
1637 Words

I’d watched my children skip off with their new grandparents. They loved them like they had been around their whole lives. I felt comforted. ‘Thank you for treating my children as your own.’ I said as I kissed both Syl and Herd proudly. ‘That’s because they are ours too.’ Herd said as he pulled me up from the bench and twirled me around again, dropping me into his arms and kissing me. We walked around for a little while, admiring the gardens. There was beauty everywhere we looked and it didn’t seem to end. Syl told me that there were 25 acres of garden out here. Enough room for people to have their own space and round the other side of the building there were another 25 acres, for growing food and raising animals. They had everything here and were well prepared for anything life thre

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