Chapter 14

1454 Words
Playlist - Rainberry by Zayn Caleb  My day was always filled with meetings served its purpose. Every second of my time was precious. I did not have time to let anything left unfinished. Nothing should be left unfinished, not even my time with my precious Shelly. She made a huge mistake. A mistake that can't be undone and every mistake has it consequences: punishments. After Sheldon broke it out to me that Drake Jim had offered her a job. It screwed my f*****g brain. I couldn't let her work or be around anywhere near that casanova. It just couldn't happen. And on top of it, she refused to listen to me and had nerve to slap me. To f*****g slap ME. She actually grew a pair and that did not settle with me. I couldn't describe how I felt in that moment. To say I was angry was an understatement. I was fuming, with rage. If I didn't have a decent amount of self control over me, I could have snapped her neck then and there, without giving a f**k. Fortunately, I kept my calm and stormed out of her apartment. I knew when her senses kicked in, she would immediately regret everything and when her calls and texts poured in, a part of me relaxed in satisfaction. Now, I just had to wait for the right moment to strike. Prior week, I had lunch in a fine lowkey cafe. It had an elegant touch to it with a rather friendly staff. I was busy reading report of real estate market when something caught my attention. “Andrea quit. She just texted me her resignation.” The middle-aged man, who I assume was the manager shook his head in disapproval. “No two-week notice for children today.” A pink haired waitress, with few questionable piercing handed me my check and went towards her manager. “I knew she wouldn't last. Gosh! Kate would not be happy covering her shift.” “How are we going to find a waitress on such a short notice.” I inwardly smiled and knew the solution to their problems. I paid the bill then called Walter, my property and tax manager. “Sir,” he said. “Make arrangements to buy Red Sea and withhold the staff.” I hung and walked out of Red Sea. Throughout the drive to my office, there were numerous texts from Sheldon. I read all of them deliberately and I would have returned them if she had hit me up with a I'm sorry- but there were zero of them. Days passed through and I had official bought Red Sea. It was not a major purchase and I couldn't give a damn about the cafe, but it had to serve a purpose. The only way I could keep something valuable in my palms without others influence. Red Sea was even profitable so a win-win for me. For time passed and my need to be with Sheldon too. I missed her terribly and from the constant ringing of my phone, I knew she missed me too, even more. From my sources, she had declined working for Drake Jim and was looking for work. I inhaled a deep breath at that news. Just a few more days, baby. Then you and I can be together. I traced the picture of us on a date. She looked breathtaking that day. The glow couldn't be missed from her face and she glowed for me. That does pleasurable things to me. Another day passed, Sheldon’s calls declined and I feared that she would give up on us and would stop calling altogether. Late in the evening, I buzzed my assistant, Marie in. “Can I help you sir?” She stood in her silver executive suit and ipad in her hand and the microphone in her ear. “I want you to answer this call with your fakest voice possible.” I handed her my iPhone. She removed her microphone and took the phone from my hand. “Why, Mr. Rawls ?” I arched my brow at her question. I never liked being questioned by my employs. “Um.. sorry, but what am I supposed to say?” “Just ask her who she is and tell her you're my girlfriend.” Her eyes widened, but she kept her mouth shut. “And remember, your fakest voice.” Just like that, I knew I had Sheldon Monroe in my hold. I watched the exchange between her her and Marie and I must say, extra points for not breaking down. “Thanks for your help.” She placed my phone on my desk and went back to her work. Now I just had to wait for her to take action. Well, I did not anticipate she would show up at my office. It did took me by surprise when Marie informed me someone was here to interview me and claimed to be from Forbes magazine which I recalled was already done in Australia. So, naturally I checked my security camera and saw my sweet little Shelly was here- to confront me? No. To fall right into my trap? Yes. I inwardly laughed at her stupid attempt to use as an excuse to well, see me. I instructed Marie to send her right to me and for everyone to play their parts well. It was amusing to watch a meek little girl to gather so much courage and finally come face to face with the devil. It was basically like she was handing herself for me to feat on a gold platter. Naive. In midst of watching the feed, Tatjana entered my office. “Caleb, I've finally tracked down the person who has the original The fresco of Theseus, Pompeii. He claims to have this painting since centuries in his family and he's willing to sell it.” Little distracted, I still managed to answer her. “Well done-” My gaze caught the screen when one of my employ was getting over-friendly with Shelly. “Er…. I'll get back to you.” “Are you seriously watching p**n,” she chuckled. “Let me get a preview of it as well.” Not wanting her to see the feed, I diminished the tab. “Hey,” she said, annoyed. “Let me see.” She leaned down and was about open up the feed when someone knocked. Sheldon is here. Tatjana was being adamant and told Shelly to wait, she didn't knew she was behind the door and if she knew then maybe I would get to witness a cat fight. That's kinda arousing. I went along with Tatjana and wanted to see whether Shelly could wait and she couldn't. Oh, my. You're making it fun. Alright time to play my role. “Shelly,” I said with seriousness. I removed my glasses and took in her appearance. Oh, poor Shelly is wet….. for me. Ironic. “What are you doing here?” She noticed how close Tatjana and I were and that just made her more jealous. She demanded to speak to me alone and I had to dismiss Tatjana. I did not miss how Shelly was being eyed by her. Once, we were alone Shelly busted up like a volcano. I did not hear a single word just concentrated on her. She could be such a wildcat sometimes. I loved how she went from being angry to sad in a second. Hormones. She constantly bugged me to answer why I was ignoring her. “I wanted to teach you a lesson.” It was half truth. I did wanted to teach her a lesson and on top of it I wanted her to miss me. Terribly. I wanted torture continuously, but when she uttered ‘I'm sorry’ I melted. Oh, baby. I really do love you. I knew it would work and just to have complete control over her, I took her face in my hands and whispered the things she wanted to hear. With girls like Sheldon, they just wanted to be loved and swept off their feet and that's exactly what did. I really did loved her. I felt the need to control her, own her. I was extremely possessive about her and she had occupied my mind completely. Her precious eyes worshipped me, she blushed whenever I was around, her mouth only ever took me in and so will she. “I love you,” she hugged me tightly. “I want you in every way.” That's exactly what I wanted to hear and now I will just consume her. Oh, baby.
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