Chapter 11

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The rest of the trip was rather uneventful. I forgot all about the long-haired boy who looked like a young Ian Veneracion. I just thought to myself, maybe he stood out because he was tall, broad-shouldered and really good-looking. Maybe he was a celebrity and that's why he looked familiar. So, I just let the thought go. I had the laptop stashed away in my backpack and just enjoyed the scenery of Nueva Vizcaya which is mostly lush mountains, green fields then more mountains and winding roads. I was getting dizzy as we passed along the zigzag road of the Dalton Pass in Sta. Fe. Plus, I was losing my auditory function due to the high altitude. I had to fake a yawn just to make my ears hear again. Man, I really hated steep climbs and winding roads. I rested easy once we reached the plane and a much more direct route towards Isabela Province. I reminded the driver I would be alighting near the junction of Alicia just in front of the Rosalia Hotel along the highway. The slow rocking motion of the bus was lulling me to sleep. But I fought off my drowsiness and started to reminisce instead. I once asked Ama why we are so concerned about the full moon and the different powers it gives off every month. His explanation to a 10 year old was rather vague, but I never forgot what he said to only be understood later on. According to legends, the Sun and the Moon were happily married couples in the beginning of days. The Earth was then enveloped in pure light because the two shone together in the sky and were inseparable. The Earth became even brighter as they made billions of children called Stars. Then, one day the Moon disobeyed the Sun because she let some of their Stars go down to the Earth and marry mortal men and women. Because of this disobedience, the Sun got angry at the Moon and stripped her off of her dazzling bright robe. And ordered her to inhabit the other side of the sky and take along with her their remaining children, while the fallen Stars will remain to inhabit the Earth for eternity. The Moon begged the Sun to give her a little bit of light so that she and her children will not freeze to death. The Sun acted with a little kindness and agreed to loan her his light little by little every night. She also begged the Sun to show a little mercy to the fallen Stars, their light will diminish on Earth and will therefore die. So, the Sun agreed to let her shine be their temporary strength every once a month for three days when he gives her full light. Thus, the day was brighter and hotter and the night became darker and colder. When the Moon is full, the Stars who came down from heaven to be with humans come out of hiding to rejoice at seeing their magnificent mother in full light, while the Moon bathe them with more power, strength and love. The Moon's children on Earth recharged their dying light every full Moon and became wrathful of their father. But because of their shame and guilt, the fallen Stars cowered at their father's sight until they hid themselves during the day and only came out at night. It sounded like a fairy tale with a very sad ending. When I was a child, it was the only way Ama made me understand how the Full Moon gave powers to the forces of evil here on earth. When I grew older, he gave me a more reasonable and believable explanation. 5 minutes before 6:00 pm, the bus stopped near a 3-storey white building. Its facade looked like a white tiered wedding cake. The sign read, Rosalia Hotel and Restaurant. I thanked the driver and the bus conductor before stepping into the asphalt road. I looked around and noted that the hotel was near a school, a hospital and a few steps away from the Barangay Hall.  I breathed in and out, inside my head, I was chanting over and over, "This is it. You can do this!" I walked towards the entrance door taking notice of the unique design of the double door. I thought it was an art deco design that depicted a rainbow colored tree branch made into a cool, unusual door for a hotel in a small town. But it worked. It actually made me stifle a laugh. A gracious male staff opened the door for me and greeted me good evening. The entrance was also the interior of a restaurant and the front desk was situated on the left side of the door. I was about to walk towards the front desk when a tall powerfully built man strode purposefully towards me.  Instinctively, I felt no threat but I planted my left foot in front, my right leg behind me and angled my torso just so to get ready to kick him in the gonads. He was smart enough to speak before he got close to be reached by my powerful right leg kick.  "Maya, I'm Roberto Rodriguez at your service. " And so, I relaxed my stance and smiled. "You were contemplating on kicking me, weren't you?" he asked with a wide grin on his face. Man, he was a handsome devil; he had a perfect bone structure, had really intimidating, perfectly curved, pointed nose and really piercing deep-set gray eyes. He reminded me of a Spanish Aristocrat. I was tall for a girl but I only reached an inch below his shoulders. He was even taller than my brothers whom I thought to be giants. He had such muscular arms and toned body. I knew I was gaping and even perhaps drooling but I did not care at all. When he got near me and we were basically only a foot apart, I inhaled deeply his masculine scent. I might have closed my eyes a bit. But who cared, before me was a real life "David" of Michaelangelo. "You are so like your brothers, so suspicious of everybody," he said and he took my backpack from my left shoulder. "Sorry about that, I thought you were a bouncer or a wrestler," I was trying to be funny. Haha, I was so pathetic. "Yeah, I get that a