447 Words
AUTHOR Thunder echoed inside the whole of this gigantic yet magnification castle. The sky above the castle was dark and stormy, a foreboding sign that indicated towards a "once-in-a-century" happening that was about to happen. A flash of lightening occassionally illuminated the outside of castle. The strong winds were enough to create havoc inside the caste. Christopher and Julia gulped down with the emerging fear inside them. If not for Leon, then their long-term plan would have succeeded by now. They waited in unconscious Bella's vicinity, knowing that Leon may arrive there any moment. As expected, Leon opened the door of the room with a thud, not caring about Bella's declining health. Not that he didn't care about her, he cared for her more than anything else in this world right now, but the several emotions of worry, betrayal, and anger in him were now converted into one single and intensified emotion ... hunger! He wanted to kill, he wanted to rip apart any person who would come in his way to rescue Bella. He saw blood everywhere. And the two people responsible for Bella's this state were right in front of him... Christopher and Julia! Ever since he had come to this castle, he had never killed anyone, or fed on human blood. But the anger and hunger inside him were making it impossible for him to not kill this old human couple in front of him, who looked petrified. His razor-sharp teeth were ready to rip them apart one by one as he targeted Christopher's neck. "W-we know about the Ancient prophecy, that could save Bella!" Christopher spoke hurriedly, before he could get killed by the wrathful vampire in front of him. "What Ancient prophecy?" Leon growled. Julia spoke up in reply, "P-please spare...spare us, or else... y-you will lose her forever!" Leon took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and tried to normalise himself. He had to be in his normal and calm form, to understand the "Ancient prophecy", if there is any! "Tell me what is it?" He growled yet again. "It is written in the antiquarian book!" Christopher informed. "Bring that to me!" Leon said in a calmer tone, still trying to get back to his normal state. He had never thought that he would be fighting to save the person, whose death had meant the most to him, ever since he had become a vampire. . . . . . . . . . . . Hello readers! All the readers are warmly welcomed, and new readers are greeted whole-heartedly. I hope this story won't disappoint you. Stay tuned to flip through the pages of this interesting story about vampires. XOXO
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