Chapter 17

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Claudia's POV: I shifted my body more to the side so I could put my hand around him and pull him into me. The motion deepened the kiss quickly and before another second could disappear, he pushed his tongue in without asking for permission. The force and dominance of his action were creating heat in my core. I moaned in pleasure at his forcefulness and greedily wanted more. My hand slid up and into his hair, grabbing it tightly in my fist as I squeezed and pulled slightly. His lips pulled away just slightly, just enough for his cooled breath to move quickly over my skin as his breathing picked up. "Be careful with your actions, my queen," He whispered, sending pleasurable shivers down my spine at his words. "I will be sure to go easy on you," I whispered back, earning me a deep growl from his throat. His hand went to my neck and held me in place as he moved his body around the bench. I turned my body so I was sitting on the bench straight. He pushed my head and neck back, forcing me to look up into his eyes as he glared possessively at me. He held my neck in an uncomfortable position as he lowered himself down to capture my lips again. I went to massage his lips with mine but was stopped instantly when his fangs shot through my lip, causing me to let out a whimper of pain. He moved so he could suck hard on my lip, sending the pain and tingling sensation through my lip. The pain continued to travel into my neck and down to my heart. I knew he wouldn't take much and I knew that he was more than aware that I would stop him if necessary. After a moment, he finally released my lip, allowing the blood to trickle down the side of my lip. "It won't be safe to leave the scent of your blood in the air for long," He said softly as he took his tongue and licked from the side of my jaw up to my lip so he could heal it instantly. "Maybe next time," I whispered as I looked up into his eyes. "Next time it will be," He whispered back as his lips pressed against mine once again. His hand released his tight grip on my neck, moving along the side of my jaw till he had it in my hair. "Take me, here...right now," I whispered into the kiss. He continued to kiss me as if he didn't hear a word that I said. He pulled on my lip before releasing it. I was breathing heavily from the passionate kiss but no breath had left his lips. His eyes traveled all over my face, leaving not an ounce unnoticed. He carefully laid me down on the bench. His free hand grabbed my skirt and lifted it up my thigh, exposing my skin to the cooled air. I was more than aware of what I was doing. If it wasn't for my heightened senses, I wouldn't dream of doing what I was getting ready to do but I knew that there wasn't anyone, not even another supernatural, around. I could see it in his eyes and sense that he was aware as well, that there wasn't anyone or anything out there. His hand slid down the smooth skin of my thigh and lifted. I moved slightly to reposition myself on the bench, allowing my left to be bent to allow him access. My skirt fell the remaining amount down against my body as placed his body against mine, in between my legs. He started kissing the side of my neck, leaving a rush of heat in his wake. He moved his hand over the skin of my thigh, traveling till his fingers ran softly over my womanhood. I breathed in deeply at the feel of his fingers as they danced around, teasing my sensitive bud just before he took his fingers grabbed at the thin fabric harshly, and ripped it from my body. He pulled away from torturing my neck with kisses so he could toss what was left of my panties to the ground. He placed his arm on the back of the bench to help hold himself in place so he could take his hand and cup my womanhood. I could feel as his fingers slid between my folds that I was already soaking and needing more of what he could give me. I wanted him to push his fingers into me hard, several if he could, at a time. I needed to feel him stretch me and rub his fingers over my soft flesh. I wanted it so bad that I could almost feel the feeling without him even doing what I was craving. "Do you want more?" He asked seductively as he leaned down and took my lips with his while his fingers continued to tease me senseless. "I need more," I whispered into the kiss before taking my teeth and biting his lower lip, earning me a growl from deep in his throat. "Tell me that you are mine," He ordered as he pulled his lip away from me and captured mine again but this time, he took control of the kiss. "Jovian..." I whispered almost in a whine when he pulled away from the kiss to continue attacking the side of my neck. "Say it, Claudia," He growled into my neck. "I..." I started again to protest but his hard grip on my womanhood along with his growl in my ear was more than enough to stop me from continuing. "This ends now if I can't claim you as mine," He hissed deeply before placing another kiss on the corner of my mouth. The idea of ending what we had was something I couldn't live without. The way I feel when I'm around him is a way I have never felt before around anyone. None of the men I have ever dated has ever made me feel the way that Jovian makes me feel. Just the thought of him makes my heart flutter and when I see or hear him, my heart skips several beats. The idea of never feeling this feeling again with someone was more than enough to make me go against my upbringing or the way of a royal witch. "I am yours in every way possible. I always have been," I whispered as his lips enveloped mine. I could feel him smile in the kiss, causing me to feel one of the best feelings I have ever felt deep inside my body. I loved the happiness my words seemed to give him. The idea of me being his gave him happiness that I could feel radiating off of his body that I'm certain he hadn't felt in a very long time. I had completely forgotten that his fingers were all over my entrance, soaked in my juices until he suddenly invaded my warm core with two of his fingers. I gasped hard in the kiss, pulling away for more air from the intrusion. He pushed hard into me, rubbing my walls with his fingers, pulling and pushing on my secret button, forcing the intense pleasure to fill my entire being. It felt as if he was trying to grip my sensitive pleasure button with his fingers and pull it out of me. The feeling it created was stronger than anything I had ever felt and it took everything