Chapter : 5. A stranger..

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I jumped up on the couch and started to touch my hair and check if it’s okay or not, after having that horrible nightmare. It would be wrong to call it a nightmare because it was just one of my childhood memories that I gained with my mother. My breathing was still heavy, as I just couldn’t get that picture out of my head. I just couldn’t forget the fear I was in that day. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm down and told myself that it was just a dream and it’s not going to happen to me again. I am a grownup now. She can’t hurt me anymore like she used to do in my childhood. At least I hope so. But right as I was about to lie back down, I heard some noise coming from the kitchen. It was some animal like grunts. And instantly I thought some animal must have gotten in through some window or some gap. It’s Australia. Anything is possible in here. I have to get it out before it trashes the kitchen again that I just cleaned. With slow steps, I walked closer to the kitchen, grabbing a broom that I kept nearby. The more I was getting closer to the room, the louder the sound was getting. And it wasn’t long before I realized it’s not one, but two animals rampaging through the kitchen counter in search of food. They were also fighting each other, making all kinds of noises. How dare are they to destroy the place I worked so hard to clean.. “You f*cking little critters. Get out of my..” Turning the light on, I picked up the broom and was ready to hit those animals in full swing to get them out of my house. But before I hit them, I froze in the middle to find out that it was not any critters. It was human and one of them was my mom. She was sitting on the kitchen counter, wearing only a bra on top and a skirt at the bottom, which was also pulled up onto her waist. And there is a man standing near her, wearing nothing on top, and his pants were dropped to his knees as he was ramming his d*ck into her pu*sy. The broom fell out of my hand as I turned around, covering my eyes in shame. I just caught my mom in the middle of s*x with a stranger. I never thought I would have to see her like this. When did they even get inside? How deep I was sleeping to not hear them get inside? “What the hell? Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?” The man asked me a question in the rudest way possible while pulling his pants up. “Excuse me? Your house? This is my house. I could ask you the same thing.” I replied to him without even looking back at him. “Hey! Turn around, kid. Let me see your face. How did you get inside?” This time I did turn around to face him. Who is he to ask me questions when he doesn’t even belong to our family? But just as I got a clear look of him, I have to admit; I was a bit intimidated. He is this tall, probably over 6 foot long guy, with a big strong body and visible six-pack abs and huge biceps. He has short brown hair and a face full of perfectly styled stubble beard. But the most intimidating feature of him is his big brown eyes, staring right at me. “This is my house. I have a key. Mom. Are you going to say something or are you just going to stare at us like that?” I asked mom to say something on my behalf because she was just standing there, allowing him to talk to me disrespectfully. “Mom?” The way he looked at my mom after hearing me call her, I understood that I messed up once again. It’s exactly like the dream I just had and she didn’t tell him about me eighter. There’s going to be a fight now. “Elora? Why are you here? Why did you come back?” Instead of taking my side, she started questioning me instead. What was I expecting?. “I finished school. It was time for me to come home. I thought you knew. I called you and left you several voice messages. Didn’t you get them?” “No. I don’t use the landline anymore. But why did you come here? Why didn’t you just go somewhere else?” She folded her arms to fight with me. I can understand that she was trying to drive me away. “Evelyn. Don’t be so rude. She came here for you. She’s your daughter.” That man tried to calm my mom, but she snapped on him in return. “No. She’s not my daughter.” The moment she said that I was not her daughter, I got mad at that guy. This is not the first time she said that. But every time she disowns me, it really hurts my feelings. “Hey. Stay out of our matter. You have no business here. Just leave..” But the moment I shouted at him, mom got more angry at me. “Listen, you little bi*ch. You have no right to tell him to leave. This is my house, and he is my husband. He can stay here and speak his thought as much as he likes. He is your father now. So learn to respect him.” It fell on me like a nuclear bomb. Husband? She got married? When? How? “Evelyn. I think it’s not the right time to discuss this matter. Let’s go to bed for the night and we can talk tomorrow.” My new stepfather tried to drag my mom away, but she wasn’t ready to go yet. “Elora. I have had enough of you. You have ruined my life for so long. So, please. Leave. Leave me alone and go wherever you like. You are free..” “No. I won’t. I can’t. I have no other place to go. If I had, I wouldn’t have come here in the first place. Besides. This is my house too and I am going to stay here from now. So, get used