More Rogue Issues

1410 Words

Jamie’s POV     As I got closer I could hear a little girl crying softly. When I came around a turn in the tunnel, I could see the girl in a fetal position sitting on the floor crying and trembling in fear. A large gray wolf stood over her with its teeth bared and growling low in its throat.     I know what I’m about to do is going to piss Cameron off, but I have to save her. I couldn’t let this little one be harmed or taken. My heart is pounding in my chest and I’m hoping my plan works out.     I move out into the open and growl low in my chest in warning to the rogue. Getting the wolf’s attention he looks at me and away from the girl.     “Zara, I hope you're ready,” I tell her.     “I am, baby girl. Just say the word,” she tells me.     I keep my eyes on the wolf and put my hand o

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