Chapter 7

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Playlist - Heaven by Julia Michaels Sheldon  I stare at myself in the mirror. My face primed, polished, highlighted for the evening in ahead of me. I promised Caleb awhile ago, that I would be his date to the Fourth Of July party and now I regretted it. The past week, everyone at work has been strangely rude and cold towards me. Even Rose. She has been ignoring me, acting up as if I'm contagious. Worst of all, today out of all days I choose to confront her. I saw her in the kitchen, texting and went up and tried talking to her. When tapped her shoulder she roughly moved my hand. “What’s the matter with you?” I yelled angrily. She had to give me a reason why she was acting the way she was. Her eyes narrowed at, like she didn't believe my audacity. She huffed a long breath then began to leave. I was quick to pull her wrist. “Don’t f*****g touch me, bumpkin.” My eyes widened at her words. “I don't want anything to do with a gold digger like you.” Did I hear her right? She saw so lowly of me. “Don’t look at me like that. You aren't fooling anyone with that good girl act. You might fool Caleb, but not me. I really hope he breaks your-” “Stop it,” I cut her off in the mid sentence. I knew where she was heading with her words. “Just stop it.” I stormed out of the kitchen before I break into hysterical crying. A tear fell from my eye bringing me back to reality. I wiped it as quickly as it fell and looked back in the mirror. The person staring back at me was a stranger. I did not recognize her. Her expensive ivory colored satin floor length dress made her look like a rich man's woman. She looked pristine, not me. Just when I was about to take a rain-check, the doorbell rang. Fixing my appearance, I took my coat and headed to open the door. I expected Caleb to be standing there but instead I found a middle aged man standing with a flower bouquet. “This is for you, Ms. Monroe.” He handed me the bouquet and I smelled the white roses and it immediately brightened my pensive mood. I thanked the man and looked at the note attached to it. My precious, I'll try and behave today. I smiled at it. I warned Caleb to keep his hands to himself for the night or else I wouldn't come. I doubt he'll be able to it. I placed the flowers on my kitchen counter and heard someone clear their throat. “I'll be your chauffeur this evening. Mr. Rawls will join you at the party.” The man, I now realized was still standing at my front door. “Oh-okay.” I didn't know what else to say. I never had anyone chauffeuring me anywhere. “And this is for you as well.” He handed me a velvet box then excused himself. I opened it and saw a beautiful pair of diamond earrings in it. There was another note attached to it. I badly wanted to be there, giving you these earrings, but then I wouldn't be able to keep my promise. Wear this tonight. I smiled and wore it. It shone pretty brightly and felt good to have something so elegant to wear. Reaching down, I saw a sleek black limousine pulled up in front of me. The chauffeur stepped out, and opened the door for me to get it. I was excited to have the entire limousine to myself, until I saw a sexy brunette sitting on the far end of the limo, busy on phone whilst sipping her drink. My smile vanished, astound, I climbed in the limo not knowing what to do. I honestly thought Caleb sent it for me. Feeling completely mortified, I sighed and considered skipping this night. In the midst of my thoughts, I heard an accented voice and knew immediately it belonged to the woman sitting across me. “So, you’re the girl occupying Caleb’s thoughts this month.” Her deep accented voice had an edge to it. She tried sounding sexy and it completely paid off. I narrowed my eyes at her description of me and judged her choice of words. I was not some bed warmer, for God's sake, we didn't even had s*x yet. “What? It's the truth. Caleb’s been talking about a blondie for a while now. I must say, he never does blondie’ like you so often. I wonder what has his so fascinated with you. You look exceptionally ordinary to me and to be honest you don't really match his status.” Okay, b***h. That's enough. “Well, at least I'm not filled with implants, like some people.” My lame excuse of a comeback targeted her physical appearance. She just laughed, throwing her head back and showing off her lean neck. “You’re funny.” She extended her hand to me. “I'm Francesca, Caleb’s aunt.” My eyes popped out at her. Aunt? Of Caleb? How the hell is that possible? “I don't believe your bullshit.” I immediately said it. There's no way Caleb has an aunt this young. I know all of his relatives. Samantha is pretty close to her family and never ever have I heard about an aunt named Francesca. “Oh, believe me. I've heard it.”Her hand was still out there for me to shake it and reluctantly shook it. “Sheldon Monroe.” I swallowed the growing lump in my mouth and gathered courage to ask her. “How are you Caleb’s aunt?” “Well, My mom and his grandma are sister’s and his grandma had Camden, his dad way too early which makes me his dad's cousin and his aunt.” It took me a little while to take in the whole information and when it suddenly hit me. I felt mortified. I actually thought she was some girl Caleb used to f**k. Ugh! I immediately blushed. “Caleb wanted someone to be there for you so here I'm am.” I just offered her a small smile and looked out of the window, my eyes taking in the glittering lights of the city. As I watched them go by, I thought about how much it bothered me to imagine Caleb with other women. It was growing into a compulsive need to be around him all the time. I wanted him to think about me, care about me the same way I do. I know getting attached to him will only end up with my heart broken into little pieces, but I know when it'll heal, it would beat for him again. A few minutes later, the limousine pulled up to the St. Regis hotel. The chauffeur opened the door for us, and we slipped out onto the sidewalk, thanking him for the ride. “Wait, remove your overcoat,” Francesca pulled it off my shoulders and threw it inside the limo. “It just looks tacky. No offence. It's good for