Chapter 3

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Year 4 1994 //Champion Selection, Friendship Hate and Interrupted Conversations// Robyn was sat on a bench in the Great Hall a few days later watching the student’s from Beauxatons, Durmstrang and Hogwarts place their name in the roaring blue flames of the Goblet of fire. She saw a few familiar Hogwarts students put their names into the fire and she smiled at them happily with the hope that one of the would win the cup. After around ten minutes of sitting and watched, Robyn felt eyes on her and lifted her gaze up to see a Durmstrang student with thin black hair, dark brown eyes and a thick muscular body staring at her, or, at least, around her. Robyn’s cheeks flushed light pink under his gaze as a smile formed on his face and allowed her eyes to dart around, there was no one up on her bench, and she looked down at her lap with warm cheeks. Loud cheers caused her into look up and see Fred and George Weasley bound into the Great Hall each of them carrying a small vile, Robyn rolled her eyes but a smile appeared on her lips as they high fived a group of students on the bench below her, “Thank you, thank you, well lads we’ve done it!” George cheered, causing a roar of wolf-whistles to come from the crowds, “Cooked it up just this morning.” Fred added boastfully, “It’s not going to work.” Hermione pointed out in a smug voice, with a small smirk on her face, “Oh yeah?” Inquired George as the pair knelt either side of Hermione and Robyn leaned forward as she listened, “And why is that, Granger?” asked Fred, “You see this?” Hermione pointed to the smoke-white ring around the goblet, “This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself.” “So?” shrugged George, “So a genius like Dumbledore couldn’t possibly be fooled by something pathetically dim-witted as an ageing potion.” Hermione exclaimed, exasperatedly, George replied, “That’s why its so brilliant.” “Because it’s so pathetically dim-witted” added Fred the two laughed and Robyn rolled her eyes and watched the Weasley twins stand on the bench in front of her and shake their viles, “Ready, Fred?” “Ready, George.” “Bottom’s up.” The hooked their arms around and swallowed the liquid before jumping into the circle, Robyn raised an eyebrow as nothing happened, “Yes!” The students around them clapped loudly and Robyn did too, amazed at the genius of their idea. Then, everyone went quiet as they dropped their names into the flames and, at first, nothing happened and the ginger twins cheered. Then, the flame began bigger and jets of blue fire flew from the goblet like fireworks. Robyn jumped in fright and gasped as the twins were pushed into the air by two balls of blue flame, she watched as the two twin’s sat up. However, instead of the Weasley’s signature bright red hair they had large untamed white hair and beards, Robyn let out a breathy laugh and hid her mouth behind her book as they began to fight. Robyn looked at the goblet again to see Krum and another Durmstrang boy, the one whom was staring at her previous, walked through the age line with, blank expressions and reach up to drop their names in the goblet. Silence had fallen over the crowd as they walked but clapped slowly as the flames hissed once the papers were dropped in. The Durmstang boy looked up at her and their eyes locked and he sent her a short nod after running his dark eyes over her, causing Robyn to blush slightly and the edge of her lip to twitch. She followed him with her eyes as he left with Krum. All the while, a pair of eyes watched her from the bench opposite. *** A few days later and it was a thursday night at dinner with students and teacher all seated in the Great Hall. Robyn was sat beside Seamus and Harry, with Hermione and Ron behind them. She fiddled with the ends of her black hair then stopped as Professor Dumbledore spoke, “Sit down, please.” Professor Dumbledore said calmly and everyone in the room took their seats and looked up at him, “And now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for; The Champion selections.” He moved his arm in a waving motion and the candles around the room dimmed to small flickers. Robyn watched with anticipation as Professor Dumbledore placed his hands shakily onto the large goblet before walking backward to the Durmstang students and the flames turned a red colour and a piece of paper burst from the flames just as they turned blue. Everyone watched Professor Dumbledore snatch small slip of paper and look at the name “The Durmstrang champion is…Viktor Krum!” The Durmstrang boys roared and cheered as Krum stood and walked down the steps to shake hands with Professor Dumbledore, who directed him to a door behind the teachers table. The flames turned red again and Dumbledore caught the paper and said, “The champion from Beauxbatons…is Fleur Delacour.” Robyn watched as a tall blond skinny girl walked over to Professor Dumbledore with her lips twitched into a smile as she shook his hand before walking to where Krum went. The third, and final, piece of paper flew from the flames and Robyn leaned forward crossing her fingers “The Hogwart’s