
Untold Blood Oath (Mangata Saga: Book 1)

self discover

Melia Kingston is one of three heirs destined to become the high priestess of her witch coven. When a mysterious Alpha shows up at her birthday, demanding that she return with him to take her rightful place as his pack's next Luna. Can Melia and her sisters not only navigate but also lead two separate worlds? Will they face their fears and grow into the leaders their people need them to be? Even if that means drowning in the blood and secrets of their ancestors?

Melia was a typical child even as a witch. Her powers had always been bound to some extent, making her more human than a witch. At 18, that changed, no longer allowing the binding of her magic. She always knew she was powerful, but what she didn't expect was for a wolf to awaken inside of her. Will Melia learn to control her emotions and become one with her wolf before her powers consume not only her but everyone around her?

Unlike other Alphas, August isn't against the commingling of species. He doesn't feel the need to control his pack by being selfish and arrogant. He is a gracious and supportive leader. What no one expects is that underneath the surface of their cool, calm, and collected leader is an insatiable beast unable to control his appetite. Will he hold it together long enough to ensure the safety of his people and the future Alpha?

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**12 YEAR OLD MELIA**  MELIA POV “Melia, honey are you almost ready to go?” My Aunt Rosalie called from the kitchen. “Almost Aunt Rosie, I can’t get my hair just right. It won’t straighten and it won’t curl, it's just one big mess.” I sighed in defeat. “It looks fine honey, let me help you.” She cooed as she finger-combed my hair back into a messy bun. “I just want Nana to like me,” I confessed. “Oh, honey, Nana loves you, she just isn’t the best at showing it. Come now, Aunt Kiada and the rest of my fireflies are already ready and waiting in the car.” She gave me a quick hug and then pulled me out of my bedroom door and down the steps. *** “We only have twenty minutes left fireflies how about some car karaoke?” Aunt Kiada looked over her shoulder at us from the passenger seat. “Please no karaoke mama, Margot sounds like a dying frog.” Vera teased as she stuck her tongue out at Maggie. “That’s not very nice Vera, apologize to your cousin.” “Sorry, not sorry Maggs.” Vera taunted. “Vera.” Aunt Rosalie trailed off. “Girls make sure your seatbelts are on and hold on.” Aunt Rosalie whisper-yelled in a very controlled tone. “What going on Rosie . . . “ Aunt Kiada started to ask as she traced Aunt Rosalie’s line of sight. “NOW girls, seatbelts and brace yourselves.” Aunt Kiada clicked her own seatbelt on. Rosalie, you have to shimmer the girls to the coven house there are too many of them.” Aunt Kiada tried to whisper. “I won’t be able to transfer us all at the same time. How do we pick who lives and who might die Kiada?” My sisters and cousins started to cry when they heard the word die. “Just floor it right through them then Rosie.” Aunt Kiada looked back at us over her shoulder. “Just a light bit closer and I can mindlink Mom and Athena to help me shimmer us all to the coven.” Aunt Rosalie whispered. All of a sudden she hit the gas and the van crashed into something hard, bouncing us back in the direction we came. “Are you girls alright? Kiada are you alright?” Aunt Kiada shook her head yes at her. “Girls I know you are scared but you must use your magic to protect yourself and your firefly sisters do you understand?” Aunt Kiada asked as pale figures with red-rimmed eyes and foam spilling from their mouths were hitting the van windows trying to get in. “Me and Aunt Rosie are going to get out of the car to see if we can hold them off. You girls must run for help, run as fast as you can go, do you hear me?” We stayed silent but when the windshield cracked we screamed. “Kiada I can remove their senses when I’m within arm's length so stay beside me and set them ablaze as they scream out in fear and confusion.” “How will I know when Rosie?” “You won’t be able to miss the blood-curdling cry, I promise.” Aunt Kiada squished into the driver's seat beside Aunt Rosalie. “I’m going to take these ones senses first but you must wait until they get away from the van to set them on fire.” Aunt Rosalie scanned the front of the van. “Mama please don’t leave us.” Lily whimpered. “It's all going to be okay my girl. Just stick beside Melia and Maisie and keep up with them when they run.” Aunt Rosie tried to sound hopeful. “Melia, you must use your flames, Masie try to push your forcefield outside of yourself to protect all of you, Margot flank your sisters and solar blast anyone that gets close to Masie. Kira, Vera, and Lily stay as close to Maisie as possible so she can keep you safe. Now when I say run you girls run.” Aunt Rosalie said just before she waved her hand out in front of her as she opened the van door. Aunt Rosalie and Aunt