Changing Address

1109 Words
I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. It's turning around. Why is the ceiling moving around me? I closed my eyes but when I opened them again, they continued moving. I feel dizzy.  "" I wanted to shout but I can't talk louder. My throat seems to have given up on me, too. I can just whisper. I feel hot, so hot as if I am burning. I can feel the heat all over my body. I can feel my forehead perspiring profusely but I am not strong enough to lift my hand and wipe the sweat on my brow. I can just allow them to fall down the side of my face.  Because my world is turning around, I closed my eyes to avoid getting dizzy. I can see circles whenever I open them anyway. Just then, everything turned dark.  "Lily! Lily!" her mom barged inside the room when she saw that her daughter is still not awake. Seeing the time, it is already ten in the morning. She shook her head the moment she entered in and saw the blanket covering her whole body including her head.  "Wake up, Lily!" she said as she slowly pulled the blanket from her face. However, her face sank the moment she saw how Lily is like. Her body has been drenched in sweat and her facial expression shows that she is in so much pain.  She stretched her hand and felt her forehead. Too hot, she is burning hot. Panic-stricken, she rushed to her bedroom and looked for the first aid kit. The she hurriedly looked for the digital thermometer mixed with the other apparatus inside. She stuffed it in her armpit.  Tit! Tit! Tit! Taking out the thermometer that just sounded, she was so surprised. 39.8 degrees Celsius.  "Oh no!" she exclaimed and rushed to the kitchen to get a piece of towel and a basin of cold water. She rushed back to her daughter's room and wiped her body. She did it twice before feeling a slight decrease in her body heat.  After doing this, she sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at her daughter's face. Pity filled her heart the moment she remembered how she looked like yesterday upon coming home. She was wet all over, and her bag and things inside are all wet, too. Seeing her countenance, she already knew that she was bullied usual... Tears escaped her eyes and pain flooded her heart the moment she imagined what she must have gone through at school. Although she refused to tell her all the details of what happened, she has seen how the situation made her heart cold. She saw the change in her eyes. She used to cry before her in the past, but yesterday was an exception.  She has to do something to change her daughter's future a little bit. She can't allow the children to bully her forever. If she won't make a way, her daughter might lose her chance to live a normal life and might even develop a psychological illness in the future. Days passed... I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. It's steady. It's not moving anymore. Unlike the last time when I woke up with a "moving ceiling", this day is different. "Lily, you're awake."  I can hear the sweet voice of my mom. Turning my head on my bedside, I saw her there.  "Mom..." I whispered.  My mom extended her hand and touched my hair.  "Lily, thank God you woke up," she said and looked at me tenderly. "I've been waiting for you to wake up so that we can move on to our new house." New house? I frowned. I stared at her, trying to make sure that I heard right.  "That's right. We are moving to a new home," my mom repeated as if she was able to read what I am thinking. "I was able to find a better job in a rich man's house. It is more stable and the pay is higher than my former job." I nodded upon hearing my mom's voice. I have no choice anyway. Whether I like it or not, I have to follow her since I have no means to keep myself alive.  "I have packed your clothes already. My employer's car will fetch us tomorrow so we have to be ready. Don't worry, my new boss already knows about you and has agreed to let you continue studying in your school. Also, you have your own room there. He has agreed to let you do whatever you want while I work for him and his family." I nodded, not uttering a word.  Just like that, the day passed fast. I opened my eyes and realized that this is the day when the car will pick me and my mom up. Since I got a little better, I stood up and proceeded to the bathroom. I washed myself and changed my clothes. Then I went out of my room and looked for my mom.  "Lily, let's go," my mom said when she saw me in the living room. "The car is waiting." Silently, I followed her until we entered into a van with our things. Having no desire and interest to look around, I closed my eyes and waited for the car to reach our destination. After all, memories in this community are not that good. Everything was terrible. We had a thirty-minute drive before reaching our destination. "Lily, wake up," mom said and patted me on the shoulder. "We are here." Opening my eyes, I looked at the place through the mirror. What met my eyes is the big house before me. I slowly alighted from the car and followed my mom while pulling my things with my hands.  A middle-aged woman met us on the side of the house and led us to a small door.  "This is your room," she said to my mom.  "As for your daughter, she would stay there." The middle aged woman pointed to the room next to my mother's.  "Okay, thank you," my mom answered politely then entered inside her room. Seeing my mother's action, I also opened the door of my room and entered in. I quickly scanned the room. Finding a window, I walked near it and opened the curtain. What I saw outside the window is a rare sight.  A boy who is probably four years older than me is swimming with style, unaware that he has a secret audience. However, when the boy finished swimming and took off his swimming hat, my jaw dropped.  Oh no!
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