that I had to keep myself from screaming his name in pleasure into the night sky. "Please...give me more," I whispered breathlessly as I gripped his upper arm, digging my nails into his flesh. "Anything for my powerful queen," He whispered before taking my lips again to keep me quiet. I felt him push another finger into me, stretching me even more. The sounds of my pleasure were hard to contain and I wanted more than anything to release it full force! I felt my muscles tighten hard onto his fingers just before my orgasm shot through my body, sending hard contractions around his fingers and soaking his hand as I squirted hard. He pulled away from my lips, leaving me a hot breathless mess. He lowered his body along mine so he could capture my womanhood fully with his mouth. My whole body was trembling and each time his tongue ran over my overly sensitive nub, my body jerked hard in pleasure and forced a strained moan from my lips. He sucked up as much as he could and licked all around with his tongue multiple times before pulling away from me. I felt the chill of the night air all around my body but I was so hot from one of the strongest orgasms I had ever felt that the chill was hardly noticed. I lay there with almost no strength or energy, watching him as he undid his jeans just enough to pull his very thick and hard erection out. His eyes fell on my lips as I licked them, anticipating the feel of his long and thick member stretching me even more. He leaned over my body, encasing me in his muscular form. I looked deep into his eyes as he rubbed his tip over my soaking entrance. I exhaled and closed my eyes as he pressed into me, pushing in his full length. My walls welcomed the intrusion and latched on tightly for more. "Whose are you?" He asked dominantly as he leaned down and took my ear with his teeth. "Yours," I whispered in pleasure as he started to move his hips, pushing himself in and then out before pushing in again. "Louder!" He hissed as his tongue ran up the side of my neck. "Yours!" I whisper yelled, hoping that I was correct about no one being nearby other than Bella in the cabin. I hissed and winced in pain when I felt his sharp fangs sink deep into the side of my neck. My fingers gripped tightly on his back, digging my nails into his skin and spilling blood. I felt the sharp pain deep in my heart as he pulled hard on my blood. I was about ready to zap him with a bolt of electricity to get him to stop before he took too much but before I could, he was already releasing his grip on my neck. I took a deep breath of relief mixed with the pleasure he was creating with his slow thrusts. I felt his tongue run up the side of my neck, collecting all that had spilled out before sealing the wound. He grabbed my other thigh that wasn't against the side of the bench and lifted it high. He rammed into me hard and fast. The sounds of our bodies conjoining started to fill the air. I made sure to stay tuned into my royal senses to keep watch for any human or supernatural that may get close to our area. Being out in the open like this is risky but at the same time, thrilling! The idea of getting caught in our most intimate position, possibly getting exposed was a rush like no other! The idea of it all was enough to quickly send me over the edge! My walls tightened hard on his member, squeezing him tightly and forcing him to groan deep with pleasure. Just before my walls started to contract hard around his member, I felt him expand inside of me just before spilling his seed deep inside. He slowed down his pace, milking himself for all that he could. I could feel the mixture of our fluids exiting my body as he slowly pushed in one last time. I was breathing heavily while he was without breath. I slowly opened my eyes, looking up into his. He slowly leaned down and placed his lips upon mine, giving me one more passionate kiss. --- "Claudia!" I heard softly in the distance. The voice was far away and I knew that it was trying to disturb my peaceful sleep that I did not want to be waken up from. "Claudia!" I heard her shout, forcing my eyes to open quickly only for me to put my hand over my face again to block the sun from blinding me. "Dammit, Bella!" I hissed when I finally started to come to my senses and wake up. "What the hell!" I snapped again as I groaned in pain as I tried to move. "Me? What about you?" She snapped back at me, causing me to look up at her. "You're the one that slept all night outside!" She continued, waking me up even more. I looked around and noticed that I was still outside on the bench that overlooked the town below. The soreness I was feeling was most definitely coming from the fact that I spent the entire night out on this hard awful bench! "I didn't realize I was so tired that I had fallen asleep," I mumbled as I slowly sat up, cracking every joint in my body and wincing in pain from every sore muscle that I had. Just the movement alone made me more than aware of the pain I felt in my womanhood. I was very sore, reminding me that what happened last night was not a dream like I thought it was when Bella was first waking me up. "I'm sure you had no idea," She responded sarcastically as she placed her hands on her hips and glared at me. "What? I didn't!" I snapped as I took a deep breath and leaned back on the bench to try to stretch out more muscles. "Do you honestly expect me to believe that you just came out here, sat down, fell asleep, and had no idea how you were so tired to fall asleep without realizing that you had?" She asked me, causing me to open my eyes and look up at her. I didn't answer her and when she realized that I wasn't going to explain anything to her, she sighed harshly and moved her hand quickly to the side. I followed the direction of her hand as she pointed at the ground. My eyes widened when I saw my torn panties lying on the ground next to the bench. There was no getting out of this now. "Tell me again that you have no idea," She snapped as I looked back up at her before she continued. "Now, go take a shower and wash the s*x off of you and once you have had your coffee, we are going to have a chat," *** I apologize for no updates last Friday. My week was full of Dr. Appts after work and then I was away all weekend and had no time to write any chapters. Thank you for your support and patience! I hope you are enjoying the story and look forward to reading your thoughts!
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