champion…Cedric Diggory!” The Hufflepuff’s clapped wildly, along with the rest of Hogwarts. Robyn smiled as the handsome boy walked up to his headmaster and shook his hand before exiting, “Excellent! We now have out three champions! But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory…The Tri-wizard Cup!” He spun and pointed to Crouch who pulled off a cloth and Robyn gasped at the large and beautiful cup that was made of clear glass. Robyn clapped with a large smile on her face but it soon slipped off her face as the blue flames began to swirl wildly, she nudged Harry and motioned to the goblet with her head. The clapping stopped as Professor Dumbledore moved to the cup his expression one of shock, the flames became larger and red and a fourth slip of paper flew from the goblet. Robyn’s breath caught in her throat as the paper slipped down toward Dumbledore, who caught it and muttered something then looked up at the students with his mouth slightly open in shock. She frowned then he repeated it, “Harry Potter.” Robyn’s eyes widened and she froze before looking at her brother, who looked petrified. The murmers and looks in their direction caused Robyn’s cheeks to heat up and her heart to hammer in her chest, lowering her gaze to the table as Dumbledore’s words rang in her ears, “Harry Potter!” Bellowed Dumbledore door and Robyn flinched, shifting her gaze to her brother, “Go on Harry.” Hermione muttered giving him a shove but he didn’t move, “Harry for goodness sake.” aAd she shoved him from his seat. Robyn watched her brother walk shakily up and along the table, she felt hundreds of eyes staring at her even though she was still sitting down. The Potter girl watched as her brother walked to Dumbledore who handed him the, still smoking, piece of paper. Muttering’s ran around the crowd as Harry walked toward the back door followed by shouting, “He’s a cheat!” “He’s not even seventeen yet!” Abuse calls rang around in the crowd whilst Robyn watched her brother walk through the crowd of teachers and toward the backroom in fear in her eyes. Robyn felt her throat work tightly has all eyes turned to her, she looked around at the people opposite her to see them either glaring or just staring, “Dismissed.” Professor Dumbledore muttered, “Dismissed!” He shouted loudly and the students around her began to get up and Robyn just stared at the door where Harry had left. “Come on.” Hermione whispered and grabbed the back of her robes and haled her up began dragging her through the crowd, who either ignored her or sent her glares. Robyn felt very self-conscious will all the eyes on her and hurriedly walked into step with her friend, her head down. Robyn walked into her dorm room and sat with her hands buried into her hair and her eyes wide. She was still trying to process what had happened in the Great Hall. Hermione walked in and closed the door behind herself and walked over to her friend, “I-I-I…” Robyn stammered, “He didn’t tell me he did it. But he didn’t! I know he didn’t! Hermione, did you see his face! He looked horrified. Harry didn’t do it! I know it! You need to believe me, ‘mione. Please. I – “ “Robyn.” Hermione cut across her and held her hands gently, removing them from her hair and clasping them in her own, “Breathe, please.” Robyn nodded a little and took a few deep breaths before Hermione continued, “I know your brother didn’t do anything. Anyone who could even fathom the idea of Harry doing it is a moron. Everything will be ok, I promise.” Robyn nodded a little then rested her head on Hermione’s shoulder, gazing into the fire with a more of a relaxed expression but still nervous inside. *** When Robyn had gone down to breakfast the morning after Champion Selections she had felt everyone’s eyes one her as she made her way to Hermione and Ron on the Gryffindor table. Ron was glaring at his plate whilst Hermione looked up at Robyn with a worried expression. She sat beside Hermione and took a piece of toast and nibbled on it, but, sensing a glare, she flicked her gaze up to Ron, who was glowing at her, “What?” she asked, “Upset that your name wasn’t chosen too, Robyn?” Ron spat and a frown formed on Robyn’s face at his sense of disgust on his face, “Your secret plan didn’t work.” “Ron.” Hissed Hermione, the Potter placed her toast down and looked at Ron, shocked, “You think Harry wanted this?” Robyn questioned mortified, “You think he wanted to be thrown into these deadly tasks? Why would he? And, from what your insinuating, me?” Ron shrugged, “More fame.” Was his response “I’m surprised you didn’t leap up when his name was called, Robyn, and volunteer to join him. You like being stupid and putting in dangerous situations, right?” Robyn’s jaw dropped at his words and she clenched her fists on her lap. They now had the Gryffindor table at their attention with a few other people noticing the fight, “Ron, stop it.” Hermione begged with a glance around at the looking people, “It’s always about you, isn’t? You and Harry.” Ron snarled as he got to his feet, “The boy and girl who lived. And who am I? Their stupid friend. Why don’t you bugger off and join your brother at his celebration