He was telling the truth

957 Words
‘I don’t know why they weren’t chosen. Your ancestors chose you to change everything. You’re mated to me because I’m an Alpha. That’s not a coincidence. If I had a child with a human, I would no longer be a werewolf. It would break my mate's bond, it would break the bond I have with my pack. The child would be human. If I have a child with you - a human with this ancestry then something tells me that everything changes. We change the world. I started to become scared again. This man has kidnapped me, told me this story and now he’s trying to make me have his child because he thinks it could change the world. This person is crazy. He thinks he’s a werewolf. He’s read too many books. I need to find a way out of here. ‘Okay, I’m a little tired now. Can we go to sleep and finish the conversation in the morning?’ I lay on his chest and he places his hand on my head, stroking his fingers through my hair. I actually feel relaxed when I hear his heartbeat but I need to stay strong. It’s just the drugs and I need to remember that if I don’t leave now, this could all be worse. Syl seems like he’s asleep so I get up slowly and back away. I turn around and run as fast as I can. I had my things with me when I was at the hotel but I don’t know where any of those went. Could I even get home now? I had no money, no passport, no phone. I just kept running as fast as I could. I could see something in the distance. It looked like a man. Do I ask him for help? Do I put myself in more danger? I don’t know if it could get worse so I run over that way. It’s Sylvanus. ‘Erm, I was er, I just needed the toilet’. I’m not very good at lying but I didn’t know what else to say. ‘Adelaide, your heartbeat changes when you lie. If you want to leave then you can, but at the very least let me take you to where you want to go when it’s daylight. You can’t just run around the forest at night alone. It’s not safe.’ I burst into tears. I was trying to be nice earlier in hopes I could sneak away but now he knows I don’t want to be here. ‘I have children at home. I have a family. Please don’t take me away from them. They can’t grow up without a Mum’. Please just let me go. I’ll never tell anybody.’ Sylvanus looks at me, his eyes look sad. He looks deflated. ‘You don’t believe me, do you? You think I’m trying to hurt you?’ He asks. I stay silent, just hoping that it’s the best thing to do. My whole body is shaking. It’s cold and I’m terrified. ‘Adelaide, I didn’t want to do this but I’m afraid there’s no other way. I would never lie to you. I stand back and slowly start backing off. Is he going to kill me now? Sylvanus’ face changes. He turns to look at me and as he does he’s a monster. A wolf. Huge teeth and it’s terrifying. I stand back, but I fall backwards and just lay there stiff on the ground. I’m frozen, I can’t move, I don’t know if I’m breathing. I must have blacked out. When I wake up, it looks like dawn. It’s not as dark and I can hear birds. ‘You’re awake. I’m so sorry Adelaide. It’s the last thing I want to do. I didn’t want to scare you. I needed you to know I wasn’t going to lie to you. I needed you to know I was telling the truth. I think I did it wrong and I’m so sorry. I would never hurt you. Please believe me, I would never cause you any harm.’ I just lay there staring at the sky. I can’t look at him. If I look at him then it’s real. If I just look at the sky, I can pretend this isn’t happening. I think today is the day my flight leaves to go home. I don’t know how I’m going to get on the flight without a passport or even how I’m going to leave. ‘Adelaide. I really am so sorry. You are everything I’ve ever wanted for so long and I pushed you away. I’ve scared you. I’ll take you to where you need to be. Please tell me where you want to go and I’ll help?’ I lay there silent. I don’t know whether to tell him the truth. After a few minutes, ‘I just want to go home. I have a flight to catch and I need to leave. I came here to find myself and I think I’ve done that. I don’t know what to think anymore so I just need to leave. Did you get my bag when you took me from the hotel? It has my passport.’ His face looks sad and that actually makes my heart hurt a little. I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before. I look up at him but he remains looking at the floor. He passes me a bag and asks if this was all I had with me. It’s a small bag but I check and my phone and passport are in there. My phone has no battery and I can imagine Pete is worried. Felix and Mable will have probably been wanting to speak to me. I feel sick.
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