Book 2 My Pup's

2163 Words

Willow’s POV It was cold and dark. I had no idea how long I had been here. Or where here even was. How long had I tried to reach out to Molly or called for Freddie? I called until I had no voice left. I looked for the light when there was none to be seen. I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my own face, much less anything else. I started to think that I was lost or even dead. What had happened to me? Where was I? Why wasn’t I with my mate and my pups? Where had my wolf gone? These questions played out in my mind over and over again with no answers to be found. I don’t know how long I sat in the dark crying until suddenly I felt this warm surge of life all around me. I finally felt Molly in the dark and reached out to her. “Molly?” “Willow!” “It’s so good to hear your voice.

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