Chapter 27: It's All Real

1917 Words

MY KRUNG KRUNG BAE – Chapter 27 It's All Real   Aljon Aquino Call it dumb luck but I made it to my second class in the morning and I had a good feeling I aced my test. Thankfully, I studied at the library the day before. After falling flat on my face this morning, I thought for sure I would forget all of what I learned. Guess it made me remember everything as a matter of fact. My head bobbed from up and down as I gathered my stuff to leave the classroom. I was seated close to the door and from the corner of my eye, I could see Vanessa peeking. She checked on me earlier in the middle of my test. “I’m okay,” I mouthed to her as I closed my backpack. She said, “So?” I smiled to myself. I felt like I had a sister I never had, always watching and being protective. The always  watching p

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