3 The Girl Who Barged Into His Life

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Months ago before the fall, Liam's life was full of waking up to the alarm clock at his bedside, fixing a cereal breakfast while listening to the news, going through online newspapers and replying to emails, scheduling meetings and barking orders. Some days he went to the office, other days he stayed home. In the evenings, he would wander among local theaters, cinemas, and karaokes, or took long walks and met up with friends. Then he would finish the day with some Chinese takeout, and work on his laptop while his 80s blues and hip-hop played in the background. Later he'll watch some more news, showers and sleeps off either on his large sofa or his master bed. But these days, he had spent time counting minutes and hours. Waking up was only hopeful because he had Girl with him in his house. She'll fix his bath and help him in, she'll make their breakfast, she'll pull him to the sitting room where he'll listen to the news on radio or podcasts. The fact that he was sick hadn't stopped him from scheduling his meetings, but he barely stepped out of the house except on occasions when his guardian will have to be very insistent. They would ordered Chinese and sometimes danced to the 80s music, In the moments when their shoulders brushed past each other, or when she held his hand and wave in the air to the beat like two madmen on the loose, he would form an outline of her in his head. Girl had a petite frame, her head merely reaching the nook of his shoulders, but she had such strength to prop him up. She had long hair that would someitmes brush past his cheeks when she bend over, helping him with the earpiece and microphones during virutal meetings. And she probably had a very nice smile, because he could hear her uplifting tone when she spoke, as if a curl hung permanently on her lips, smug or gentle. . She had barged into his life, turning a single, lonely and wealthy man’s fixed routine into a two-man’s daily with bouts of spontaneity. Gradually, she raised his hope of expectation and a feeling of warmth filled him. Yet she remained a mystery to him. On a certain day, he'd threatened to cut her off if she didn't say what her name was. But Girl had a strong character, so she never divulged nor yield, and it ached him. "If you sack me Mr Liam Michealson, you'll never find anyone like me and you'll regret it." She was indeed right. He had grown attached to her and now occupied his mind and thoughts. On rare evenings he'll reach out to her and hold her hand tight enough to send the message; and never in a day had she compromised by leaning closer. It was rare for a lady to be like this towards him. Liam had been a charm to many. But before her, he was just a helpless man that needed company. He had never tried so hard to make a woman like him; it came naturally to have the ladies flock towards him effortlessly, severely convinced himself that he is every woman's man. To Girl it remained a different case. *** On one of the evenings, Girl had held his hand out into the chillness of the city. They ordered an Uber to drive them into town to see the 1933 King Kong Movie — a masterpiece Liam thought was the greatest fantasy he'd ever seen; except now he had to rely so much on the efforts of Girl who was consistent in giving him the details on the wide white screen. She didn't have to because over the years he had played each scene in his head as if he was there when it was all filmed. "My Grandfather actually invested in the production," he said when they finally stepped outside. "Is there something else your lineage invested in that I should know!" Girl teased him. "Well they tried buying over a quarter of Los Angeles land once…it was fruitless" Girl had to laugh really hard. "Well my ancestors worked as chefs and Factory people" she finally said. "That explains a lot" he paused listening to himself, "I love how you make the bread and Soup. It reminded me so much of my mommy" "You just said mommy like a five year old Liam" she tightned her arms around him. "You're cold?" "Are you?" She retirated with concern while she loosened from him. "I'm wearing a sweatshirt. You're wearing a blouse" She didn't say anything. The taxi arrived and they dove into it. "I thought maybe you would need an extra company?" She finally started. "Having you here is fine" "I won't be in your house forever Liam. Once you regain it all — your sight I mean I will be out of here" she said emotionlessly. Why does she have to ruin every good moment? Liam thought. "You need a dog, a cat, goldfish or hamster to keep you company" she continued, "If you ever leave which you wouldn't dare I wouldn't be needing anything. I don't want pets" he tried to sound tough, Taken aback by his change in tone Girl mounted up her defenses, "it's not a choice Liam. I'll be bringing Jonny home early tomorrow morning. It's a fine ….. dog. I don't know how to care for a goldfish else I would have brought him home too" Girl had brought the dog home the following day: a furry supposedly cute dog that barked at almost anything. "I don't like him" he protested, "Eventually you will," Girl said, lifting Jonny from Liam. Liam listened carefully as Girl moved, taking and placing things aside while he listened to the breathy breathing of Jonny. When he stood up hoping to find his way around the large sitting room then he kicked something hard. He felt the pain ring through his spine he had to yelp. "What are you doing?" Girl ran to him. She pulled him "you're hurt. f**k!" She was about hurrying to get ice or something when Liam pulled her by the arm, "stay here" "What are you doing? I need to get…" Liam was quick to interrupt her, "I love you. I want you?" "Wha…" "Please. Can I kiss you?" "Liam?" Her voice was soft and sober. Liam had never felt her such sensation run through him — or the ambience that graced her voice. He kissed her. They were quiet. For a moment. And another moment. He kissed her again. When he withdrew she whispered, "Liam". It was even more tender.
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