What Was That?

1834 Words
Jamie’s POV    We walk Alpha Cameron and Beta Rambo out to their truck so they can leave. As I watch them leave I feel slightly hurt that he’s actually going, but he had to for now. I had this feeling it wasn’t my time to leave my brother's pack. James sweetly waving at their truck as it drives away and it makes me smile.     “We will see him again soon baby girl,” Zara reassures me.     “I know. Next time we need to make sure he knows we are his mate,” I tell her before I push her to the back of my mind.     “We need to talk. In my office,” Duncan says flatly.     I know this has to be about the meeting and I’m sure he has questions as to what was going on. We all walked back to Duncan’s office. James holding my hand with Freddie right behind us.     We step inside the office and Freddie asks James, “Hey little buddy, do you want some ice cream? We can sneak into the kitchen and rob the place like some bandits. Once we are done we can find Aunt Jamie again, ok?”     “Heck yeah! Let’s do this!” James yells running out of the office.     I laugh at James’s reaction to getting ice cream. Duncan and I both nod goodbye to Freddie, as James is already leading the charge to the kitchen to rob it of its ice cream.    Once they were gone and the door closed, I plop down into the chair close to the testing kit sighing out a breath of frustration. Duncan back at his desk in his chair staring at me I'm sure contemplating what to ask me first.     “What was going on between you and Alpha Cameron in here,” Duncan asks.     “He’s my mate,” I say in disbelief that I found him.     I finally found him. My heart swelled with the thought and yet the hurt that I couldn’t let him know what he is to me today.     “Part of me thought so. I was watching y’all’s exchange. I’m very happy you found him,” he says with a small smile.     “I know you're worried about it too,” I say and he nods. “We will figure out a way to let him into our world, hopefully without any hiccups,” I say, trying to sound hopeful.     “I will think about how to do this,” he says with a bigger smile. “So, what testing are you thinking you will need to perform on the soil,” he asks switching subjects on me.     “I’m not completely sure yet. I think it will come to me once I’m in my field office,” I say looking at the soil samples. “I know it’s not anything natural causing this issue for them. Maybe dark magic?”     “It could be. Just be careful with your tests,” he says with concern. “I would feel better if someone was with you while you run any testing. We don’t know who did what to them or why.”    “Yeah, you're right. I’ll have either Tara or Sammy sit in on my tests,” I say, still staring at the soil samples.     Then I remember I needed to talk to Duncan about training.     “Speaking of Sammy, she was wanting to see about having someone stronger spar with me,” I say now looking at Duncan.     Duncan looks at me impressed and nods his head.     “Alright,” he says enthusiastically. “Met me and Sean in the morning  at seven for a sparring session.”     “That sounds like it might be fun,” I say with a sly smile.     I was giddy with the thought of sparing with my brothers. Learning some new moves and possibly kicking someone’s butt.     He laughs and I join in. It was always nice to joke and laugh with my brothers. I then get up to gather my things to conduct tests in the field office.  ————- Cameron’s POV    As we are leaving I can’t help but feel bad for leaving such a beautiful creature behind. She had already planted herself in my mind. I’m determined that I will find out if she is my mate or not. She had to be, there was no other explanation for what I was feeling.     “Do you think they will be able to figure out what the crop issue is,” Rambo asks, as we now hit the main road turning towards our pack territory.     “I’m not sure. She might have different ideas than what we do, so there's hope,” I answer.     “Fairsies,” Rambo cries out (This is our special way of saying fair enough). “Also what happened too, we aren’t leaving here without her,” he questions.    “I don’t know for sure if she’s my mate. It would be f****d up if I took another Alpha’s sister if she wasn’t my mate,” I say in defense. “Besides I’ll be going back tomorrow morning to get answers instead of in a few days.”    There's no way in hell I could wait a few days to see her again. I needed answers as to if the connection I was experiencing was the mate bond.     As we keep driving falling into silence, I reflect on the past seven years of being my pack's Alpha. I took over my dad's position right after turning eighteen and graduating from high school. After my parents moved out of the packhouse, about a year later, they went missing. We found them dead in the woods with large gashes all over their bodies. We still don’t have any answers as to what happened. I’ve long put that mystery on the back burner though. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get answers. Right now my pack's survival is of the utmost importance.    I look over to see Rambo playing on his phone. I didn’t have a Beta when I first took over so my dad’s Beta, John, stayed on until I found Rambo. He’s a short stout guy with dirty blond hair and gray eyes. He’s been my best friend since we met in Raco’s. We were both getting a 5 piece sweet chili tender basket. We ended up bonding while we ate, talking like we were old friends and the rest is history.     I keep driving getting closer to our pack territory. It takes us two hours to drive from our pack territory to the Trinity Forest Pack’s territory. My thoughts and the silence is cut suddenly by Rambo’s loud ass clapping out of nowhere.     “f**k!!!!!” I yell.     Every road trip s**t like this happens. He lets things get quiet for a long time, then scares the crap out of me. And he laughs his ass off. On trips that I let him drive, I return the favor of a loud ass “YIP”, out of nowhere. This is why we are besties.     I end up laughing with him and tell him, “you’re a jackass.”     “Well I had to do something to get you out of your own head,” he replied, still amused.     “Mmmhmm,” is all I respond with, letting him know I'm not amused.     As we pull through the gate of the pack territory, we both sigh in relief that everything looks exactly as we left it. Out of the packhouse comes Sage and Stella to greet us. Sage is Rambos' mate and Stella is my younger sister.     Sage and Rambo found each other about a year ago. The love birds gross me out quite a bit. Sage is a five-foot-three-inch mouthy little spitfire with dark brown long curly hair and dark blue eyes. She can be sweet but by no means should anyone piss her off.     Stella is about the same height as Sage with light blue eyes and naturally dirty blond hair. She likes to dye it though so you never know what color it might be. This month's color is dark red. Stella has always been pretty independent, smart and quick-witted. She could survive on her own if she needed to.     Sage walked up to Rambo to wrap her arms around her mate. Stella walked up to me seeming to already know I don’t have any answers for our pack.     “So did they figure out what is going on with our soil?” Stella asks.     “No they got the same answers as we did,” I say, disappointed I don’t have better news. “But the lady we met with has other tests she would like to run, and I’m headed back there tomorrow morning.”     “Why are you going back,” Stella questions with raised eyebrows.     “Well for a start, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of the lady we met,” Rambo announces as he walks inside with Sage.     All I can do is growl and narrow my eyes at the asshole then head inside to my office. There are plenty of other things I can do other than to answer to everyone else right now. Stella isn’t letting that go; she's on my heels and asking more questions.     “So, I’m gonna take a wild guess here and say that the lady y’all met is your mate,” she says following me into my office.     “I think so,” is all I can tell her because I’m not even sure.     “Think so?” She says, squinting at me.     “Yes,” I say hoping that’s enough of an answer.     It’s not, she takes a seat and is staring at me.     “Noah said her wolf was hidden. I don’t know how or why.”     “Well wouldn’t she have said something to you if you were her mate,” she asks.     “I would hope so, but I plan to get answers on that too,” I tell her.     “In other words, you left the Trinity Forest Pack with more questions than answers,” she announces as she gets up to leave my office.     “It seems so,” I say, opening my computer and getting straight to work.     That realization is frustrating. 
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