Building Made of Stone

1895 Words

Jamie’s POV     The door to the room I’m being held in swings open and I get hit with the smell of sandalwood. I almost vomited. I know where I’m at.     Calvin walks into the room, “hello there baby sister. It’s been so long.”    I was stunned into silence and I couldn't breathe. The realization that my world is crumbling around me hits hard. He chuckles at my reaction.    He looks the same as he did all those years ago. He hasn’t changed a bit. He leaves the door open but stands in front of it.     “Sit down!” he commands.     I sit for fear that I might fall over. I’m staring at him waiting for him to talk or do anything. I have no words for him.     “While you are here you will be taken care of until I need you. You will be fed and checked on. You will notice that you can’t mind

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