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~• ALPHA TONY •~ The council has been pressuring me for a Luna when I just got crowned as the new Alpha. What's with them and the rush? "Tony dear, how did the meeting go?" My mother walked in. She has been in a more lively spirit ever since my father passed on three months ago. "It's the same issue again. Why can't I rest?" I scoffed, removing the scarf around my neck. "Tony, you need a woman by your side. You need your own Luna too." My mother was here for her advice again. "Mum, please! I can't take Luna when I haven't seen my mate yet." I threw the scarf away angrily. A maid came to knock on the door and I suddenly began to feel restless. I could hear faintly what they were talking about - dinner. I stood beside my window, staring at the large yard in front of the palace. "She's here...." My mother whispered and I raised my brow. Who is here? "The girl who escaped the kill." My mother said and I nodded, telling her immediately that it was only a run check for me. We are not yet sure the girl is my mate. My mother led the way and I couldn't get more restless, I had a feeling someone dear to me was hurt. The door opened and It took me a while before I could go in. Cries were heard in the room and I kinda felt irritated. "She is not and can never be my mate." As much as I hated to do this to her, her face and body irritated me. "She was a slave in the pack." My mother said as I walked out of the ward angrily. "Why will a slave be my mate?!" I yelled, banging on the door of my room. "How am I supposed to know the answer to that question? The goddess gave you...." My mother tried giving crap stories about the goddess that doesn't exist. "Stop the goddess thing, Mother! If she does exist then she should pair me with someone better." I shouted again. My mother shook her head and headed out. "You will learn to accept her soon because you don't have another." She uttered before exiting the room. I released an exhausting sigh. Where the hell do I start from mating with a slave?! After an hour, I was summoned to the dining room by my mother to eat lunch. "Bring her over, she must be hungry." My mother motioned for the slave to join us for lunch. I snorted, pouring into the cup my milk. Two maids assisted her in walking and when I looked, she was looking so ravishing. Is she the same person? I swallowed when she smiled slightly and began to eat. Why is she this beautiful? "Tony, your milk..." My mother cautioned and I nodded embarrassingly, taking my eyes off her. "My name is Olivia." She replied to my mother slowly, trying to pick veggies with her fork. She didn't even know how to use cutleries well? I wouldn't deny I was irritated again but she's really pretty. My cutlery fell just beside her, my mother refused to help me pick it and she refused the maids in helping too. I groaned mentally, I see what she's doing there. My eyes bulged into her thighs that looked like she had always been a baby, like she wasn't a slave at all until my hands mistakenly touched hers. I wouldn't deny the things I felt as I touched his leg, I felt something unexplainable. It was like a tingling sensation, a strange yet alluring warmth, and a pull towards something I couldn't identify. What is that called? "That is the mate pull and bond." My head snapped towards the direction of the voice. My mother chuckled while I rolled my eyes. Mate pull and bond with a slave?! OLIVIA I saw the way he looked at me, it was different from the look on his face when he first saw me. On Luna's orders, I was looking like Royalty for the first time in twenty years of being a slave. Though the maids talked about me being a slave while they thought I wasn't listening, it's true, I'm just a slave who lost everything in a day. To make things worse, I am Alpha Tony's mate. An Alpha that has never cared about anybody's feelings. He made me feel worthless and useless, face-slapping me with my rank in the pack. I don't even hold a rank, a slave remains a slave. I blinked, looking at the way he stared at me in the dining room. The cutleries were giving me a hard time but I just had to adapt. Yet I couldn't concentrate because of his hot stares on my face and my body. Why is he looking at me that way? I looked at Luna and she looked relaxed with what was happening because she could see the way her son was looking at me, isn't that what she wanted? "I think I'm full now." I smiled even though I didn't eat half of the small portion that was served to me. I was led to a room in one of the quarters that was also meant for royalty. When was the last time I went into a normal room? I have slept in a horse's bay, in pens, on wooden shelves, or in the field, all my life. I can't remember ever entering a normal room not to talk of a luxurious one. The wardrobe was full of clothes and I quickly changed into a nightgown that had already been laid down for me by Luna. I looked outside the window and my mind drifted back to where that killer murdered my family in cold blood. The door opened and Alpha Tony walked. "Even though I've never slept in a room, courtesy demands you knock on a lady's room before entering," I said, looking downwards. I hear him chuckle lightly. "I see you have changed, royalty fits you." He said, fixing his eyes on me. "Olivia, why don't we discuss some things?" Alpha Tony said and my heart suddenly raced. The worst he wants to talk about is sending me back to my slave life because clearly, he already rejected me as his mate. "Olivia, I need something from you." He began to walk closer and I immediately knew something was up. Alpha Tony touched my thighs, "I need you to be willing to give her body to me. I'll surely do anything you want but I need you." He said and I felt like slapping the hell out of him. "Because I'm an ordinary slave?" I asked unbelievably. "You are asking me to become your s*x tool? You only want s*x from me. Are you supposed to treat your mate this way?" I shouted and he held my neck. "You will never be my mate. I'm only making your life good by asking you to become my mistress. At least, you won't be a slave anymore." He made a terrible explanation. I was irked listening to him. "Well, I think I'll pass. Rejecting me as your mate isn't enough, you are humiliating my being a woman as well. Mark my words Alpha, I'll never be your s*x tool." I said, looking him straight in the eyes. I could see him boiling with anger but that isn't my business, I am equally angry too. I walked out of the room angrily, walking straight to nowhere. I got to the gate of the palace and it was opened with ease. Do they know me now? Or probably because of the dress I was wearing. I didn't know where I was going, I just kept walking into the streets angrily. I've been outside the palace only once, assisting my mother on an errand. I bit my lips to stop me from crying, remembering my late mother again. Noises were coming from a certain distance and I trailed it, it led to a bar. I've only read about bars in books, it seems I'm here in reality. Removing every other thing from my mind, I walked to where the drinks were arranged and I took four bottles of what I knew nothing about. I finished a bottle at a go as I stumbled to sit on a nearby chair. I opened the second bottle and began to gulp. Many guys began to look at me and that was when I realized I was still in my nightie but I care less about that. On the fourth bottle, a man came closer to me. "Hi, miss." He said and I smiled stupidly. "I reject you, Tony! You are not my dream guy and you will never be." I try to control my mouth but my tongue won't stop twisting into talking. "I'm just a slave whom the goddess mated with you, how's that my fault? If you have any issue with it, go argue with the moon goddess!" I yelled, pouring the last drop into my mouth before giving a loud belch. "You know what?" I dragged the stranger's collar to lift me from where I was sitting. He assisted me so I won't fall. I led him upstairs and upon getting to an empty room, I locked the door and pushed him to the bed. "This is what you want right? Then, take it." I mumbled, allowing my nightie to fall freely from my body.
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