
1728 Words

-HER- The fear in me was back when I felt his canines graze against my skin. I let out a whimper. He must have heard it because soon he pulled back and moved away from where he sat and peered at me. His shoulders were hunched and his eyes were lowered. It was as if he was telling me physically that he wouldn’t cause any harm to me. Catching up on my breath, I slowly sat up, keeping my eyes on him the whole time because, to me, the creature looked both – terrifying and marvelous. His pitch-black eyes were trained on me the whole time. Many emotions swam in them but the fervent look in them stood out the most. It reminded me of Archer. It made me realize that even though he looked different, it was still him. Under the fur and the skin of the beast was a man who had expressed his love to

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