This Means War

2766 Words

Warning: s****l content towards the end Jamie’s POV     It’s the day before the Luna Ceremony and I’m spending the day with Sage, Stella and Tara in the village. We have some last-minute details to take care of. Meaning shopping. I personally hate shopping for clothes but at least it’s not the mall in a human town.     Sage and Stella have already set up the party portion of the ceremony. I now need to find a white dress to wear. Taking a vow in a white dress is Luna tradition. I’m basically marrying the pack.     Then there’s this whole thing about a pack run once the ceremony portion is over. Zara and Noah will be leading the run as the Alpha pair. The only thing is all the questions that will come from the pack seeing Zara.     There could be a lot of angry pack members or there co

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