Chapter 4: Isaac

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I was fidgeting the whole time during dinner. His presence is making me nervous, I can’t even look at him for he is too shiny in my eyes and I feel like it is too ironic since I have been in the Entertainment industry for a long time but I have never felt this way before. I have never been attracted to anyone before. So why him? Maybe because his presence shouts power? Or maybe he looks so mature and confident? Or maybe because he is Soul Lachlan Mac Dermott? Goodness! This is not good! Had I known that he is Soul Lachlan, I would never wish to know his name anymore. “You okay?” I heard my brother asked me and I gasped softly as I have noticed that all heads turned to me. I want to kick my brother’s leg! “Of…c-course!” I said as I look at my brother and gave him a warning look. Stop it! I shouted in my mind while looking at him and he smirked at me. He knows that something is bothering me. He then turned his stare to Soul, who doesn’t seem to care because he just continued eating. “Hey Soul..” my brother called and my eyes widen. Damn it! I feel like he is going to say something stupid! Soul took his time to look at my brother. He gave him a bored look before he took the table napkin at wiped his lips slowly. “Yes?” He asked in a cold voice and blank expression. “Well.. I’m just wondering if you have ever seen a movie or a runway fashion show of my sister?” he smirked and I think my face grew hot! Why would he asked that! I wanted to kill my brother right now! Soul’s eyes moved to me lazily before he looks back at my brother. I saw how our parents look at Soul as if they are also curious about his response. “No. I am a very busy person.” He said before he started eating again. My lips parted. Wow! That was rude but I think he is just being honest. So I just looked down at my food and try to eat again even when I lost my appetite already. I feel so disappointed with his answer. Or how he said it maybe? I heard my brother took a deep breath as if trying to calm himself. I turned to look at him, his playful smile is gone and he is looking at my Soul in a way like Soul had offended him. I heard someone cleared her throat. Aunt Amelia must felt the tension. “Oh..actually, my son is really a very busy person..he is too focus on his work.” Aunt Amelia said before she gave an awkward laugh. “But..I heard he was in a TV show yesterday to visit a…starlet, maybe?” my brother said in a sarcastic voice while looking at Soul who suddenly stopped eating. “Starlet?” Uncle Connor said while his brows furrowed. “Yes Uncle Connor, I happen to have a connection in that TV show and I heard about it since it was really a big news. Right Soul?” My lips parted. He is visiting a starlet? Who could it be? Does he have a girlfriend already? Or he is courting an actress? My questions in mind are not answered, I saw how Soul’s face darkened. "Is it true Soul?" Aunt Amelia asked, her face looks pale. I saw how Mom held her hand as if trying to comfort her. "Why don't you tell them, who's the Starlet, Soul?" my brother said in a teasing voice. He then smirked at Soul who's already throwing a dagger look at my brother. He should not mess up with Isaac, because Isaac can be a real jerk! Aunt Connor cleared his throat and looked at Soul with a very serious look. “You should not associate yourself with a starlet! If you want a Celebrity for a girlfriend then get a successful one, and not just a starlet! Look at Isobel here, she is only 17 and yet very successful already-“ “Dad..stop it. It was nothing. It is just a friendly visit.” Soul cut off his father. I stiffened in my seat when my name was mentioned. “Make sure, because I won’t just accept any daughter in law, I want someone who came from a good family.” Uncle Connor said before his eyes turned to me.   My first encounter with Soul was not as good as our second encounter. I was hoping that during dinner we could be at least friendly to one another since our family are friends. After that meeting, I can’t get him off my mind. I am attracted to him! Or maybe infatuated? I am not sure, all I know is that this feeling is new to me. And it is making me crazy! I want to see him again! But how? Isaac is not fond of Soul! He told me that he is a jerk. He even warned me to stay away from Soul for he is bad news! But what can I do? The attraction that I am feeling with him is so strong.. So strong that I want to make a move to see him again! “Isobel dear, do you have any recommendations on who will take the role as your friend in your new movie?” I was cut off from my day when the Producer of my new movie suddenly appeared beside me. “Ohhh..Don’t we have someone for the role yet?” “Well, we don’t have anyone in mind so we may prepare an audition for that role, but maybe you can recommend someone?” she asked me while giving me a funny smile. “I don’t know Annie, maybe you should just do the Audition- Oh wait! Why not Kirsten Elis?!” I said in so much enthusiasm. I noticed how her face distort. “Kirsten Elis? Are you sure honey?” she asked looking doubtful. “Yes! She will do, I am comfortable working with her!” I smiled at her. “Well..I will check first with the Director, I heard that she still needs a lot of training?” I almost jump in joy when she agreed.  I am so excited to tell the news to Kirsten. I am sure she will be delighted.
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