Chapter 30

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Hendrickson couldn't help but grin sheepishly, he felt really satisfied dealing that punch. "You know, you could learn to let me in on your plans, would be good for our synergy," Hendrickson smiles at Dave. "It would but we face a crafty foe," Dave begins.  "And one thing about craftiness is that it can't do outside provided Intel, feed it wrong intel and it will prove ineffective," Dave finishes.  "You switched your body with something, was it Max's corpse?" "Yeah, how did you figure it out?" "While I punched him earlier, I took my attention from Max, I am guessing he then took the body, his aim was probably to use it to delay me and observe me a bit while coming up with another line of action." Andrey's entourage threw away some of the rubbles on top of him as he got to his feet. "You are just a child," Andrey spits out some blood.  "I won't lose to you." "Well then," Dave begins running towards him, his entourage at his right-hand side.  "Prepare to be disappointed." As he spoke.   Andrey suddenly vanished as he reappeared in front of Dave(Hendrickson had switched his position with Dave's entourage).   Dave punched the side of his face causing him to stagger back, Dave slid hitting him forcefully on his toes as his body bent down.  Dave stepped it up as he pushed his upper body forward throwing him off. His entourage had already retracted back to him, grabbing Andrey's lower legs, it flung him away.  Andrey vanished while in the air as he appeared before Hendrickson who punched him severally in his lower belly and chest before headbutting him sending crashing against the ground vehemently. CRAAAASSSHHH!!!! Andrey was lying on the ground, he was bleeding from his body. "You know one thing that always comforts me even when I am losing," Andrey was still lying as he spoke, he was out of breath, his body injured.  Bones, broken. Dave and Hendrickson say nothing as they just look at him, Dave still had his cautious look on. "It's impossible for anyone who's winning or victorious," Andrey continues. "Not to get comfortable especially when it's seemingly effortless or their laid-down strategy is going according to plan.  When it seems all is well, they forget temporarily that their opponent to is capable of thinking and that's where the tide of the game changes, when the losing opponent uses the moment of victory to make his comeback, they are shaken for a while and usually before the initial victors realize what's happening, they have already lost." Hendrickson's face suddenly lit up, he remembered he had seen Andrey's entourage with a scimitar but at the moment, the scimitar was nowhere to be seen.  He dashed towards Dave as he pushed him away.   The moment he pushed him away, he was impaled with the weapon in his pancreas.   Hendrickson slumped to the ground immediately.   Dave could feel sweat breaking off his forehead.  This Andrey was none like he had ever faced before. Right before Dave's eyes, Andrey's body was getting treated, his injuries sown.  Andrey smiles as he got to his feet. "Before I discovered my ability, I was a doctor but I was bored, I just had a lifestyle of tending to the wounded and sick.  It was never what I wanted but it was what my parents had forced me into school for, all my life, I lived it according to how my parents' wished, and I hated it.  I wanted a life of danger, one filled with risks, that was why I am glad I met Madame, she told me how to unlock this power and Boris, he was the only one who understood me since the day I was born," Andrey grinned evilly.  "While in the university, I was forced to study physics even though it was for a year, I learned about the numerous forces acting in the planet, how the moon rotates around the earth and the earth, around the sun.  I threw my scimitar at the time you were hitting me as the best time to implement your best moves is when your enemy is distracted and what better distraction to give your enemy than make him deal damage at you, they tend to miss a lot of things during that stage, you thought I dropped the scimitar but I didn't, I had thrown it with precise calculation and prediction of where you would be when the scimitar was coming back if it went around the planet's circumference.   Hendrickson put his life down for yours, it's a shame his sacrifice will be for nothing.  Boris and I will get that hundred million dollars." (Back in Space) Joshua spat out some dirt as he got to his feet on the broken asteroid, he couldn't help but smile as he saw the dirt float.  Removing his head-warmer, he took a small bag which he had tied very tightly, he opened it slightly as he tried to inhale all the air which was present in it before tossing it away.  Joshua closed his eyes for a while, he opened it back, and put on his head-warmer. Boris was a few feet away from Joshua; his entourage was right beside him.   "By our current perception, we have spent about eight days while forty seconds have passed in the real world.  In two days of our present perception, you would be gone." "Ever wondered why the word immortality was invented?" Joshua began as his entourage levitated in the empty space, Joshua was grabbing on to its left leg. "Why?" Boris scoffs. "Someone tried to classify my longevity." Joshua ends as his entourage kicked him towards Boris.  Boris grins as he did a backflip.  Immediately, he disappeared from Joshua's line of sight, hundreds of asteroids dashed at Joshua(Boris had used his gravity powers to push those asteroids towards Joshua). Joshua's entourage appeared directly in front of Joshua blocking him from the asteroids. "ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE!!!!!!!" his entourage shouted as fast as it could, it stretched his arms, punching as speedily as it could, turning every asteroid approaching it to dust. Boris came from behind and tried to punch Joshua, Joshua evaded sharply but immediately he did, Boris's entourage slapped Joshua causing him to fly several light-years back.   Boris' entourage dashed around the galaxy as it came back at Joshua's entourage, it punched him on its chest sending him flying backward. While it was in the air.  Several stars of different types and sizes formed a cluster as they began to bash against Joshua's entourage each exploding as they kept hitting him vehemently.   