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"Why though?" asked granny Joanne as if reading my mind. " This is so sudden. That pack has never participated in anything organized in our pack. Then suddenly their alpha came to plead with King Alpha to give them a chance. Why though? There must be a motive" the lady whispered and my heart made a thud sound. I was gasping for air, this isn't how I pictured my first day here. I can't believe we are being suspected. I was about to leave when her next question made me freeze. "what is it about that girl, the one with the necklace? I saw how interested you were with the necklace " Granny Joanne cleared her throat " it's nothing really" " please tell me granny" the lady pleaded. There was a pause " Something is off about the necklace. I don't know what exactly and the worst is I couldn't get a sniff of her scent and the Alpha won't be too happy about that. You know how he always wants me to give him feedbacks about things like this most especially if it's from the Maid section" This is getting too much to handle. I don't know if I can survive this place with all this right now. I was about to head back to my room when I mistaking hits my hand on the door, right there I knew I was in trouble. " Who is there!" I made sure I used my werewolf speed to run back to the room. I didn't even have the time to check whether they saw me or not. I was breathing heavily when I got in, almost scaring Ashley in the process. " What happened to you?" She was on my side instantly. She checked if I was hurt but saw known " I think I saw a spider" I lied. That was the first thing I could come up with. " you're kidding right?" She c****d a brow folding her arms " When did you start having phobia for spiders?" I opened my mouth to say something but words refuses to come " I...i...i She sighed " You can't be serious " " I'm sorry for scaring you. It's just that I've never seen this kind of spider before. It has horns" I know I should slap myself right now. My lies sound stupid. Ashley went back to seat on her well-laid bed " I can't believe you came back with nothing and here I am waiting thinking you'll bring something for us to eat" " I'm sorry" I let out and went to join her on her bed. Ashley rolled her eyes at me. " Please " I did my puppy eyes looks. She frowned not wanting to fall for my tricks but knowing Ashley fully well, She broke into laughter " I should be mad at you right now " I smiled " You know you can't stay mad forever" She hummed in agreement " So what now?" I slumped my shoulders " I don't know " I can't risk going back to that place again. I fear what might happen. " I'm really hungry" her stomach growled out. I caused this, if I had gone straight to the kitchen we wouldn't be sleeping in an empty stomach. I got up from her bed and went to mine. I laid my bed and entered it. " Let's sleep it off. We'll get something to eat tomorrow. Tomorrow is another beautiful day " I became drowsy and sleep took over before I knew it and I welcomed it wholeheartedly. ***** I yawned as I woke up to the sound of drums. I wonder what was going on outside. Why were they drumming? I got up from bed rubbing my sleepy eyes. I stared around the room only to see it empty. Where could Ashley be? I decided not to think too much about it so I decided to get up and head to the restroom to do the needful. I was out a few minutes later. I dried my body with the towel and picked up a pair of jeans trousers with a small shirt to go with them. I'm very sure our uniform would be given to us today. I stormed out of the room in search of Ashley. I heard chattering coming from a different direction not the same as the one I followed yesterday in the night. I decided to follow it and couldn't help but feel proud of myself to have found the kitchen after all. It was so big that I was beginning to wonder if this was the maid section! The Alpha must care for his people to have made him done such a nice thing as this. All attention turned to me as I got inside. I stood awkward not knowing what to say or do. Most of my pack members were already getting acquainted with the werewolves here. " Hi" I waved awkwardly. Some replied my greetings while some rolled their eyes and I had to gulp at that. Does that answer were my pack members while those that didn't we're of course the werewolves here? I rubbed my neck awkwardly searching for Ashley and of course, the said lady was over there discussing with her found new friend. I felt a twitch in my chest. It's not like I'm not happy she was already having a new friend. The thing is I'm sure she heard my awkward greeting and the least could do was to help me out but instead she even acted as if she didn't hear. I caught granny Joanne staring at me then looked elsewhere when she saw that I caught her. My mind went back to yesterday's night and my heart became chaotic once more. I took a deep breath and acted as if she doesn't affect me one bit. I finally found where the food was kept and we are to serve ourselves. Picking up a plate is not the problem, the problem is I have to pass through granny Joanne before I can get the food. I need to collect a pass from her first. I pushed myself forward as I made my way to her. " Good morning granny" I greeted. She beamed at me as if happy to see me " Morning dear by the way sorry about what happened earlier" I was confused " What happened?" She smiled " How the pack members were rude to you. I know it was just a harmless greeting " I waved it off " I do understand where they were coming from. I'll do the same if I were in their shoes" " Alright then " she handed me the ticket and I waste no time collecting it. " Thanks" " Don't mention, serve yourself" I nodded and did as I was told. I made my way to where Ashley was sitting with her now found a new friend. I still can't believe she neglected me like that. When I got to the table, I pounced my food on the table scaring them in the process. " Oh Melissa," Ashley said as she realized I was the intruder I rolled my eyes " Some friend you are" She let out a sigh " What did I do again?" I shrugged " Never mind though" I didn't want to lose my appetite by arguing with her so I decided to end it there while I enjoyed my delicious meal. Since they were all rude, I didn't care to say hello to Ashley's new friend and she didn't say anything to me either so let's keep it at that. "Some hello would have been nice," someone said so I raised my head only to see that it was Ashley's new friend. I would have snorted if I wasn't eating right now " Really?" She folded her arms as if challenging me " Yeah" Ashley knew I don't take s**t so she knew better to control her friend. Thank goodness she was able to control her and I just rolled my eyes.
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