The History

2108 Words

As we walked to see Hecate, one twin on each side of my arm, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. So many things had already changed and gone wrong. I must have been shaking with nerves as they both stopped me in my tracks, caressing my arms and stroking my hair. ‘Are you okay baby?’ Asked Herd. I looked up at him, not knowing how to explain what I was feeling. Syl held me close to his chest so that the warmth of his body and his heartbeat could soothe me. ‘I, I..’ I put my head down feeling guilty for what I was about to say. ‘I don’t want so many things to change.’ How was I to explain this without seeming heartless? ‘I always knew something was missing. I’ve found it now. I’ve found you both. It’s been rough, but I’m looking forward to a happily ever after. I want to settle with you both

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