Kiada slid out of the driver's seat and when they did we heard the most awful scream ring through the forest. “I can’t keep them off the van.” I heard Aunt Rosalie yell out. “RUN GIRLS, RUN NOW.” Aunt Kiada screamed before another round of screams rang out. I shoved open the back seat door and my skin started to itch as my flames engulfed my arms. “I can’t stay in control for long Maisie get everyone out of the car.” I pushed towards the deranged pale figures that resembled men. “I got your back,” Maise whispered as she grabbed the back of my shirt. “Not too close Mace I don’t want to burn you.” “I have to be close enough or I can’t protect you, Mia.” We were 10 paces away from the car when another scream rang out but it was different this time, almost musical. The creatures in front of us started sniffing the air and when their eyes landed back on us their heads and arms moved around in a frenzy. They ran right towards us completely disregarding my flames as they screamed. “Mia there are too many, I’m not strong enough to keep my forcefield up for much longer.” Maisie cried. I burnt as many as I could reach but she was right there were just too many. We all squeezed in beside Maise trying to stay within her forcefield for protection when we heard Aunt Kiada scream out in pain. “Mama.” Vera cried and tried to run towards her but Margot grabbed her back and pulled her against her chest just as Aunt Rosalie cried out in pain too. “We are going to die here Mia if we don’t do something.” Maisie strained. “Maisie I’m going to step out of the forcefield and when I do my whole body will go up in flames and I’ll make sure I hit as many as I can. You take the girls and run as fast you can to the forest for cover.” Melia, I can’t leave you.” “Mace if you don’t we all die today. Now go!” I stepped out of my sister's protection, and my flames started to lick my whole body, but before I became engulfed, a howl echoed through the trees, causing the ground around us to shake. A huge silver wolf jumped out in front of me ripping the heads off the pale creatures. Within seconds we were surrounded by a dozen large wolves of all different colors. I looked around and there were no more pale creatures standing. “Aunt Rosie, Aunt Kiada. ‘ I screamed out, scared that I wasn’t able to see them. The large silver wolf walked behind the van and came out the other side as a very large man dressed in only shorts. “Don’t worry little one. My friend Lenny is running at full speed getting your Aunts to the coven house doctor. I know you are all afraid but for your safety we need you to get on our backs while we are in our wolf forms so we can run super fast and get you to safety before the neonates have a chance to regroup. Shake your head if you understand.” The man explained. I looked back at my sisters and cousins then turned back to shake my head at the man as my flames died down. “We ride in pairs so the little ones aren’t scared,” I told the man who just saved us trying to sound authorized so we wouldn’t argue. “Okay let me help you.” He stretched his arms out towards us and I hesitated at first not sure if I was making the right decision by going with a stranger I had just met. But did I really have a choice? I didn’t want us to be left here in case the pale creatures decided to retaliate so I pushed Maisie and Lily toward him. He hoisted them up one at a time onto the back of a big rust-colored wolf. Next was Margot and Vera and they were put onto a chocolate-colored wolf’s back. When I pushed Kira towards him, he stepped back and shifted back into the big silver wolf right before our eyes. Kira screamed and hugged me, burying her face into my chest. The silver wolf rubbed her massive head against my shoulder as he kneeled out in front of me. I shook my head in acknowledgment and then climbed onto his back. I reached out for Kira and she pulled away. “I’m not asking Kira, now,” I said more harshly than I meant to. She hesitated and whimpered but climbed into my arms and up onto the wolf’s back. When the wolf stood up they all took off running. I grabbed two hands full of his fur and leaned in so the wind around us wouldn’t through us from his back. It seemed like mere minutes before we arrived at the coven’s border and the big silver wolf just waltzed right in. My nana wasn’t going to be happy about that I thought to myself as we made our way to the coven house. “Melia, Maisie, Margot, Kira, Lily, Vera are girls alright?” Mom came running from the coven house. “We're okay mama, how are Aunt Rosalie and Aunt Kiada?” I asked her afraid of what she would say. She pulled us off the wolves one by one and then hugged us before showing us into the coven house. “They are at the clinic and are recovering my girls. Please go see your dad and nana they are anxious to see that you all are alright. I’ll be in shortly.” Mom headed back towards the wolves. Before I walked into the coven house I looked back and I seen her arms wrapped around the man who shifted