party.” Robyn glared at him as she too rose to her feet with her eyes sharply locked onto his, “You think we wanted all this?” Robyn grilled angrily, the whole hall was now watching in anticipation, “You think we want all the attention? Well, do you?” Ron shrugged, “You don’t shy away from it. Your track record supports it too.” Ron commented, Robyn hit the table with her hands, her juice and plate trembling, “You are such a git.” Robyn insulted before she stormed out the Great Hall, all eyes watching her. *** Robyn Lily Potter soon found out there were two types of people in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Smart people and morons, as Hermione had put it. First, there were the smart students who believed her that Harry that he hadn’t put his name in the goblet and would smile pitifully at Harry if he past them – like Hermione; Second, the morons were ones that had insulted Harry and Robyn as they past, claiming Harry wanted the fame and the glory – which included Malfoy. Sadly, she experienced the latter more than the first one. This was the first time at Hogwart’s she’d ever felt out of place. Robyn might as well have been in the tournament will her brother from the amount of verbal abuse shouted at her as she walked down the hallways of the place she used to call home. A few days later, Robyn wasn’t seen at lunch as she was instead in the library hiding away from the stares and questions that would be pelted her way about Harry. Robyn scribbled down her essay for history of magic: Explain how the vampire revolt in the eighteenth century lead to the troll war in the nineteenth century. She just finished a paragraph when she heard a cough from above her. The Potter girl looked up and saw Durmstrang boy that had been staring at her when he placed his hand in the goblet standing beside her table, looking down at her. Robyn could now clearly see his defined jaw and slight stubble that bordered his jawline, “Hello.” He said his voice was deep and roughened, “My name is Chadek Makagonov." He introduced holding his hand out to her, Robyn shook it as she said, “Robyn Potter.” “Do you mind?” he asked motioned to the chair opposite her, and she shook her head, “No at all.” Chadek sat down and looked down at her paper and book, “What are you doing?” He questioned quietly, “Oh,” Robyn looked down at her work, “I’m studying. I know, boring.” Chadek shook his head in response, “No, I don’t believe so. I think it’s cute.” Robyn flushed deeper and covered her cheeks as he let out a chuckle, “It’s not funny.” Robyn muttered embarrassed, Chadek pulled her hands from her face gently, “There’s nothing to be embarrassed, Robyn. I think your blush is beautiful.” Robyn groaned and her face heated up and looked down biting her lip. He then said, “Hay, I’m sorry about your bother. I don’t think he put his name in the goblet.” Robyn smiled sadly as she looked up at him, “You seem to one of the few that do.” Chadek looked at her sympathetically, “Even our best friend doesn’t believe us.” “The ginger, gangly one?” Questioned Chadek and, after a nod from Robyn, he continued “Yes, I saw you and him arguing about it at breakfast the morning after.” Robyn flinched at the memory, she hasn’t spoken to Ron since that argument. Chadek reached over and held her hand and she looked up at him, “I’m sorry about him, Robyn.” Calvan said pitifully, “He doesn’t deserve to be your friend” Robyn shrugged,“I guess…” “Look, I was wondering if maybe you – “ “Potter.” Robyn looked up to see Malfoy standing above her, looking down at her with a raised eyebrow, “Shouldn’t you be with your brother? Or have you given up with him and decided to support the opposition?” Robyn looked at him blankly as she replied, “I was being nice, Malfoy.” Robyn replied simply, “Something you wouldn’t understand.” Malfoy lips twitched into a smirk as he drawled, “Oh, really?” Chadek coughed and stood causing the two to look at him, “I should go.” he said “My friends will be wondering where I am. We should do this again sometime, Robyn.” He placed a gentle kiss on her hand then placed it back on the table before leaving with Robyn watching after him, “Do you find stupidity attractive, Potter?” Malfoy spat and Robyn snapped her head to looked at him, “Then I guess, you do hang out with Weasley.” Robyn huffed and stood glaring at him, “I would prefer it if you don’t insult my friends.” Robyn said sternly attempting to be threatening, Malfoy chuckled and cross his arms, “Is that meant to be a threat, Potter?” “More like a suggestion.” Robyn shrugged as she turned to pick up her books but a hand clamped around her wrist and spun her around so that her face was a few inches from Malfoys, “I’d choose your words carefully, Potter.” Malfoy whispered dangerously and she stared at him with a perturbed expression, “Let us remind ourselves who had to save your pathetic self at the World Cup. You are in no position to make threats.” He smirked at her before releasing her wrist and walking briskly out the library with Robyn staring after him with a completely dumfound expression.
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