
1561 Words

-HER- “I don’t have my things,” I told Archer for the first time ever since he bought me in the pack. He c***s an eyebrow at me before giving me a prolonged look. “I’ll buy you new things,” He assured before he continued to type on his laptop. His words reminded me of Carla. Her words had hurt me like a tight slap. “I…no. It won’t be necessa-“ “Ma chérie, I don’t mind spending on you. You don’t know how long I have waited to do it.” He shut the laptop before arranging the papers that laid on the desk. After returning from the church, he drove me back to the pack. It was already dinner time when we had arrived. Dossam had driven here before me. She gave me an assuring smile before disappearing with Ace. After dinner, we were back in his room. He was sorting some documents on the smal

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