Give him a chance

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We are walking through the woods and Syl keeps sighing and making it very well known he isn’t happy. It’s actually really annoying. He’s acting like a spoilt child who didn’t get his own way. How can he possibly think that I’d just give everything up and run away with him? ‘Adelaide, we aren’t going to make it through the forest at this pace. Please can I carry you? We need to be quicker if you want to make your flight.’ I look at him like he’s just said the most alien thing. Does he want to carry me? Like a doll. After trudging along for what felt like hours, I eventually gave him and became a doll. I felt ridiculous, but when he held me against his chest I actually felt safe. I felt so relaxed like the whole world had just been lifted off my shoulders. Everything felt right. He began to run and it felt like I was gliding through the air. Almost floating, but a little bumpy, not too bumpy though. I was comfortable and felt safe. When we got out of the forest he placed me down next to his car. A Mercedes G-Class. Music started playing and he began singing along. I felt quite relaxed so I joined in. I was finally going home, I think. This whole ordeal was nearly over and I felt happier. I would appreciate my life at home now. It might be mediocre but it wasn’t chaotic like this. We had been driving for quite a while and I don’t remember it taking this long to get from the airport to my hotel. It made me start to panic. Syl puts his hand on my leg and says, ‘It won’t be long until we are there. The forest was a lot further out than where you had been originally.’ He always answered me when I thought about things. I started thinking about various movies and wondering if he read my thoughts. ‘Syl, can you read what I’m thinking?’ He began to laugh and replied ‘I can’t read your mind. I don’t know what you’re thinking. Even if I could, I wouldn’t disrespect you like that. I can sense your feelings. I can hear your heartbeat. I can sense when you seem tense, scared, or happy. Although, you haven’t had many happy moments.’ That made me feel bad. I think he was just trying his best and I’d been awful. Screaming, hitting him and running away. I was afraid, but he wasn’t a bad person. A wolf, he wasn’t a bad wolf. He was taking me home and I hadn’t even given him a chance. ‘I’m sorry for acting the way I have. You helped me when I didn’t know I needed it. You’ve waited this long for me and I’ve acted like this. I’m sorry if I wasn’t what you were expecting, but you stuck around and continued to try. I do need to leave. I need to get this flight. What about if you came and visited me? We can go somewhere and talk about everything properly.’ I saw a smile spread across his face. ‘I’m not saying I’m going to leave my family and join you. They will always come first. I have a life back home and I can’t leave that behind and join your pack. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do but I won’t leave them.’ His smile faded but it was still there. ‘I would never expect you to leave your children behind. Your current husband isn’t your soul mate. I am, and I know you don’t see it right now. It’s why your heart settles when you can hear mine. Even though you’ve been afraid, you haven’t been that afraid. You knew that you were safe with me. I’m not asking you to leave your husband, but you can have a chance of a love you’ll have never felt before. It’s worth taking a chance, but I won’t ever force you to be with me’. He was really mature about it. I wasn’t married to Pete. We had been together for over ten years but we never got married. I’d always dreamt of my dream wedding but it wasn’t meant to be. He did propose once, but by this point, I wasn’t interested anymore. I’d always dreamt of proper love and felt like the love I had with Pete couldn’t be real love. I knew there was more and was desperate to feel it. I couldn’t jeopardise everyone else’s happiness on chance though. When we pulled up, we weren’t at an airport but outside a hotel. ‘I thought you might want to clean up before flying. I booked a room. You can go in and take a bath. I’ll be right next door so nobody will hurt you. I want to protect you but I won’t invade your space.’
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