Chapter 24

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Sweat dripped from Hendrickson's head profusely, Ralph had increased his pace, he had nearly reached Joshua's position. "I never wanted to do this," Hendrickson sighs, he looked distressed. "He could have had a bright future ahead of him if only he was raised differently, it must have been the fault of his parents for putting him down the wrong path, or maybe, it was his insatiable greed that's the reason for his misfortune. Either way, this is where it ends," Hendrickson's entourage retracted back to Hendrickson's side. He was lucky he was fast at retracting it as it was at that moment that Ralph's entourage had nearly touched him. Hendrickson couldn't help but frown. "I could have ended the kid from the beginning, my entourage had already touched those pigeons before it took one. Even though the kid transformed it into another object, my print signature was still on it meaning I can still switch with it, I feel bad about this, I hate having to kill kids especially those with intellectual disability," he ends as he vanishes. Joshua was surprised to see a street so empty, there was a litter of food everywhere. He saw a fat boy about his height running towards him stretching his arm, he was cloaked in yellow miasma. Joshua too was cloaked but Max's illusion ability was on so it didn't appear like Joshua had been cloaked. "This kid is definitely an entourage user," Joshua thought to himself. "But why is he panting like that, also where the hell is Henry, hope he didn't lose to this kid." When the kid reached a few feet from Joshua, Ralph looked at the ground, his face had swollen up. He looked ill. "What's wrong with him?" Joshua thought as he looked around, it was then that he noticed Hendrickson's entourage was now beside the kid. "A short-range entourage can't be more than two feet from its owner, it means Henry has to be somewhere near." Ralph's face and body had gotten all puffy, Joshua was still trying to figure out the mystery when Ralph's body explodes. SPLARGHHH!!!!!!! Dave and Max became visible, they were right beside Joshua. They couldn't help but laugh to their heart's content as Joshua was covered in vomit and bits of Ralph's body organs. Dave had an idea of what had happened when he noticed Hendrickson's entourage beside Ralph. He had simply told Max to move away from their position.  [Ralph had eaten a pigeon whom he transformed to an edible, Hendrickson had simply exchanged locations with the edible causing him to appear in his stomach, thereby causing him to implode]. "What the f**k!!" Joshua was visibly annoyed as he looked at himself, he was drenched. Hendrickson too was also covered with bits of Ralph's body organs and fluids. "That makes two of us." "I didn't take you for the brutal type though," Dave says in his direction. "I am not," Hendrickson replied him. "But it was the only way I could stop that kid from touching J, if he did, J would have become a delicacy." "That would upset the kid's stomach," Max smirks. "That would have been a much nicer way to end our two terrors." "Very funny," Joshua says in a sarcastic tone. "This is extremely tasking to my mental health," Max sighs. "I think it's time I release my entourage," Max begins as his cloak began to fade but Hendrickson shouted. "In all you do, don't remove your cloak!!" Hendrickson said at the top of the voice. "That kid was released here and he killed scores of people in less than a second, I have been checking the papers since we got to Russia, there were reports of missing people but not these much in the last two weeks meaning that the kid was contained somewhere where his food supply was somewhat rationed. I am guessing the remains of this kid is Adams' nephew, he fit that profile, had an intellectual disability, and needs someone to take care of him, Leon is lucky he didn't find him, this kid would have eaten him," Hendrickson looked around cautiously. "There is another entourage user around, he's probably the one who released the kid on the streets, my guess, he wants to test the abilities of us all, the kid was merely his pawn for his proper assessment of what our entourages are capable of."
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