfast,” I smile, as Ellie makes her way into the kitchen still in her PJ’s.  “Really? Cool, thanks, Dad!” She says and skips to the table with delight. I put a plate with french toast and bacon in front of her.  “Mmm… looks good,” she beams as she starts to dig in.  I sit across the table from her and I’m filled with nervousness. After the talk Mora and I had last night, I’m nervous. Even though I think she’ll take it really well, what if she doesn't?" “So I planned a whole fun day together, just you and me,” I say. Her mouth is full, and her eyes go wide, and I see her lips curl up. “I thought we could go for a bike ride to the park, and then after that, we’ll come home for lunch. Then we’ll hit up the indoor pool in

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