Chapter 25

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Everyone except Joshua and Dave had tense looks on their faces, Hendrickson and Max kept glancing around for any signs of the unusual. "Nice deduction," came a deep gruff voice, everyone turned in the direction of the voice. Standing about seventeen feet from Hendrickson was Boris. He had an evil smile on his face as he kept walking forward. "But you were wrong about why we dropped the kid on the streets, it wasn't to test your abilities, you see, I have something that completely disregards ability, if you noticed, my aura cloak is on but I plan to put it off after a while. I am an old man and such mental stress is very dangerous, the only reason why that boy was put here was just to check whom amongst you were the two Primordials, I know you aren't, I saw your entourage ability," he said, his attention was focused on Hendrickson before turning to Joshua. "And, tales of the one who calls himself J isn't exactly something that even Terry could keep quiet about, you are the first Primordial and I am guessing the last one based on observation and my earlier information about the type of person he is," Boris had his attention on Dave. "It's you, isn't it? The Crescent Primordial...." "You dumbass!" Joshua interrupted, he was pissed. "I have been in this game long enough to know when someone is trying to distract me from something." "You aren't the only one who noticed, J," Dave says as his entourage punched to his left. "I noticed how he was trying to engage all of us in a conversation and what other reason would he have than to help a fellow he brought along," as Dave spoke, his entourage punched something sturdy. It flew away as it crashed against the ground vehemently. The figure became visible, it was a whitish 6'5 feet entourage with marbles ingrained in its forehead. "I see you have noticed my entourage," came a voice opposite them, they all turn towards the direction of the voice, it was Andrey, he sat on the roof of Big Burgers. He had an evil smile on his face. "If you hadn't acted, Crescent Primordial, the fate that befell your friend would have happened to you too." As he spoke, Max collapsed to the ground, he was bleeding from his stomach. Joshua and Hendrickson wore flustered looks on their face but Dave kept his cool. "Though your friend won't die soon thanks to the fact that our aura cloaks are on but if it's all the same, this is where your burial ground shall be." Dave, Joshua, and Hendrickson's bodies suddenly drop to the ground, they could feel their bones breaking and blood rushing to their feet. "What the hell is happening?" Hendrickson said trying his best to get up from the ground but he couldn't. Boris had an evil smile on his face as he kept walking towards him. "His entourage, its ability is to manipulate gravity," Dave begins. "I read about gravity in high school, if gravitational force by the earth was increased significantly, our bodies would drop to the ground, blood will be felt rushing to the feet and bones would begin to break due to the inability to stand the strain of increased gravitational pull." "I estimated he increased it by about 100 times due to the impact we are feeling," Joshua had an evil smirk on his face as he began to rise to his feet. His entourage was above him, it was punching as fast as it could; his entourage was now capable of speech as it as shouting. 'ODE!!!!!' "That's impossible," Boris had an astonishing look on his face. "Impossibility used to be a thing until I, The J came along," Joshua smirked haughtily as he points to himself. "This isn't the first time I have had to do the seemingly impossible with my entourage, my entourage is an ethereal manifestation not physical so it makes no sense that they can only manipulate physical matter. Also, I have got Terry to thank, while I was at the core of the earth, I realized my entourage was also capable of punching through phenomenons, its punching ability was so fast that it has generated enough ability to repel the force brought about by your gravitational force," Joshua grins as his entourage began to flex his fists. "Now, how about that ass whooping?"
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