First Time Shopping

1085 Words
"Do you like the food here, Lily?" Mr. Truman asked after eating. "Yes, sir," I answered. "The food is delicious. Thank you so much." He smiled.  "Take a rest for a while before we go shopping, okay?" he said and sat comfortably on his chair.  "Yes, sir." Silence. Both of us looked outside the window as we adored the view before our eyes.  I breathed deeply as the air blew my bangs away. I feel good being here. Surprisingly, I can feel peace in this place. Maybe, it's the view. Maybe, it's the ambience of the place. This time is the most relaxing I have ever experienced ever since I and mom transferred residence in the house of Mr. Truman.  "Shall we go?" Mr. Truman said softly.  I turned my head and looked at him, surprised that we are leaving this place so soon. I honestly want to stay more. I looked at my watch. Ah yes, it is time for us to leave now. It is already past seven. Wow, time seems to be so fast in this place.  I nodded and stood up. I followed Mr. Truman who led the way out of the restaurant. Then we went one floor up. I could see that the entire floor is full of shops that sell clothes. I can see a lot of people shopping as well. I felt uncomfortable.  "You can choose anything you want, Lily. Don't worry about the payment. Everything's on me," Mr. Truman said and led me to the first store.  "Welcome to our shop. Please come in and choose the clothes you like," the sales lady said and smiled.  "Please assist her to find some clothes," Mr. Truman said to the sales lady.  "Right away, sir," the sales lady answered then turned her head towards me. "Please follow me, ma'am." I looked at Mr. Truman. When he nodded, I obediently followed the sales lady. I looked around and scanned the clothes the sales lady recommended to her. I can see a lot of dresses, skirts and blouses that are for girls and ladies. I looked at the displays but I cannot choose any of them. They are simply not my taste, definitely not my style.  "Lily, have you chosen anything?" Mr. Truman asked after ten minutes of going around.  I shook my head. "Okay," he answered then shifted his eyes to the sales lady. "I'm sorry, she wasn't able to choose anything." "It's okay, sir," the sales lady answered and bowed her head in respect to him.  He led me out. "Then let's head to the other stores." I nodded again and followed him silently.  "Here, the clothes are for your age group," he said when he saw the collections. "Go ahead, look for clothes that fit your style." A sales lady came near and assisted me again.  I nodded to Mr. Truman and followed the sales lady who approached us. I looked at the hanged clothes. Sadly, I cannot see myself wearing any of them. They are too chic. I looked at the colors and thought that they do not match my skin. They are too colorful. There's no way I can be seen with these clothes.  "Do you like them? If not, you can choose from other styles. They actually look good on your skin." I grimaced upon hearing that. The mere thought of wearing those light colored clothes alone made my skin cold as if a cold thing crept over it.  "You don't like anything, too?" Surprised, I shook my head when I heard Mr. Truman speak at my back.  "C-Can we look at other places? I want simpler ones..." I requested softly.  "Sure, sure..." Mr. Truman answered and apologized to the sales lady.  I breathed. Honestly, I want to tell him to stop shopping. I am already contented with the clothes I have at home anyway. Also, the clothes in this mall are not that cheap. Looking at the prices of the clothes I checked a while back, they cost an arm and a leg.  Also, I feel uncomfortable in this place. There are so many people. What's more, this is my first time shopping in shops that sell expensive clothes. In the past, mom took me to second hand stores to buy clothes. Since we did not have much money, I settled for cheaper clothes that matched my style. Also, I'm not that picky. I just wear whatever my mother can buy me.  Mom. She is not around again in this first time experience when she should be the one teaching me all of these things, not other people like Mr. Truman. At this, I can feel a little resentment rising from my heart. My mom never failed me in life until now. I just can't get accustomed to being left in the companionship of strangers. How can mom do this?  "Lily?"  I flinched. I have been spacing out that I forgot that I am with Mr. Truman right now.  "What type of clothes do you want?" he asked, maybe concerned that he will just bring me again to a store that I don't really want. I know that he has been observing my demeanor and he may have observed that I am not interested with what everybody is wearing. Mr. Truman's POV I waited for her reply to my question. The fact is that I have been concerned with the clothes that I saw her wearing for days already. I observed that she has a few changes of clothes. She seems to have a few pairs. When I took care of her in her room during the days when she was sick, I was able to see her clothes when one of the maids opened her closet for a set of pajamas.  "Plain ones..." she simply replied.  I nodded. At least I am not clueless now. We walked again and passed by many stores. However, most of them are selling fashionable clothes. Many are selling the trending ones. Of course, there's where the profits are.  "Lily...I..." I was supposed to give up and decide to bring her to another store tomorrow but I stopped when I saw her looking at a shop on the corner. My eyes followed the direction that she is looking at. I was surprised at what I saw. However, it seems that's what she wants. "Do you want to go and check that shop?" I encouraged her, hope rising in my heart.  She nodded as usual. I smiled.  "Let's go."
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