Soil Testing

1494 Words
Jamie’s POV     I start testing the soil samples, uncorking each test tube one at a time to place my meter in the soil. I took testing strips out of the kit to test the second method of pH.     Not turning away from my work I start to ask questions, “What problems exactly are y’all having?”     “Nothing has been growing in our fields for about six months now. We’ve done the same testing you're currently doing,” Cameron answers from beside me.     This stops me and I look at him confused.     “What were the results of the tests?”     Why should I be doing the same testing they have already done?     “Everything turned out fine,” he says calmly. “Which doesn’t help explain why nothing is growing.”     I exchange looks with Duncan. We clearly need to have a conversation after this meeting. If the soil is fine and nothing is growing they might have a problem that's not natural.      “Have you tested the water you use in your fields?” I ask.     “Yes, and the water tested fine also. It’s the same water we use for drinking. None of our pack members have gotten sick from drinking it,” he informs me.     “Ok,” I say with a nod and keep testing.     What was plaguing this pack's food supply?     So far all the samples have tested with perfect soil nutrition for growing at a pH level of 6.5 (which you need to grow most vegetables). I move on to the last test tube and the sample shows the same results as all the others. Scientifically this has me stumped. There is no rational explanation for this. Feeling a little irritated and confused as I look at Duncan.     “All the samples tested with perfect soil nutrition,” I say with raised eyebrows.     As soon as Duncan opens his mouth to talk, the door to his office flies open making everyone turn towards the intruder. Cameron moved between me and the door in a flash in a protective stance. Freddie by the door has wide eyes and looks startled clutching at his chest in a defensive stance. Then calms down as we all notice who it is.     In stomps little James, “DADDY!”     I can’t hold back the giggle so I try to muffle it as best I can with my hand. Duncan looked at me disapproving of my amusement. Cameron moves behind me as the exchange with the toddler is just getting started.     “James, you can’t just barge into my office while I’m in a meeting,” he disciplines the very irritated toddler.     Pushing his seat away from his desk, still seated and giving James a stern look.     “Well I want to hang out with Aunt Jamie and if she’s in here, I’m in here,” he pouts with crossed arms.    I smile because he loves me so much. This kid has been my shadow since he was able to walk.     A few seconds later Meredith waddles in, who is clearly very mad. I bend down to pick up James.     Meredith looks at Duncan, “I’m sorry honey, he slipped away and he can move a lot faster than me right now.”     Duncan smiles at her and says, “it’s alright. We should find Sean and see if he can help you out today while I finish my meetings.”     “But I want to stay with AUNT JAMIE,” James screams in the last part as he grabs a hold of me. He’s clearly irritated and probably needs a nap.    “Ok little man,” I say, kissing his forehead and starting to rock him.     I give Duncan and Meredith a look that says I’ll take him.     “Meredith, go get some rest. I got him, we were just about finished here,” I tell her.      “Are you sure?” She asks, clearly ready for a nap herself.     “Yeah, it’s no problem,” I reassure her.     “Ok. Thank you,” she says squeezing my hand.     Duncan is up out of his seat to kiss his mate before she goes. I place James down in a seat close to the table where I was testing the soil. He’s instantly interested and starts examining the test tubes in their case.     “Back to the matter at hand,” I redirect the room. “I would like to do some research and further tests on the samples in my field office. We can get a hold of you with anything we find.”     Duncan looks at me from the edge of his desk where he is leaning against it and nods.  —————— Cameron’s POV     She’s found the same answers we have. She looks as irritated as we have been these past few months. I want to comfort her, but feel it’s not my place. I keep being drawn to her though and it's starting to get to me. I can feel Noah getting more irritated that her wolf is hidden somehow.     She looks to her brother, “All the samples tested with perfect soil nutrition. What would you like me to try next?”    Duncan opens his mouth to answer but the door to his office flies open making everyone turn towards the intruder. I instinctively move to put myself in between Jamie and the door.     In stomps a little boy who screams, “DADDY!”     I hear her giggle from behind me and I relax. Enjoying the sound of her slight laughter. I move behind her so she can talk with her family, as I assume this must be Alpha Duncan’s boy.     I hear this kid say he wants to hang out with Aunt Jamie and find it adorable. Then the sight of his highly pregnant mother waddling in, makes me want to find my mate even more.     Watching Jamie now holding the little boy named James I tell Noah, “she’s going to be a perfect mother one day.”     “If she’s our mate, I can’t wait to see her waddle around full of our pups,” Noah preens.     “I can imagine it now,” I tell him.     I can honestly see this woman with a swollen belly and a huge smile. Walking around in a loose gown and barefeet. I smile at my own thoughts.     Duncan’s mate has left the office before I realize it, and James is being placed in a chair by Jamie’s workspace.     “Back to what we were saying,” she says looking at her brother and me. “I would like to do some research and further tests on the samples in my field office. We can get a hold of you with anything we find.”     I don’t want to leave. Not yet anyway. My inner toddler wants to come out and throw a tantrum like James did. He got his way, why wouldn't I? I know I need to leave but, I feel this crazy pull to stay with her or even take her with me. Then again I know I need to get back to my pack. And Jamie is pretty much telling me to go, so I will.     “Maybe we should visit as often as we can until we can figure out if she’s our Luna,” Noah suggests.     “That’s not a bad idea,” I say, then push him to the back of my mind.     “Ok. Would it be alright if I came to visit to check on your research progress personally in a few days?” I ask.     “Of course,” she says with a nod and a smile. “I mean if that’s ok with you Duncan?” She looks at him for approval.     “Yes. That’s fine,” he says smiling at her.     Jamie smiles even bigger. I would give anything to make her smile like that because of something I said or did. I would love even more to hear her laugh again. To make her laugh would be better.      “What the hell is wrong with me,” I ask Noah.     “There is some kind of bond between us and her. There has to be,” he answers.     “We will find out what it is over the course of the next couple of days,” I inform him.     With that, we shake Duncan’s hand then Jamie’s and say goodbye. I can feel tingles again when I touch her hand. She has to be my mate. 
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