After Boris had crashed hundreds of stars on his body, he dashed from the spot he was towards Joshua, he punched Joshua on his face sending him crashing against another asteroid. "Is this all you are worth?" Boris laughed at him.  "Terry returned from you very injured, I thought you would be a better fighter" "You are an old man," Joshua grinned as he got to his feet.  "If I moved, you won't be able to hit your target, and you might snap your back." "You brat!!!!" Boris screamed as he summoned a star towards Joshua but Joshua's entourage held him by his right arm as he threw him away towards Boris. "Are we still doing this again?" Boris grins evilly as he tried to evade to his left but Joshua was expecting that as he twists his body connecting his two heels to Boris' forehead.  Boris was dazed for a moment by the hit, Joshua didn't relent as he punched Boris violently on his jaw.  Boris staggered back but Joshua didn't stop, he kept hitting critical points on his body and anytime Boris tried to counter, Joshua would evade and resume hitting pressure points. Boris staggered backward, he realized he was out of breath.  "How is this possible?" He thought to himself.  "I had trained myself to conserve oxygen even in a place without the right atmospheric conditions." "I am guessing you are realizing you aren't feeling well," Joshua grins evilly at him.  "I know the pressure points in the human body, the heart transports oxygenated blood to several parts of the body which is needed for the proper functioning of body coordination by the brain, I hit several pressure points on your body blocking the important pathways in your circulatory system, this stopped the flow of oxygenated blood," Joshua had an evil smile on his face.  "I had a plan for this all along, I estimate we are about 60 quintillion light-years away from the Milky Way galaxy, we have just two hours by our perception, that's far less than a nanosecond by real-time.  If you also don't want to die as your body organs are not as efficient as mine, guide us back to earth else you are gonna die here." Boris tried his best to try and regain his breath but he couldn't.  Whatever Joshua did to his body was taking its toll and was quite effective.  Now, he could feel sweat breaking off his forehead, Joshua was quite the strategist. (Back on earth) Dave did nothing but kept his cool, sweat was breaking off his forehead but the fists of his entourage were clenched.  Even though Hendrickson had fallen, Dave still didn't look distressed. Andrey circled him cautiously, he could tell attacking him wasn't his best move at that point. "The material binding Max," Dave said looking at Max's hands before turning his attention back at Hendrickson who was stabbed.  "Is the same that was used to stab Hendrickson.   It's also the same as those TNT explosives, they are made by the entourage blacksmith, aren't they?" "You have a good eye," Andrey had a confused look on his face.  "Though I don't see how that's relevant." "The weapons were able to pass through the miasma cloaks," Dave continues.  "Also, when Henry pushed me, I had noticed his entourage was directly in front of him meaning the weapon pierced through Hendrickson's entourage before finally hitting him." "I don't understand if you have gone mad or what but why the explanation." "You see," Dave sighs.  "I have been trying to restore Henry but I couldn't, I am guessing it's because of whatever the hell that weapon is, it can cut through entourages and completely block their abilities, you won't allow me to pull the weapon out of my friend in peace.  I am going to have to get a bit rough." As Dave said that, his entourage punched the ground which broke into several pieces.  It grabbed a large chunk of rock as it hurled it in Andrey's direction.   Andrey's entourage appeared before the rock as it cut it into two.  Dave time-skipped forward.  Now, he was behind Andrey.  Andrey was surprised as he was about to turn invisible but Dave didn't relent as he gave him a punch sending him crashing against the ground.  Andrey spat out a broken tooth, he opened the jacket he was wearing showing tens of blades and knives made of the same grey substance that was used to make the scimitar that had impaled Hendrickson.   It threw all the blades and knives in the air.  As they were flung in the air, Andrey and his entourage turned invisible. Dave narrowly dodged a knife that scratched his right cheek, he breathed heavily as he felt a punch to his stomach.  Dave coughs out saliva but he felt another swipe towards him from above.  His entourage held the arm of whatsoever was making the swipe; it was Andrey's entourage who was holding one of the blades which he had thrown earlier. Andrey didn't give up, he kicked Dave away putting some distance between the two of them. Andrey threw many knives in Dave's direction but Dave ran away as he slid on the ground avoiding all the thrown knives and blades in his direction. Dave got to his feet as he time-skipped.  He appeared at Andrey's right side.  Andrey tried to stab him with a knife but Dave time-skipped again; reappearing behind Andrey.   This time, Dave slashed at his right leg with one of the blades he had taken from the floor. "AGHRGHHHHGHHGGHHH!!!!!" Andrey screamed in pain as Dave suddenly appears before him, the two swung the knives they were holding at each other, desperately trying to pierce the other but while Andrey was about to get that chance.  Dave time-skipped to his back and pierced him lightly.   Andrey could feel different holes in his body opening up, he was bleeding profusely. "How the hell does he keep pinpointing my location accurately?" Andrey thought to himself, blood was spilling from his body to the ground.  "He said earlier that he could sense my weight on the ground but he had also given me false information earlier, if I lose too much blood, I will faint, I have to summon my entourage to sew my wounds but wait, what's if that's Dave's plan? He got me quite a few times so he knows I am injured and also, he intentionally moved away, he's hoping for me to summon my entourage, he can't see me but he's trying to predict my next action based on his psyche eval of me." Dave dashed at him, he was swinging his blade.   "The old man should be using his entourage to heal himself right about now, I feel the weight of his body on the ground..." Dave stopped thinking as he felt an object crash heavily against him burying him underneath it; he slumped to the ground unconscious.
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