into a large silver wolf. *** I was glad when we finally got to go to bed. No one did anything put cry, afraid of losing Aunt Rosalie and Aunt Kiada. Vera and Lily were scared to death that they were never going to see their mothers again so when it was time for bed they all climbed into bed with me for familiar comfort. I was appreciative of the comfort that came with the closeness of my sisters and my cousins but I wanted to cry like everyone else and be afraid. There were just no tears to shed. It was a weird feeling, I usually bubbled over with emotions, mostly love and happiness when I was with my family but it was like those feelings had been stripped away and were foreign. I felt hollow but the more I tried to feel the more angry I became, I wanted to hit something or burn something. I wanted to burn the whole damn forest down and make the pale creatures pay for what they had done to my family. Those feelings scared me even more than not being about to feel so I shoved them down deep inside, hiding them away. I tried to sleep after we were tucked into bed but without any news about our aunt's condition and not being allowed to see the big silver wolf again to thank him for saving us, I just couldn’t sleep. So after my sisters fell asleep, I slipped out of bed and down the hall to my mom's office. I was excited when I saw that the door hadn’t been shut all the way so I slid down the wall and pressed my ear to the crack the door left so I could listen in on the conversations my parents and nana were having. “Athena your sister and Kiada do not look like they are going to serve the night.” Nana's voice came out in a sob. “What do you mean Mom? What was the last thing you heard?” “The doctors were able to heal the flesh wounds but the bites they sustained were far too deep to be healed quickly enough for them to survive. The doctors we have just aren't powerful enough to heal the type of damage they sustained. There are dozens and dozens of bites all over their bodies.” Nana tried to hold back from sobbing this time. “Why didn’t Rosalie shimmer home.” Mom cried out. “Honey she wouldn’t have been able to leave the girls in danger.” Dad tried to reason. “She could have gotten help. We could have saved them.” Mom screamed at him. “You don’t know that Athena.” Dad tried to pull Mom back into his arms. “What is going to happen to the girls now? They can’t go back, not now that Rosalie and Kiada won’t be there to protect them.” Mom looked at Nana. “They will have to remain here with us. I will call and make arrangements with Mrs. Wilson tomorrow.” Nana wiped her eyes. “We mustn't count Rosie and Kiada out just yet. I need to see them.” Mom made her way to the door. I had no time to run back to my room. Mom reached out for the door handle and I scooted away from it so she wouldn’t hit me as she opened the door. Preparing for the tongue-lashing I was about to receive for eavesdropping I squeezed my eyes shut wishing I would have just stayed in bed. After a few moments, nothing happened so I squinted, opening one eye to look out and see why I hadn’t gotten in trouble yet. But I was no longer outside of Mom's office, instead, I was in the pitch dark. I opened both of my eyes wide trying to force them to adjust to having no lighting as I felt around with my hands. I was back in my room, my eyes finally adjusted and I could see Maisie lying next to Kira in my bed. How did I get back to my room so fast and without Mom seeing me? I pondered those questions until I finally fell asleep. *** The next morning Mrs. Wilson was in the kitchen fixing our favorite breakfast. When we saw her we all squealed in delight as we squashed her in a hug, thankful to see the woman we had grown to trust and love like a grandma. “Alright, my fireflies let's sit down at the table and have some breakfast.” She cooed as she hugged us back trying to hide the tears she couldn’t stop from flowing. Just as we finished breakfast Mom's voice pushed its way into our minds. “Everyone is to meet me at the pavilion in five minutes.” Is all that she said before her voice was gone? Mrs. Wilson collected our dishes before we made our way out to the pavilion. “Girls please come here.” Mom motioned us over. “Before we make this announcement we wanted you to know that your Aunt Rosalie and Aunt Kiada didn’t not make it threw the night. I’m so sorry girls.” Mom couldn’t contain her tears. “What do you mean where is my mommy?” Vera whimpered. “She died my little firefly. She is with Grandpa now. I’m so very sorry.” Mrs. Wilson wrapped her in her arms trying to comfort her. Lily and Kira started crying hysterically and couldn’t be controlled. Maisie and Margot put on a brave face for the younger girls but you could see that their hearts were broken. We have lived with our Aunts for as long as we can remember. They were more our mothers than our own mama. Don’t get me wrong we love our mom but she is always away on coven business so we don’t always see her as much as we would