people like you, but this place not so much.” I tried not to take her words to my heart, but in some way it made me feel like an outcast. She locked her arms with me and we made our way to the lobby. “Now, remember, stay with me. Everyone will think you're my girlfriend and you will let them assume it. Caleb doesn't want anyone to know you're with him. Alright, sugar cake.” She leaned in to put a chaste kiss of my lips and I looked around dumbfounded. “What do you mean. You said you were here to give me company-” she silenced me with her eyes indicating I'm just doing what Caleb told me to and I tried not to break into tears. We floated into the expansive ballroom where the party was in full swing. Francesca had a firm girl on my waist and was repeatedly whispering in my ears to smile. But…. I couldn't. I wanted storm out of this place and never hear or see Caleb again. He was a sick, sick bastard. Music from a live band hummed through the air while white gloved waiters traveled the room with flutes of champagne and caviar. The whimsical space held vaulted cloud dappled ceilings highlighting gilt chandeliers. Everyone was embedded in expensive clothes, diamonds and money. The second I made my way into the ballroom, my eyes found Caleb’s. It was unfortunate that he was staring right back at me. He was standing with some men which I assumed were his business associates. And it was hard not to miss him wearing that charming smile. That damn smile. And just like that I forgot everything that happened before I saw him. A smile broke out across my face as I watched him excuse himself from a group of men he was speaking with. Not only did I focus on him as he strolled across the space, but I noticed that the eyes of every other woman in the room also gravitated to him. Well, who can escape a man so beautiful like him? He wore an Armani tux that was tailored to perfection. Sliding his hand through his hair, he crossed the room with a stride that was sexy, powerful, and strong. Francesca leaned in to hug him when he approached. “Uh, Caleb,” she kissed his cheek. “You look wonderful.” Caleb gave her a polite smile. “As do you.” “Well, I'm not as wonderful as Sheldon here. Well, I see you're eye-f*****g her already.” She said, c*****g a mischievous brow while she laughing. I turned beet-red at her comment and blushed furiously. “I'm going to go to the bar. Leave you two alone.” Caleb’ eyes never left me and my blush was getting deeper. “You look beautiful,” he took my hands in a royal gesture and brought it to his lips, pressing more than necessary kisses on it. I withdrew my hand from his hold when felt his lips reaching my wrist. “Thank you.” I didn't know what else to say. His gaze still on me, I averted my eyes to look around. “It’s a nice party.” “Well, it's a respected party. Harrison Torrance has reputation to live up to. This party is show of money and power.” I nodded, again not knowing how to reply. “You don't throw parties?” He gave me a sinister smile and said, “I used to.” “Why did you stop?” “I got someone pregnant.” I laughed to that and he didn't stop with his sinister smile. “You’re serious?” He didn’t answer me instead wrapped his hand around my waist. “Come….. I want you to meet a few people.” What!? Caleb introduced me to many of his business associates as of course Francesca friend which everyone assumed as girlfriend. I met two celebrities, so many billionaires and few girls who were either his previous mistress or wanted to be one. “I'll introduce to my parents.” I stopped in my track and in stopped too. “Won't they recognize me?” Confusion creased on his forehead. “Why would they recognize you?” Silly man. ‘I work for your sister. Remember?” He rolled his eyes and looked at me like I've lost my mind. “No, darling, they won't. They don't notice help around them.” Offended I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, but couldn't because we were surrounded by elites. “Now, shall we?” With mild trepidation, I nodded as he tucked her hand in the crook of my arm. He led me across the room, pausing briefly to engage in conversation with some people. Then he formally introduced me to his parents again as Francesca’ friend. The meeting was so awkward as his parents wanted to be anywhere then to meet me. After meeting them we were left alone for a while. “My, God, if it isn't Caleb Rawls.” We saw the woman whose voice interrupted our silent moment. ‘It can't be Bella Jim.” His hand that was on my waist immediately went to her and engulfed her into a tight hug, sweeping her off her feet twirling her around. Her high slith rose up a little and her breast popped up from her long sequin dress. “God! I missed you so much.” They still hugged each other tightly. She looked like an old friend and a very beautiful one indeed. She made all her mistress look like an 12 year old girls. Well, I certainly felt like a baby in a diaper. She was just so magnificent. When they recovered from the hug, Caleb held her face in his hand caressing it, and kissed her lips lightly. Well, she was more than a friend. I felt foolish standing there watching them kiss. When they finally stopped, their eyes shone with love and admiration for each other and walked away from their exchange. Who was I kidding? I meant nothing to him. I was just someone he badly wanted to f**k and I can't even come in comparison to the girl no, woman he was just kissing. I went to the washroom to cry when I suddenly bumped into a figure. “Sorry,” I said without looking who I bumped into. I began to walk, but the person blocked me from walking. ‘Would you want to grab vodka on rocks with me?” I finally look at the person and it looked a little familiar. Platinum ash blonde hair, fairer than Edward Cullen, caramel eyes, perfectly sculptured lips, nose and jaw. Wait….. who was he? “I've thinking about you since the day I severed you that drink.” Oh! He was the bartender at where I encountered Caleb. “What are you doing here?” I asked rudely. “It’s my uncle’ party. Where else would I be?” He smiled and offered me his hand. “Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Drake Jim.”
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