Chapter 13

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Playlist - Eclipse Of The Heart by Bonnie Tyler Sheldon  As soon as the words left my mouth Caleb became rigid. I knew breaking the truth to Caleb would be hard, but it had to done. There was no way I was returning to work for Samantha. It just won't happen and Drake offered me a real job where I can work and not be treated like a slave. I was beginning get up, but Caleb held me down. “Come again?” His grip on my hair tightened. “Caleb, let go of my hair.” His grip only tightened and I turned agitated. “Caleb….” before I could finish speaking, my head was yanked back. “God, Caleb,” I cried out. “Leave my hair.” Caleb did eventually let go of my hair, not before pulling me up. “Are you dumb?” His firm grip on my arms was painful. “Do you know what kind of a person that fucker is? Do you not see my major hatred for him?” “Don’t bring me in between your petty feud with Drake.” I removed his hold on me. “He was just being kind and gave me such generous offer. And I would be a complete fool to not take that offer.” “No, you are a fool. A foolish b***h who can't differentiate between good or bad.” I gasped. “How dare you call me a bitch.” Caleb had a raging temper and he was acting out on complete anger. “What is your problem with Drake?” I crossed my arms. He paced around my tiny living where he looked basically like an angry giant. “Call that fucker up and tell him you won’t be working for him.” “What makes you think I would obey you,” I said, my voice trembling and heart beating faster that usual. Caleb stalked me in a slow, unhurried manner, with menace radiating from his body, demanding surrender from me. “I know you won't defy me.” He traced his finger on my face, resting near my lower lip. “You won't like the consequences.” He wiped the corner of my mouth. “You see this.” He showed me the white liquid on his finger. “That's my c*m on your mouth.” He then smudged it on my face. Now on your face and that makes you mine which means if I tell you something, you do it.” Raw anger with mortification crept within me. He just insulted me my worth and my bloody decisions. My family depends on me and I cannot sit on ass doing nothing while they struggle to make a living. How dare he! Before thinking twice I slapped him across his face. That was not a way he should treat me. I still believed in self respect and he was treated me like his w***e. And I hated when someone mistreated me. He looked taken aback, but was quick to recover. “Did I ever slap you?” He let out a feral growl. “Have I ever intentionally assaulted you?” His tone was spine-chilling. He moved a little closer and I backed away, he then pulled me into him grabbing my waist. “Do you know why I’m telling you to back off?” I averted his gaze. “Look at me when I speak to you,” he shouted. “Don’t shout at me.” “Then f*****g listen.” “I am listening.” “That bastard got away from three s****l assault cases.” What? “Yeah, right three of ‘em where his assistant filed a case against him and you're telling me you'll work for that shit.” Embarrassed, because I acted without hearing him out, but I was not regretting the slap that I just gave him. “Alright, he's an asshole, but you're no smaller asshole, that's not how you talk to me.” “Oh, really?” he teased. “Weren't you the one always squirming whenever we had phone s*x and didn’t you insisted that I talk dirty with you?” “That was different.”I folded my arms, refused to look at him.” “Unbelievable.” He shook his head. “I cannot believe what a hypocrite you are,” he chuckled. “Every-f*****g-b***h is the same.” With that he stormed out my apartment. *** There are moments etched forever in our mind that can't be changed. Last week was it. After Caleb stormed out my apartment, he did not call me or returned my text back. I tried to reach out to him numerous times, but failed, repeatedly. After Caleb revealed Drake’s past to me, there was no way I was working for him. I didn't want to be the fourth person to file a case against him and I started to feel bad slapping him so hard. I mean- it was not the first time Caleb have been so explicit with me, it was only how he practically ordered me not to work for Drake. If only I knew about his past sooner, things could have been avoided. And now, I was watching my phone call not getting answered for the nth time. “Oh, Caleb,” I sighed. “Pick up.” Defeated, I was about to hit ‘end call’ when my phone was answer. “Oh, Caleb, you finally answered my called.” I was brimming with happiness, it could be heard in my voice. “You have no idea what you had put me through this past week. Baby, I miss you.” “Umm….. who is this?” A peppy voice spoke. “I should ask you the same question.” Although my voice trembling, I still managed to sound bold. “I'm his