Chapter 4

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Year 4 1994 //Feelings of Betrayal and Hurt and The The First Task// Transfiguration dragged on and on with Professor McGonagall explaining the importance of the subject to application of understanding the development of spells. Robyn was sat with the text book open before her and her quill in hand. She glanced at Harry where he was sat on the table beside her – alone. He had a blank expression as he stared down at the table, she could see sadness written in his eyes. Robyn tried to catch his eye and smiled in an attempt to cheer him up but he didn’t look at her. She decided it would be best to talk to him after class. Robyn lifted her gaze and looked around the room then locked eyes with Ron, who was sat beside Seamus, and stared at him blankly then looked toward Hermione who was beside her, she smiled up at her. Robyn smiled back and went back to writing, with the intent of talking to her brother after the lesson ended. “…Well finish this lesson tomorrow.” Professor McGonagall said twenty minutes later, “Off to your next class.” The whole class stood and started to make their way out the class. Robyn pushed everything into her bag and followed her brother out the class, “Harry, hay.” She greeted but he didn’t look back and walked out the class. Robyn guess he didn’t hear her and she ran out and jogged after him, “Harry! Hay, come here!” But he didn’t hear and continued down the corridor, “Harry!?” She called but he didn’t look back. He definatly had to have heard her – the people around him look back at her but he did not. A small frown form on her face and she stopped in the corridor as she watched her brother disappear around a corner. Sadly, this became a trend for Harry and Robyn. *** Robyn sat down in the Gryffindor common room dressed in her pyjamas with a book open on her lap the following week. She still hadn’t spoken to Harry much, it almost seemed like he was avoiding her. The Potter girl ran her eyes over the words in her book with her bottom lip between her teeth. It was nearly one o’clock in the morning so she was surprised when she heard footsteps coming from behind her. Robyn stood quickly after closing the book and turned to see her brother at the bottom of the dormitory stair case, she raised an eyebrow at him but he spoke first, “What are you doing here?” Harry asked bitterly, “Reading.” Answered Robyn simply, “What are you doing down here?” “None your business.” Harry shot at her harshly and Robyn bit her lip as she whispered softly, hurt in her voice, “Why are you being like this?” “Oh, I don’t know.” Harry answered sarcastically, “I mean, it’s not like I have any right to be angry, is it? Of course, competing in a tournament with people more advanced then I am shouldn’t make me angry at all. Or that fact that my best friend thinks that I put the name in the goblet myself and is currently ignoring me, why should that matter to me? And finally, why the hell should I be angry at the fact that half the school hates me?!” Harry huffed as he finished whilst Robyn narrowed her eyes at him before she shook her head a little, “And ignoring your sister would help with that would it?” Robyn muttered as she picked up her books, “You aren’t the only one who’s being getting a lot of hassle recently, Harry.” She brushed past him and headed up to her dormitory without glancing back. *** During one lunch, a few days post her and Harry’s encounter in the Gryffindor common room, Robyn was sat talking to Hermione with a lonely expression on her face, “I just don’t understand it, Hermione.” Robyn had said, poking around at her plate of food glumly, “I’m his sister. His twin sister. Why isn’t he talking to me? I know he didn’t put his name in the goblet, he would have told me.” Hermione looked at her friend pitifully Hermione looked at her friend pitifully, “It’s just stressful for him at the moment, Robyn. I don’t think he completely understands what’s going on himself.” Robyn nodded, “I just wish he’d talk to me.” Robyn replied quietly. Just then an owl landed beside her, not one she recognised, she looked at Hermione who shrugged and ate a mouthful of eggs. Robyn carefully took the letter from the bird’s beak and handed it half a piece of toast before the owl flew away. The writing on the letter was easily recognizable, it was Sirius Black; Robyn and Harry’s godfather. Robyn quickly op ened it and read: ‘Dear Robyn, I can’t say too much in my letters to you and your brother as the ministry had begun intercepting owls ever since the attack at the World Cup. We’ll also have to stop using Oswald or Hedwig too, so use one of the school owls. Why didn’t you come with Harry to talk to me on the 22nd of November? Harry told me that you didn’t want to speak to me and that you’d been ignoring him, why? You of all people should know he didn’t put his name in the goblet. Talk to your brother, Robyn. He need’s you at the moment. Be on the watch for my next owl, Sirius.’ Robyn’s jaw clenched as she read them. She gripped the paper in her fists tightly and stared at the words on the paper. Suddenly, she stood up and stormed out the hall leaving all her things behind, except for the letter, and headed out the hall. “Robyn?” She heard Hermione call but Robyn ignored her as she walked out into the corridor. Her footsteps echoed around the corridor as she made her way to the exit of the school, with Hermione and Ron chasing after her. Robyn stopped at the exit of the school and looked around before her pale blue eyes landed on Harry, who was stood by the black lake, and her eyes narrowed dangerously and she broke out into a fast stride as she walked toward her brother. Once Robyn was ten meters away from him, Harry turned and froze at the sight of her and Ron and Hermione chasing far behind her. Robyn stopped in front of him and slammed the letter into his chest where he caught it and looked at her confused, “What the hell, Harry?” She snarled motioning to the parchment, “Go on, read it!” she watched Harry un-crumble it and his eyes run along the page then, once he reached the end, his throat work nervously. Robyn glared at him, “Why didn’t you tell me that you were meeting Sirius? I was right there that night Harry, you didn’t tell me anything.” Hermione and Ron slowed to a stop a little behind Robyn and her brother to see what was going on. “And now you’ve been telling Sirius that I’ve been ignoring you? That I think you put your name into the tournament? You know I don’t. Or, at least, you would if you spoke to me.” Robyn watched her brother’s mouth open and close, not knowing what to say. The Potter girl rolled her eyes and shook her head, “Stay the hell away from me, Harry.” She spun around and walked toward her friends who looked at her sorrowfully and reached to touched her shoulder, Robyn shrugged their hands off, “Leave me alone.” She stormed back into the castle feeling hurt and betrayed. *** A few days later, Robyn was sat in the courtyard with a book open on her lap as she ignored the people around her. She turned a page in her book and jotted down her notes on a parchment that rested on the open page. “Dragons.” She looked upward at the sound of her brothers voice. He was stood before her with his school bag over his shoulder but she stared up at him blankly, “Dragons. That’s the first task.” Robyn nodded in understanding and returned to reading her book but Harry wasn’t finished, “Robyn, did you hear what I just said? I’m facing a dragon.” Robyn rolled her eyes and stood, packing her way her things, “Robyn? Are you even listening to me?” She slung her back over her shoulder and moved past him, “Hay!” He grabbed her arm and turned her to face him, “Will you listen to me? I’m facing – “ “Dragons.” Robyn stated bluntly, shrugging off his hand, “I know. Hagrid told me a few days ago.” “And you didn’t think to tell me?” Harry exclaimed exasperatedly, “Why should I?” she asked with a shrug, “I mean, after all, I am ignoring you.” She sent him a sarcastic smile, Harry groaned in annoyance, “You’re still annoyed about that?” Harry questioned and Robyn glared at him, “You told a lie to our godfather that made me seem like the bad guy” She hissed, “Now, leave me alone.” She shot him a glare and walked toward the covered area around the yard, “Robyn!” Harry called after her, “Robyn! I’m sorry alright!” Robyn didn’t turn back but continued to walk, “Stop! I’m sorry! Robyn!” Harry’s voice faded as she walked away. *** A week later and it was the first task – which meant Harry would need to face Dragons, alone with the other champions. Robyn stood in the stands, applauded loudly as Fleur limped off to the medical tent, clutching the large golden egg in her arms. Robyn stood between Hermione and Neville with her bottom lip between her teeth and her finger’s fumbling nervously, her brother was to come out next and she had no idea what Harry had planned, “Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each of them will processed to the next task.” Professor Dumbledore announced, “And now our four and final contestant!” Robyn watched painfully as her brother slowly made his way out from the small cave, his eyes looked around before they locked with hers and she smiled weakly and raised her thumbs to him encouragingly. She saw a look of relaxation form on his face then he looked around at the stands. Everywhere Harry’s name was chanted and people waved large banner’s supporting Harry, Gryffindor and Hogwarts. The crowd quietened as Harry’s eyes landed on the golden egg and he walked forward, his eyes fixed on the egg but then the end of the Horntail’s tail slammed right next to him. Robyn shrieked and jumped backward as Harry was forced backward and he tumbled down the rocks as the Horntail turned to look at him. The dragon roared and a large jet of flames fired at the place were Harry would have been had he not dived out the way and scrambled up the side of a rock, “Watch out!” Robyn screamed as the dragon hovered over her brother and slammed his tail down inches away from Harry’s face, sending him down the rock face before the tail slammed into his back sending him flying into the air before smashing into the rocky ground. The Horntail stood over the golden egg, and its own, and roared loudly at Harry. Roby watched her brother scramble behind a rock face just as a jet of flames fired from the monsters mouth, “Your wand Harry!” Hermione yelled from beside her, “Your wand!” Harry looked up at his Hermione, Robyn and Ron who were all looking at him fearfully, “Accio Firebolt!” Harry chanted and waved his wand just as the Horntail flew over him and landed on the rock wall opposite him before clambering down and opening her mouth. A loud swooshing sound caused Robyn to look up and see Harry’s broomstick flying toward the stands. The Firebolt was a present from Sirius at the end of their last year after Harry’s nimbus two thousand was destroyed by the Whomping Willow. The Potter girl’s attention was snapped back to her brother as the dragon fired flames right at the rock he was hiding behind, she held her breath as the flames continued them breathed in relief as the flames stopped and Harry was