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~• ALPHA TONY •~ Seeing her that night made me become a man. How the hell did she become a slave when she was that beautiful? How did I even know she was my mate? Was that why I've been restless since yesterday? She doesn't have a wolf, therefore she doesn't have a scent or I'd have known immediately she was the one. I am confused. How is she, my mate? Why doesn't she have a wolf? How did my mother find her? I can't believe a wolf-less girl has been living as a slave in the Blue Moon pack or where did she come from? "Someone requests to see you, Alpha." My best bodyguard, Faulkner knocked and I nodded. I put on my robe and left the room. Faulkner led the way to the living room. I scoffed in surprise. "What has my cousin come to do here?" I asked, sitting beside my mother who was eating fruit and laughing loudly with my cousin. He is two years older than me and more arrogant. We have been best friends since we were little but not anymore. "Can't I say hello to my known family anymore?" Alpha Nathan asked, his eyes dimming at me. I rolled my eyes, scoffing lightly. My cousin whom I haven't seen in seven years, we have been apart for that long. "How's it being the new Alpha treating you?" Alpha Nathan chuckled slowly, his eyes fixed on me. "Been hectic and interesting," I replied with the same sarcasm. Just because he is a Lycan King doesn't mean he can belittle me anyhow. Luna Ember smiled. "Tony, why don't you introduce your mate to your cousin and drink together later on?" My mother said, smiling again. She had always tried to bring us closer but we are still very far apart. I looked at her through the corner of my eyes and cleared my throat. Introducing the mate I already rejected? What's there to introduce? "I need to see her because I'm also here to take my mate home." Alpha Nathan smiled and I threw my eyes at him. His mate is here? In my pack?! My instincts don't trust him at all. "Your mate is in this pack?" Luna Ember asked and I saw him nod, maybe happily. Nathan has never been happy, he either fakes it or he isn't happy at all. "I came to claim her and I'll be back at my pack by tomorrow morning." He said, "Probably with my pup growing in her." He added a chuckle. Was that supposed to be a joke? My mother busted out laughing, what exactly is funny? Why am I feeling so weird about it? ~• OLIVIA •~ I pulled Grace into my room, making sure nobody saw us. "What's wrong Olivia? Has he accepted you yet?" Grace asked inquisitively. I shook my head and started sobbing. "There's a far worse problem, Grace." Grace looked at me, wondering what was more disastrous than your mate rejecting you. I swallowed tightly. "Grace, I'm pregnant." She brought her ears closer to my mouth, indicating she didn't hear me well. I almost rolled my eyes if not for the situation I'm in. "Grace, I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant." I said and she jumped up. "This is a more reasonable explanation for him to accept you. We should go and tell Luna right away." Grace said, trying to pull me up. "Grace, calm down and listen!" I almost yelled out of frustration. "He is not the owner." I blurted out. One, two, three seconds. It took that short for Grace to respond. "What??" She screamed and I quickly covered her mouth. "How? Didn't you guys do the thing? Did someone r**e you? We should report right away!" I busted into tears. "I don't know who impregnated me, Grace." She held my shoulder. "I only remember me and the Alpha fighting. I went outside the palace angrily and stumbled into a bar where I met a stranger, someone I can't even recognize, and we...." Grace's body slumped to the bed. "He got you pregnant." She whispered, her eyes wide open. "I swear I didn't mean to. I don't even know him. I just wanted to forget my sorrows. I didn't know it'd lead to this." I started crying again. Grace tried to comport herself, "You are how many months gone?" She asked, looking around. I squeezed the remaining tears from my eyes. "I'm four months gone." She gasped shockingly. "And you are just telling me? Tell me, what am I supposed to do now?" She shouted angrily. I held her hands quickly, "I'm sorry, Grace. I wasn't aware, I just got to know recently when I snuck out of the palace for a test. I will be doomed if the Alpha finds out." Grace groaned, walking around the room as I whimpered fearfully. "Should we run away?" She suggested. "We can't, Grace. You know we can't." I replied. "Then, what should we do? Do you want to do heavy work with your pregnancy? Or be in danger of having your head on stake if the Alpha finds out? You are his mate for crying the f**k out!" Grace was totally confused about the whole situation. I sniffed slowly, grabbing my stomach. What kind of awful mistake is this? Instead of looking for a way Alpha Tony would accept me as his mate, I had an affair with someone I didn't even know. Oh God! "Should we make the Alpha believe he is the owner of the pregnancy?" Grace asked. It wasn't a bad idea but it definitely can't work. "I haven't had i*********e with him. He only wants me as his s*x tool and I can't be." I frowned. "What's the difference between being a s*x tool and doing it with a stranger in a club?" Grace said harshly and I glared at her. It is the truth. A knock on the door sent both of us to our feet. "The Alpha summons you." A guard informed me and I nodded. "Luna is waiting too." The second guard added before I closed the door. For several days, Luna has tried asking the pack doctor to check me out because I haven't been eating well and I sleep too often but I refused. What do they want now? Grace pulled me up and ran to my wardrobe. She wrapped my stomach with a plain cloth that almost made my stomach flat like it had always been. "I'm scared, Grace. I might die if Aloha Tony finds out." I whimpered, holding my wrapped stomach. It felt like my stomach was being tied with a rope. "It's so tight." I was very uncomfortable. "It's just for a little while, Olivia. Try to endure it or suffer the consequences." Grace patted my shoulder and I nodded, straightening my back at once. "Once you are done with why Alpha Tony summoned you, I'd have thought of a solution." She said, I breathed out and nodded. "Now, hurry up, and don't keep your mate waiting." Grace winked and I was about to smack her head when the guard came to knock again. The guards walked me to the living room. I straightened the gown that was a little above my knees, it was revealing my entire back but packed my boobs well. Luna Ember is great at picking seductive clothes, she wants me to win her son over. "You are his mate. His only true mate. It is only right for him to fall in love with you. He doesn't mean rejecting you, it's his first so he doesn't understand why someone should have a mate, most importantly a Luna." Luna Ember had called me into her room that day. "He needs you, Olivia. You were a slave before but not anymore. You are now the Alpha's mate and nobody should look down on you. You'll fit perfectly for the next Luna." She cupped my face, smiling so wide that day. That didn't stop people around looking at me like my body was full of worms even when I already looked like a pampered Princess. Her son already rejected me, why does she still pester him to accept me? Why does she want me to be the next Luna? Why does she believe so much in me? "Alpha...." I bowed, greeting Alpha Tony and his eyes roamed around my entire body. My heart accelerated when his eyes rested on my boobs and stomach. Did my breasts get bigger? Is the stomach giving a bulge already? So many questions roamed through my mind that I forgot about the others sitting. "Greetings, Mother." Luna Ember squeezed my hands reassuringly when I finally called her mother since the days she had been correcting me and I smiled. It's the first time I gave a sincere smile. The other person on the seat looked a little like Alpha Tony but must be older because of his physique. His emerald eyes met mine and I suddenly felt frozen, like his eyes were speaking some things I didn't understand. "Mother?" He asked and I glanced at Luna Ember. He must be part of the family. "Yes, Nathan. This is Tony's mate." Luna Ember smiled. "No, she's not." Alpha Tony countered his mother's words, and the smile faded off her face instantly. I quickly looked downwards, not again, please. "That sorts it then because she is my mate." The emerald-eyed man called Nathan smiled to the shock of everyone. Wait, what?!

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