Chapter 29: From Another World

1840 Words

MY KRUNG KRUNG BAE – Chapter 29 From Another World   JC Pacheco I drove back to work after leaving Aljon at the university. Time seemed to pass by slowly. While working on my computer, I kept glancing on my wristwatch to see the time and to my phone if he texted. He promised to let me know when he’s leaving the library. Every time my phone dinged, I would get excited but of course it was not him. A few of those were from Zia and it annoyed me too much for her to keep bugging me after I told her I had our next meeting set. I sighed as I hit my back on my chair’s backrest. I felt the pressure of work when I was chasing time. It seemed to go by slowly because I was waiting for Aljon’s message but when my head was on work, I felt that I was running out of minutes. How ironic… When fina

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