able to jump out from behind the rock and leap into the air and landing on his broom. Robyn clapped loudly with a large grin on her face as Harry swerved around the rocks toward the egg, but missed it as flames blocked his path. Harry flew into the air and the dragon attempted to follow him but was stopped by the chain that tied it to the ground, Robyn gulped and her mouth opened slightly as the Horntail yanked against the chain before pulling the chain from the ground. The dragon was now free. Robyn’s hands clamped over her mouth as the creature soared after Harry, who flew over the teacher’s stand and out the stadium with the Horntail following closely behind him. The heart in Robyn’s chest thumped heavily. She watched, stricken with horror, as her brother flew far away from the stadium with the Horntail following closely behind him until he was out of sight. Robyn looked at Hermione with wide eyes, “He’ll be okay, Robyn” Hermione assured her, but Robyn could tell that she didn’t believe it either. Ron rolled his eyes at the two girls as he commented, “He’s been in worse situations.” Robyn looked at him with large eyes, “Worse situations?!” She repeated incredulously, “He’s facing a dragon, Ron!” “I was just trying to help.” He muttered helplessly with a small shrug. Robyn bit her lower lip nervously just as a loud deafening roar rang around the Hogwarts grounds and everyone’s eyes turned to the source of the sound as silence then fell. Robyn crossed her fingers and muttered, looking out at the sky and whispered to herself, “Come on, Harry. Come on.” Then, a small black dot flew toward them, leaving a smoke trail behind them, Robyn squinted and gasped in happiness. It was Harry. She, Hermione, Ron and the rest of the stands leaped into the air and cheered and clapped madly and she screamed happily, “Yes! Go Harry! Wooh!” He flew down toward the golden egg and pick it up, then flew into high into the air, raising it above his head in triumph. *** The celebrations in the Gryffindor Common room were immense a few hours later. Harry was in the centre of it with the large golden egg in his out stretched hand. Robyn stood to the side of the room, leaning on the dormitory staircase with her arms folded. It was that she wasn’t happy for him, but the fact that he said yet to properly said sorry to her. She watched as Harry was lifted onto the Weasley twin’s shoulders and the egg was handed around the crowd, “Yes, Harry!” Fred and George shouted happily, “We knew you wouldn’t die Harry!” George commented, “Lose a leg.” “Or an arm.” “Pack it in altogether.” “Never!” the ginger twins shouted in unison, “Shut up!” Seamus shouted taking the egg from a crowd member and kissing it before handing up to Harry, “Go on, Harry. What’s the clue?” Harry took it and looked around the Gryffindor as he asked teasingly, “Who wants me to open it?” “Yes!” “Hurry up!” “Open it!” “You want me to open it?!” Harry laughed and the crowd replied again with the same yells and screams. Harry held out the egg and twisted the small top and the egg opened. An ear splitting scream rang around the room from the egg and Robyn clapped her hands over her ears with her face contorting in pain, everyone else in the room was doing the same and the twins had dropped Harry onto his feet to protect their own ears, “Close it!” Robyn shouted painfully and Harry glanced at her in the corner of the room and quickly shut it, cutting off the scream. Robyn looked up to see Harry staring at her as she removed her hands from her ears. Harry felt the loneliness of not having a proper conversation with sister was taking a toll on him. Their eye contact was broken by a very familiar and harsh voice, “What the bloody hell was that?” A deafening silence hung in the air and Robyn looked over the crowd to see Ron Weasley standing by the entrance to the Common room with an angry expression on his face, “Alright everyone, go back to your knitting.” Fred ordered quickly, “Urm…this is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening in.” Robyn watched as Ron approached Harry was a guilty expression on his pale face. She looked down just as Hermione stood in front of her, “You should talk to him, you know.” she said, “You can’t avoiding him forever.” “I’m not avoiding him.” Robyn said defensively, looking up at her, “I’m just waiting for him to apologies to me.” Hermione rolled her eyes and Robyn sighed softly, “It hurts me too, Hermione. He is my twin after all” Hermione nodded sympathetically at her, just then a someone made themselves known by coughing. She looked to her left and saw her brother standing, looking between the two girls, “Urm…Robyn I was wondering if I could speak to you? Alone.” Harry muttered quietly, she nodded and Harry pulled her over to a corner, away from the crowd. Robyn stopped against the wall, with her arms folded whilst Harry stood nervously, “Yes?” she asked, “Robyn,” Harry looked down at the floor and let out a small sigh, then back up at her with a pleading expression, “I’m really sorry. I truly am. It just…When Ron left I thought that you’d left me too. I was scared, I still am. Everything was getting to me. The rumors, the comments and the looks I just thought that you were leaving me when I was the one pushing you away.” Robyn looked at him pitifully and he looked at her with sincerity, “I really am sorry, Robyn.” She sighed and looked at him with her pale blue eyes before embracing him in a tight hug, “I’d never leave you Harry. I’ll never leave you.” She promised with a small smile, “Ever.”
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