Chapter 14: Home Ground

1894 Words

MY KRUNG KRUNG BAE – Chapter 14 Home Ground   Aljon Aquino After talking to one of the staff at the admissions, I learned that my transfer went smoothly and all I needed to do was to log in on the university website on the students page and see my courses. I told her that I didn’t have my log-in so she helped me set it up. After which, she gave me a brochure containing information about the university’s map and its calendar. A student working as an assistant at the office gave me a tour to the university. Since I studied at a sister campus, she told me things should be the same except for maybe the students ways and lifestyle. My new campus is more or less the size of my old one. Old one… I gave a bitter feeling but at the same, it felt as I just left an old home to start over. Our

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