51 Miles

1126 Words

I woke up in a bed with extreme warmth. As I moved I could feel the arms from behind me wrap around me tighter. He smelt so good. Like the forest, but with petrol and vanilla. Syl turned me round and kissed my face. ‘I’m so glad you’re okay. That did take a turn of events. Nobody saw that one coming. My beautiful Luna wolf.’ I sat up and looked at him. ‘Has this all happened? Can you just clarify some points for me? Is Herd okay? Where are my children? How am I a wolf? Are we in a bunker in Germany? Is Pete going to be okay? What about my friends and family? Where is the other pack? I’m going to rip every single limb from their body.’ I felt a burning rage inside me as I started to get out of bed to leave the room. Syl pinned me underneath him and kissed my neck. ‘Calm down li

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