to it. And you. Congratulations on marrying my mom. But let me tell you one thing clearly. You will never be my father. You look too young to even be with her..” As soon as I said that, mom spoke up right back. “Hey! I am only 28.” Now I know how exactly she lured this guy. By lying about her age. She is definitely not 28 and he deserves to know that. “Yeah. And I am 18, Mom! Congratulations.. See you tomorrow.” Saying that to her face, I went to the living room, grabbed my bags, and went straight to grandma’s room, slamming the door behind me. That seems to be the best place for me now. Dumping my bags in the room, I sat down on the bed, rewinding the incident in my head once again. My mom got married to someone, and I had no idea about it. She didn’t even think of informing me, let alone inviting me to the wedding. Yet to this day she didn’t accept me and tried to hide me from even her husband? She didn’t change. She didn’t change a bit. I remember how it all happend. I remember how I ended up in the boarding school at the age of 7 and living there ever since like a orphan child. It was the very same day I had the dream about. I remember as she was cutting my hair, grandma woke up by hearing my scream and came to my rescue. “What is going on in here? Evelyn? What are you doing to her? Let her go.. Let her go right now.. Give her to me..” Seeing my condition, she snatched me out of mom’s hands and took me back into her room. She hugged me close to her chest and tried to stop my crying. “Shh.. It’s okey.. It’s okey.. I am here with you. Everything’s fine now.” “My hair. She cut my hair..” “It’s okey. It will grow back soon. I will fix it for you tomorrow and it will go back to its previous length in no time.” “Why did mommy do that? I tried to help her clean. I tried to protect her. But she hit me again. She cut my hair because I look like her. It that a bad thing that I look like her? She even told me to die..” I was really badly hurt from her action and her words. “She didn’t mean that. She was just angry at the moment. You know she loves you very much. It’s just she shows her love in a different way.” “But why is she different? She never talks to me nicely. She never goes to pick me up from school like other moms, or kisses me like they do. She hits me and says bad words to me. She is alway mean to me. I don’t like her. I want to find my daddy. He will love me. He will kiss me..” “But your daddy is not here, honey. Your mom is. Elora. Let me tell you something. Some times people become mean when they are alone. Your mommy feels alone right now. But she’s not bad. And you are her baby. No matter what she does, she still loves you. And you have to love her too. She’s everything you have. So, never become mean to her or be the way she is. I want you to become kind and generous. I want you to become greater than any of us. Promise me that you won’t treat you mom badly. Promise me that you will always love her.” “I promise, grandma. I will always love her, no matter how she is.” “That’s like my sweet girl. And Elora. I was thinking. There’s a school a bit far from here where girls like you stay and finish their study. It’s a very nice school and you will have a lot of friends in there. You will be safe and happy. So, would you like to go to that school and study?” “Do I have to stay there for a long time?” “No. It’s just a few classes and you will be back. Besides, you will get to visit us often. So, what do you say?” “I love making new friends. I will go to that school and get as many as I can.. It will be fun.” “Of course it will. I love you Elora. Never lose this sweetness of yours. Never let anyone change you. Always be kind..” And just like that, she changed my mind. She made me love my mom instead of hate her. She made me agree to study in a boarding school where I will be safe from her. She knew that if I stay around my mom, I will end up being like her too. So, she made sure that I stay a kind and generous girl and succeed in life, by keeping me away from home. And I guess somehow, it did work. I didn’t clean grandma’s room, thinking that I won’t be using it now. But now I have no choise except to stay here. It is also too late to clean the place up. So, I just pulled out some of my stuff to put on the bed and manage for the night. I only had one blanket with me that I laid on the bed to keep myself safe from the dust or any bedbugs. But I don’t have anything to cover myself with. It’s summertime, so I really don’t need any cover, still it’s a habit to keep one. But it looks like I have to compromise for the night. Curling myself up on the same spot where I used to sleep in my childhood, I tried to fall asleep again. And I was just dozing off when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and let out a sigh. It must be mom who came again to tell me to leave before morning. So, with and irritated mood, I opened the door. “Hey! We don’t use this room at all. So, it must be really dirty. Here. You can use these for the night. Have a good night and welcome home.” I was completely stunned as a stranger just handed me a few blankets and a pillow to sleep in, instead of my mom, before going back to their room. I really wasn’t expecting him to be the generous kind by the looks of him.
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