
1649 Words
Olivia It's been a week. A whole week since Alex's wedding and my encounter with Logan. I thought I would be able to forget the night, but the heartache Alex put me through drove me to the extent of sleeping with a total stranger. I always hit myself when I recall how I offered myself to the stranger. And to be honest, when he came to the animal clinic, I was much convinced I made a mistake. I didn't act all friendly to him on purpose. We have nothing to get along about. It might be normal to him, but the embarrassment is still nagging me at the pit of my stomach. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. His touch, his kisses, the way he made me feel. But I won't be carried away by the way he gave me pleasure. People like him look like the type who doesn't have regard for relationships and only cares about their own pleasure. I was lost in my thoughts when the door to the clinic was pushed open. I quickly got up from the chair only for my eyes to land on Logan. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a solemn expression on his face. "Hi Olivia," he said, his voice laced with excitement . "I'm here with Bob again?" "Bob?" I found myself repeating my brows creasing. "Bob my dog" he said marching forward with a smile. That was when I notice the dog appearing behind him. What the hell Olivia. "Right Bob. What is wrong with him this time?" I crouched down to the dog level. "He has a high temperature" I said looking up to Logan. "Where should I keep this?" He gestured to the bouquet of flowers. I stretched out my hand and took the flowers. "Thank you" I placed it on my desk before focusing on the work at hand. "He's been like that for three days now" "Three days? And you didn't bring him" my contact number was written on the card I gave him. Unless he chose not to call and decided to show up today. "I'm sorry, I've been busy with work," Logan said, his eyes filled with remorse. "But I knew I had to bring him in today." I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Logan seemed genuinely concerned about his pet, and here I was judging him based on one night of passion. "It's okay," I said, trying to be more understanding. "Let me take a look at Bob and see what's wrong." I carefully examined Bob, checking his temperature and heartbeat. "It looks like he has a fever. I'll prescribe some medication for him, and he should be back to normal in a few days." "Thank you, Olivia," Logan said, relief evident in his voice. "I really appreciate your help." I nodded, still feeling awkward around him. As he paid for Bob's treatment, I couldn't help but think about the night we had together. Despite my initial reservations, there was no denying the intense chemistry between us. But I knew I couldn't let my guard down again. Not after what happened with Alex. "Take care of Bob, okay?" I said, handing over the medication. "I will," Logan said, giving me a small smile before walking out of the clinic with his dog. As I watched him leave, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if we ever crossed paths again. "Stop being paranoid Olivia. Just because he came with his dog again doesn't mean you two will cross path again" I muffled out. I didn't get to watch him drive away when Lisa walked in. "Isn't that the dog owner from last time?" She asked pointing outside. "Yeah. The dog is still suffering from fever. But I've given him the medication that will cure it completely. Check on Mr. Cameron Dog" Lisa nodded and walked away. As I closed the clinic for the day, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. It had been a long day, and I was looking forward to going back home and sorting myself out. As I walked towards my car, my thoughts began to wander off to Logan. There was something about him that drew me in, something about his presence that exuded power and confidence. It was strange because we had only met twice, but for some reason, I couldn't shake off the feeling that he was someone important. As I sat on my couch , I couldn't resist the urge to search for his name on the internet. What I found shocked me to the core. Logan Nero is the CEO of one of the largest tech companies in the world. No wonder he had such an air of authority around him. I read through more information. My eyes lingered on the screen for while. He's engaged. I couldn't help but zoom through the picture taken with his fiancée. She has a model like body. So upon all this, he went ahead and accepted my offer. What did that make me then? I felt a bit foolish for offering myself to someone who was already engaged. I felt like I had made a mistake and I wonder what Logan thought of me now. Did he think I was just an easy woman? I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I shouldn't dwell on this anymore. I needed to move on and forget about Logan. He was just a customer who happened to bring his dog to my clinic. I sighed and stood up, deciding to distract myself with some work. The next few days went by in a blur of work and routine. I tried to keep myself occupied, but Logan's face kept creeping into my thoughts. It was a Friday evening, and I had just finished up for the day. I was about to leave the clinic when my phone rang. It was an unknown number, but something made me answer it. "Hello?" I said hesitantly. "Hi Olivia, it's Logan," the voice on the other end said. My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice. "Oh, hi," I replied, trying to sound casual. "I was wondering if you'd like to grab a drink with me tonight? Just to say thank you for taking care of Bob," he said. I hesitated for a moment. I knew I shouldn't go, but my curiosity got the better of me. "Sure, why not?" I said, surprising myself. "Great, I'll pick you up at 7," he said before hanging up. I stood there for a moment, wondering what I had just gotten myself into. I decided to call Jamie to come help me with the dressing. It's not like it's something special but I felt like I should look my best. He should not see me as an easy woman. I will have to tell him he should not contact me again too. We're too different people. He's engaged and I'm nursing my broken heart. My main focus is on building my life. By the time Jamie arrived, she bombarded me with questions. "I thought you guys are over it already? Why the meeting again?" She said dropping her bag on the couch and focused on me. "I know right. I agreed to the dinner because I want to tell him not to contact me again. Do you know this man is the CEO of the largest tech company in this city. And he's engaged" I emphasised on the last part. I can't believe I acted stupid that night. "You're joking right?" "I'm not. Search his name Logan Nero" Jamie went silent for a while. "I will do that later. For now let's focus on you. You should start getting ready" Jamie helped me with the dressing. I went for a black, knee-length dress that made me feel confident and empowered. All of a sudden I began feeling somehow. At first I discarded it but as we went on with the makeup, I couldn't help but bite my bottom lip. Jamie noticed my mood. "Are you okay?" She asked concern laced on her face. "I don't know. I'm feeling somehow. As if I'm going to throw up" I muffled out placing my palm on my chest. "What did you eat?" "I ate sandwich for lunch. It's shouldn't make me feel this way" "Let me get you a glass of water" And she rushed out. I waited for her to arrive as I tried to calm the bile in my throat. I rushed to the bathroom when it got worst. I threw up completely. "Liv!" Jamie rushed up to me patting my back gently. "I think we should go to the hospital" she said worriedly. I lifted my face to her. I didn't want to jump to conclusions yet but my mind was telling me something is going wrong. "Can you get me the pregnancy test instrument from my nightstand drawer" Jamie's eyes widened. "What for?" "I just want to make sure," I replied, my voice shaky. Jamie nodded and hurried off to get the instrument. I took the test and waited for what felt like forever. When the timer went off, I picked up the instrument to read the results. Positive. My heart skipped a beat as I stared at the little screen in disbelief. I was pregnant. How was this even possible? I hadn't been with anyone since Alex. Only..... I suddenly realized that the nausea I had been feeling wasn't because of the sandwich. It was morning sickness. Tears streamed down my face as Jamie came back into the room. "Liv, what's going on? What did the test say?" I held up the instrument, tears falling down my cheeks. Jamie's eyes widened in shock. We both knew that this was going to change everything.
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