like. “Mrs. Wilson if you would please take the girls back to the coven I would really appreciate it. I don’t think it's appropriate for them to hear the coming announcements.” Mrs. Wilson wiped her eyes and ushered us back towards the coven house. “I’d like to stay if that’s alright.” I looked from Mrs. Wilson to my mom. Mrs. Wilson looked at my mom and she shook her head that I could stay so she let me walk towards my mother as she walked the rest of the girls back to the coven house. Mom gave me a hug and then Dad pulled me to his side with a sad half-hearted smile. “Thank you all for coming so quickly,” Mom announced with a shake in her voice. Her eyes were puffy and red so everyone could tell she had been crying for a while. Dad pulled her back into his arms when Nana stepped forward to speak. “Most of you know that my daughter Rosalie and her best friend Kiada were attacked yesterday by vampires. We don’t know what initiated the attack but we do know that both women passed away last night, succumbing to their injuries that could not be healed in time to save their lives. Kiada is survived by her daughter Vera and her mother, the girl’s beloved Mrs. Wilson. Rosalie is survived by her daughter Lily and nieces Melia, Maisie, Margot, and Kira. Please let us take a moment of silence for the diseased.” “Most of you have grown up with Rosalie so I want you to know you are all welcome to her and Kiada’s celebration of life where we can send them off to the divine with all the love and respect we have for them. We will let you know when and where this celebration will be held in the next couple of days.” Dad announced while Nana collected herself after the moment of silence. After a few moments, Nana stepped back out in front, she squared her shoulders, and held her head high. “This is an overwhelming day not only for my family but for our coven as a whole. I want to thank the Mangata wolf pack and their Alpha, August Mangata for saving Rosalie, Kiada, and their children from this brutal attack. Unfortunately, the Alpha was unable to be here today due to him patrolling the areas surrounding our coven to make sure no vampires live to tell this horrible story and for that, I am so thankful. This dreadful event fortunately has further strengthened the treaty our ancestors made with our neighboring wolf pack after the rivalry the Scarlett Blood War thrust upon us, pitting us against each other, and wiping out so many of the wolf and witch bloodlines. After the Scarlett Blood War had been signed many of us had become dormant, feeling safe here in our homes on our land. But thanks to the attack on the Moonstone Coven not so many moons ago we have been living in fear of the human hunters that have sought out our kind and other species of the hidden race as trophies they enjoy slaughtering for sport. I’m here today to tell you that our coven will not be destroyed as the Moonstone Coven was, losing their land and the lives of most of their people. Forcing the remaining members to seek refuge here within the Crescent Moon Coven. Physically, the survivors have healed, but mentally we are all still suffering. Causing so many of our families that carry the witch gene to go into hiding, refusing to practice their magic, and even refusing to procreate out of fear. Making our kind a dying breed. Fortunately, I don't plan on going extinct so easily because from this day forward their will be no more slaughter of the witch kind. Not here, not in our coven, and not of our people. There will be no further rebellion against training regimes. Not only will our High Priestess, her family, our inner court members, and coven warriors train fiercely five days a week but every member of our coven will participate. In the Crescent Moon Coven, there will be no such thing as mercy during training. Over the next few years, we will coordinate with as many highly skilled fighters as we can find, with and without magic, from all over the world. In hopes that we can form treaties and alliances in exchange for us to be taught various ways to fight, survive, and defend ourselves. I know we are physically smaller compared to most of the other hidden race species but that just means that we must be fierce, quick, smart, and well-trained to gain and maintain the upper hand. “We will prepare, and we will train ruthlessly, making sure that we can not just defend ourselves but fight for survival with or without magic. No matter what the situation, we will protect ourselves, one another, and this coven. This is to become second nature to every member of this coven and our coven's most sacred law.” Nana was on a war path after we lost Aunt Rosalie, and I want to say that she became softer with age but I would be lying. This day became the day that combat and weapons training was turned into a coven law. From this day forward, anyone who dared to cross one of us or one of our own would be in for the fight of their lives.

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