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" You shouldn't have done that"Ashley cried out " That was so rude of you"... I kept walking not listening to what she was saying. We were already given our uniforms and it is good to say it's nothing like the one given to us at the west pack. Everything about this place is just different, unlike all the rumors. What was remaining now is to see the King himself? He was still on a journey and is yet to be pack and it's kind of weird to say I just can't wait to finally meet him. " I'm talking to you Melissa" Ashley brought me out of my thought" what is it again?" " I was talking to you and you went mute. You're becoming annoying " She glared at me I couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter " I think I should be the one saying that and not you. You, my friend, are beginning to avoid me and worst on our second day here and I understand. It's fine actually " " Don't try to emotionally trick me. I'm not avoiding you" "Then why did you pretend as if you didn't see what happened when I got into the kitchen?" " That's because the same also happened to me too. I see no reason why I should be your lifesaver. It's your problem then you fight it yourself and don't be a cry baby " She told me without an ounce of sympathy... I didn't let her words affect me. I now wonder whether I have been a fool all this while to always stand for her when she was in trouble. I thought we have this sisterly bond but I think my guess was wrong after all. " Okay," I said and made my way to the crowd where we were told to be upon the arrival of the Alpha. I tried as much as possible not to let the tears fall, I just can't help it. I've loved Ashley since from day one as a sister and I won't stop to see to it that I was there for her in trouble but this was the final blow. She was now beginning to show her true color. " Line up!" The beta snapped at us. I was behind a lady around my age who was definitely from another pack. She mistakenly stepped on my foot and it hurts like b***h. " I'm so sorry" she turned around to apologized after she realized what she did. She has beautiful blue eyes and was a blonde. It was hard to stay mad at her so I just waved it off and pretend as if I wasn't hurt " it's nothing". She smiled " You don't need to pretend as if it didn't hurt because I know it does. I felt it too. I'm deeply sorry" She kinda seems nice but I'm not looking for a friend right now " You are right actually. It does hurt a lot but don't you worry I'm a big girl after all" She cracked up at my joke " I'm Lena by the way and from the East pack" My heart made a thud after hearing that name ' East pack'.I stared at her outstretched hand. This can't be happening right now. That pack sounds so familiar. ". I don't bite," She said, bringing me out of my thought. I rolled my eyes playfully acting as if I wasn't affected " I'm Melissa from West pack" I shook her hand. " Nice to meet you, Melissa " " Same here" " The king is here" **** I was behind a very tall lady who made it impossible for me to see the king. Lena was behind me. I groaned in annoyance as the lady in front of me left no space for me to see. I gave up trying then decided to just listen to whatever he wants to say . " Why is she so tall?" Lena questioned in annoyance." Does she know that we also want to see him too?" I snorted " She knows of course. Allow her, don't worry this isn't the only time we can see him. We still have weeks to spend here" She gave me a look" I don't think I can last here till the end. I have a mate waiting for me at home" My mouth formed an 'o' shape " How will you go about it? I thought only unmated wolves are selected then why were you selected?"... She rubbed the bridge of her nose" We fought so I decided to frustrate him by coming here and now I'm regretting it " " That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard!" She shrugged not finding what I said that offensive " I know I went too far and I'm regretting it right now" her hand went to the mark around her neck " I wish he is here right now". I let out a sigh wondering how she must be feeling right now. Staying away from a mate for so long always brings this yearning and the worst is if the female wolf is having her heat. Heats come constantly if the two wolves haven't mated yet. They should do the mating process on time to avoid the female wolf from suffering. " Lucky you. You've found your mate " I couldn't help but say. She gave me a skeptical look " you haven't found yours?" I sighed " I don't think I'm ever going to find him. It's as if I'm destined to be single forever ". Ashley held my hand " Don't say that. You will find him sooner " I rolled my eyes " I don't think so and please not here in this pack" " Always have hope. You don't know what might happen" " I'm tired of having hope," I said already given up. Ashley looked at me in pity " I wish I have the solution to your problems but I don't" I was amazed at how kind she was. She only knew me for like how many minutes and She's this way to me?! Who does that? " Why are you being nice to me?" Lena smiled and put her hand on my shoulder like a sister talking to her blood " There is something about you Ashley but I really can't point out what it is. I felt a pull towards you and it's more like a sisterly pull". " Really?!" I said stupidly " Erm.... I guess thanks"... Lena giggled " You're funny"... " Well isn't that a good thing?" I c**k a brow asking. " Yes actually. We are going to be best of friends trust me." Wow! She's already wishing for some friendship between us. That won't be a bad thing, right? " Yes of course " " Thank God" she released a breath, " I thought I'd be denied " " I'm not that heartless" I joked and she cracked up. " Yeah you aren't" " I sho......." I got cut off by the crowd. " WELCOME ALPHA!"
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