new girlfriend and you?” Nothing in my past or future could reduce the overwhelming emotion within me. I was silent and doubted if I heard her right. Did Caleb actually break up with me without an explanation? Well he sure did moved on like a lightening speed Without saying another word I hung up on Caleb’s ‘new girlfriend.” Well, he did not get to break up with me without an explanation. I read the time in my phone, it showed 8:23 pm. Caleb had more recently installed a track my location app in both of our phones so that we could both see each other’s location. I checked his location on the app and it showed Rawls House which meant he was still working at his office. Has he started f*****g random women in his office? Is that even allowed? Every moment sitting in my apartment was antagonizing. I had to see him quick. Before the sensible part of me kicked in, I decided to see him at his office. Quickly grabbing my coat, I made my way out of my apartment and to Caleb’ office. The night was rainy and cold, almost cold enough for snow but not quite. I walked through the busy streets of New York where everyone was in a hurry to get somewhere. I was too. But as I was nearing to my destination my pace got a little slower. I knew it was a risk getting together with someone Caleb in the first place and investing my heart in this would be dangerous, but I choose to do it anyway. And when everything was going perfectly fine something just had to bump things up. Standing in front Rawls House, a shiny blue glass skyscraper, I felt nothing more than an outsider. This belonged to Caleb and Caleb belonged to me. If he was just going to throw it all away just because I slapped him…. that won't be his mistake, but mine too. Two things would happen if went in to confront Caleb. One, we could both put our differences aside and get back together or he could just break my heart in two. I had to face the consequences for once and for all. Ahead of the revolving door, there was five security guards by the stand. I was a couple of people being let in only with the show of their id. Getting in would be a tricky part. Ignoring the security guards, I headed straight for the doors. “Excuse me- Miss.” I was held from going inside. “Can I see an id?” I flashed him a bright smile, an usual thing Rose always did to get her way with security guards. “Don’t worry,” I assured. “I have an appointment.” The African-American, breaded security guard shared a look with the bald security guard. “Can we see the appointment receipt, please?” The bald security guard asked. I pretended to check my pocket of my coat for the receipt. “Oops,” I said. “I think I lost it somewhere.” I acted innocent. “Shoot, Mr. Rawls was keen to talk about his Humanitarian work with Forbes.” I may have overhead Caleb talking with his secretary about this interview a few times. “A receipt would not let that article publish it. Sad.” Both the guards assessed me with skeptical looks, until one spoke. “Alright, I'll check it quick with receptionist.” Okay if the interview has already happened then I'm in shitload of trouble. The security guard got off the phone and it confirmed my doubts. “They were not expecting you until tomorrow, and you would have to wait a couple of hours before, you know.” Victory. I smiled at both of the guards. “Well, then boys. See ya.” With that I waltzed through the revolving glass doors of Rawls House. The inside of the building was magnificent. The elegant gray ceiling with marble tiles, the interior itself was art. I approached the front desk, there were three people busy with their work. One of them noticed me standing and looked up from their screen. “Can I help you?” The girl was still typing on her iMac. “Hi, I'm here to see Caleb Rawls for his interview with Forbes.” The girl assessed me from head-to-toe, probably disproving me in general. Everyone here was dressed like they worked for a fashion magazine rather than for- I didn't even knew what exactly Caleb did. She went back to her iMac then spoke,”You're Ms. Cooper, I assume.” I nodded. “We were not expecting you this late.” “I know-” “So, you will have to take your notes to his assistant so she can make some changes and revisions and then come back tomorrow to interview his publicist. And where are your notes?” “I'm here to interview Caleb Rawls not his publicist.” “All of Mr. Rawls interviews are done by his publicist not him.” I wanted to protest, but held on. “And where are your notes?” “In my coat.” “That doesn't sound very professional. Someone who works with Forbes should be ready with her things. How do you keep up the job?” “Just tell me which floor I have to go.” “23rd,” she paused. “And here is the barcode to get to Mr. Rawls floor.” I scanned the barcode and it took me Caleb’s floor. It was a glass elevator