Silent Type

1086 Words
Lily's POV The waiter automatically pulled the table for me to sit on. "Thank you," I said politely and bowed before sitting.  The waiter smiled and looked at me. He stared at me intently which made me feel uncomfortable. I can see that he is so sensitive to Mr. Truman's needs. perhaps, he is wondering why I am with him now. I bowed my head as I stand beside Mr. Truman.  "Sir, ma'am, may I take your order?" the waiter asked after Mr. Truman and I sat on opposite chairs.  "Lily, what do you want to eat?" Mr. Truman said instead and looked at me. As if understanding what he meant, the waiter immediately showed me a list of the menu they serve.  "These are the best we have for dishes," the waiter introduced eagerly and pointed at the list. "These are for drinks. Please choose whatever you feel like eating." Mr. Truman smiled as he looked at how the waiter explained the dishes to the me. He allowed him to show me the specials of the restaurant. He returned his gaze to the menu on his hands.  I didn't say anything. I just pointed at two of the food I saw on the list. After all, I am not familiar with what I am reading and looking at. I just looked at the pictures and imagined how the food taste. At the corner of my eye, I noticed Mr. Truman observing me intently. I felt nervous. Does he know that it's my first time to enter into a place like this? Mr. Truman's POV: This young girl is so like him in the past, not wanting to talk a lot and not wanting to entangle herself with useless things. He can still remember what happened a while back near the entrance when she was knocked on the cold floor by a little boy. He actually remained silent and observed her reaction. He thought she would fight but his intuition about her personality is right. She didn't fight at all, not to mention argue and 'vindicate' her rights. She just remained silent and swallowed hard.    Thinking of that, he can feel his anger rising. He slowly took his cellphone and sent a message to one of his men. That pair of mother and son should be taught a lesson or else they would never learn to respect the weak. Letting them off the hook a while back didn't mean letting them escape the consequences of their actions. After all, he has control over this entire mall.  "Sir, the Young Miss already pointed at her order. May I have yours?" the waiter asked after a while.  "Her name is Lily and she will be coming with me here from now on," I answered as I lifted my head from the cellphone to look at the waiter. "I'll have the usual. Serve the desert later and make the order double. Lily has to try it, too." "Noted, sir. Thank you so much. If there is nothing else, then I shall head to the kitchen." I did not say anything but nodded my head.  The waiter bowed in respect and turned around. He walked towards the kitchen with the list of orders on his hand. "This is my favorite restaurant and this is the spot that I love the most. Whenever I'm lonely and sad, I come here because looking at those things below this mall really calms my mind," I said and pointed outside the window. Lily followed the direction that I pointed. Seeing the lights below, she gasped. This sight is truly priceless.  "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked and smiled. I wanted her to see this. "Lily, I want you to accompany me here from now on. I often come here for dinner but I always come alone. Clark is too busy with something and he hates being with this old man." At that, I chuckled in an attempt to hide the sadness inside my heart.  Lily's POV I remained silent but nodded my head. This is the only person who is kind to me aside from my mom so why should I say no? After all, he is the one who needs my company this time. I won't say no if this is the least I can do for him. I won't do anything anyway aside from following whatever he will say. Although I don't feel really comfortable being with him, I don't hate it either. After all, this is the first time that I am accompanying someone else outside the house except my mom who used to be with me in the past.  My mom. I felt sad at that thought again. How I really miss her although she seemed to have forgotten about my existence because of her work lately. I let out a heavy sigh and stared at the lights outside the window. Seconds later and my attention was totally focused on the lights. The sky is getting darker so the lights below are increasing and I can feel my heart jumping the moment some lights are added to those that are already lit.  Meanwhile, Mr. Truman looked at me and nodded his head. I may not know what he is thinking but I can see the peace inside his heart manifested on his face as we silently sat down and stared at the lights outside. After some minutes, the waiter came back. "Sir, Miss Lily, your orders are here," he said politely and took the platters on the tray he just pushed on the side. Slowly, he placed the orders on the table. Mr. Truman and I watched silently. After that, the waiter bowed. "Please enjoy your meal. You may push the red button on the right corner of your table if you need anything else." I looked at the right corner and saw the button. So this is what it is for. "Please excuse me," the waiter said and bowed again. After that, he slowly turned around and left. "Let's eat..." Mr. Truman said and started eating his food.  I nodded and followed him. I started eating my own food. Upon putting the first spoonful on my mouth, my eyes lit. This is the most delicious food I have ever tasted. I silently enjoyed the food.  Mr. Truman silently observed me. I noticed him glancing at me occasionally and observing my reaction towards the food I'm taking. I noticed him giving me things that I needed before I even asked. 
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