with gold tiles. As the elevator was soaring up, the bundles of anxiety engulfed me. It seemed like a do or die mission. Calm down, Sheldon. The elevator ding opened and I stepped outside the elevator. There was a double door and ahead of it was another front desk. I walked through the double door and approached the brunette receptionist that could be easily mistaken for a model at shoot. Was everyone in this building a goddamn model? “May, I help you?” She asked with kind eyes. “I'm here to meet Mr. Rawls.” This was the first time I was nervous of what could happen. “I assume you have an appointment,” she said. “Miss?” “Sheldon Monroe.” “Ms. Monroe.” She tested my name on her lips, suddenly like a bell rung in her head, she scrambled out of her chair. “Ms. Monroe, you must be Mr. Rawls’ girlfriend. I have seen your picture in the paper. Mr. Rawls would be happy to see you, of course.” I doubt it. “I'm Amber Goodwin.” She extended her hand to me and I shook it. “Let me show you the way to his office.” I followed her. We came to a stand in front of a large black double door. “I'll just let him know you've here to meet him.” I nodded. “Ms. Kennedy is also inside.” She knocked was peaked inside. I got a glimpse of his office. “Sorry to disturb you, but Ms.-” “Whoever it is tell them to wait.” It was, Tatjana’ voice who spoke. “It’s important Ms. Kennedy.” “Tell them to wait.” Caleb’s husky voice spoke. I went so long without hearing his voice. It almost made me cry. I pushed the door open and saw Caleb working on his iMac, wearing his glasses and Tatjana leaned down on his shoulder looking at the screen. “Caleb, we need to talk.” Both of them looked at me, only Tatjana looked at me with pure distaste and Caleb with surprise written all over his face. “Shelly,” he said, taking off his glasses. “What are you doing here?” “I want to talk you.” I eyed Tatjana who was still looking at me like I was some disease. “Alone.” “Yeah, sure.” Amber took the clue and made herself scarce while Tatjana was rooted at her spot. She even had a audacity to place her dirty hands on Caleb’s shoulders. “Do you want me to stay?” “You can go.” He dismissed her and internally smiled. She was not happy about it, but she had to go. She grabbed her iPhone that was placed on Caleb’s large mahogany desk. She left and shut the door behind. “Why are you not answering my calls?” I asked, my voice soft and eyes looking directly into his. He leaned back of his chair. “I was busy.” “But not busy enough to f**k someone.” Anger flared inside me like a thunderstorm. “What the f**k are you talking?” “You should ask that to your girlfriend.” “I'm asking her, but she's too stubborn to answer.” “Don’t play games with me, Caleb.” I stood in front of his desk. “I've been calling you all week and didn't answer any of calls or my texts.” He scratched his forehead. “What do you want me to say?” “I've want to know why are acting so strange or have we already broken up and you are enjoying your single life again.” “I was trying to teach you a lesson, “ he said, after awhile. “I wanted you to feel the level of frustration I felt when you slapped me.” Pause. “Or when you were so adamant about working for that bastard,” he hissed. “Okay, I get it I was wrong for both the things and I'm sorry.” “You’re what?” He prompted me to repeat my words. “I'm sorry.” I rolled my eyes. “One more time.” “f**k you.” “That's my girl,” he chuckled. “Don’t me call me that.” I still had to get my answers. “Who was that b***h on the phone?” Confusion written all over his face. “What are you talking about?” “I called you today and this girl answered the phone. I asked her who she was, and she said she was your girlfriend.” “What?’ He got up from his chair. “My phone is being charged. My assistant has it.” “Why would she say something like this?” He moved towards me and cradled my face. “Baby, I can never think about cheating on you. I love you.” My heart pumped faster and suddenly stopped breathing. “What did you say?” “Baby, I cannot deny my feelings for you. It's too hard and to be honest you have bewitched me with your beautiful eyes staring at me like I'm the only person to live, your beautiful little mouth,” he paused to give me a open-mouthed kiss. “How can I not yearn for it? Baby, I love everything about you. Since you have stepped in my life, it has flipped completely. Your warmth has moved and the way you care about me is unexplainable. I want to be with you forever, bright eye. I love you.” “Will you hold onto me?” I said, tears brimming in my eyes. “I will, always.” “I love you so much.” “Oh, baby.” He hugged me tightly. “You’re eclipse of my heart.” “I love you.” I hugged him tighter. “I want you you in every way.” “First, I have to fire someone's ass.”
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