lot," he answered. At least, he was still smiling as he strode towards the front desk. "Shiela, this is Maya, Sam's sister. She'll be staying in the same bedroom," he introduced me and instructed a thin plain looking girl who looked as starstruck as I was. "Are you also staying here?" I asked. "Oh, Sam did not tell you?" I shook my head in answer. "I own this hotel but I live about 5 minutes from here. I would have liked for you to stay in my house but that would be inappropriate. People love to talk here. And since I live alone and unmarried, you know how small towns are," he continued and looked down at me with a wink. I thought to myself, "Oh, I would not mind the gossip. Take me home, please," and let out an obvious sigh. Get a grip, Maya, you were turning into a harlot! With that realization, I looked around, studying the place intending to divert my lustful thoughts. "Anton will walk you to your room. I'll wait for you here, have dinner first and then we'll talk business," he nodded to a dark guy behind the counter who stepped out to usher me into my room. "Thank you," I managed to croak, and followed Anton to Room 201. As soon as we were an earshot away, Anton became chatty and annoying, "Sir is very handsome no? But he does not have my charisma yah?" "Huh?" I looked at him from head to foot, "Yah, he sure does not, no?" I said with a laugh. "See, I know I have more x-factor," he said. He paused in front of room 201 and made a pose, by planting his chin in between his thumb and forefinger which formed a check just like a contestant of Mr.Pogi in Eat Bulaga.  I dared not laugh that my eyes watered with unshed tears of glee. "Thanks, Anton. I'll get my bag now. I can pretty much do everything from here on," I said as I grabbed the key and bag from him. As I entered the room, the lights and aircon were already on. I laughed out loud and shook my head. Anton looked like Rene Requestas, may he rest in peace. I meant no disrespect but he really did remind me of the late comedian I used to watch as a child. I just loved his character as Cheetae, GandaLalake. I walked towards the bed and passed by a dresser then halted, for the first time in 10 hours, I looked at my reflection and I nearly screamed. I looked like a vengeful spirit of a r**e victim. A wraith looked even more comely than me. My hair was tangled and standing all over the place. There were dark circles under my eyes and not to mention those gigantic eye bags. My lips were chapped and dry. My skin was so oily I could fry an egg on it without trouble at all. So, that was why Roberto was grinning at me the whole time! I looked like a ravaged shrew. So pitiful, I wanted to cry but instead I laughed so hard I nearly keeled over. My phone was ringing. It was Aura. I felt a surge of happiness, I missed her. "Hi Sis," I greeted her excitedly. “Sis” is short for sister. "Where are you?" she sounded frantic, "I've been trying to reach you for hours!" "I'm okay. There's no signal when we reached the mountainous parts. I'm in Alicia, Isabela." "So, it's true then that you took on the job. I thought Meg was just joking. I would not believe her 'coz she always gets me with her crazy stories then at the end she would say, "t**s, it's a joke". So is it really true?" she gushed on that lengthy statement wanting to get my answer A.S.A.P. "Yeah, it's true. I'm here now." I answered. "I'm worried, big Sis. You haven't done any hunting for almost 6 years now. Do you still know how to—" I cut her short before she could continue. "Don't worry, I'm a natural." I confidently said and added, "Plus, our brothers will arrive here tomorrow." "The parents and the uncles won't like this. You promised never to hunt again," she reminded me how I haven't redeemed myself from our parents and some uncles. But that's not the only promise I would have to break. "Miguel wrote about this case," I slowly uttered. "Put----ina!" she swore in Tagalog then advised me, "Focus on the job. Don't get distracted. Let go of the past, I know you haven't moved on yet. The old folks should not know about this if you want to continue working on their good side. You worked so hard to be accepted again." "Yes, I know what is at stakes here. Again, don't worry. Nothing or no one can hurt me like before." "I hope so Big Sis! Don't be fooled ever again. You promised! Now I have to go, still have a night class." "When will you finish your Masteral anyway? It's like you've been studying your whole life!" Aura took up nursing in College. She graduated at age 18 because our parents faked her birth certificate by making her older by 2 years. She became a registered nurse at age 19. At 20 years old, she now works at the Regional Hospital of Cagayan Valley and is taking up her MSN. Amidst her busy schedule, she still hunts with my parents and teaches Taekwondo in Tuguegarao. "Well, have 1 more year then after that I want to continue my doctorate study," there was excitement in her voice. "I'm proud of you baby Sis!" I said with much emotion, I was getting teary-eyed again. "I know. Now, big Sis, fix your life will you! Come back to where you truly belong. We miss you, you know." "You know I can never come back. Maybe one of these days, I'll come for a visit." The sadness in my voice was evident so Aura cheered me up. "I'll be in Manila this month. It's supposed to be a surprise by hey, surprised!" It surely lightened my mood. We spoke for a few more minutes before she hung up. I stood up and once more looked over the mirror. "I am Maya Crisanto, I am fierce, brave, strong and confident. I will triumph against my enemies both human and "halimaw" (monster). In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen." And in my head I begged Jesus, "Please.... HHHHHEEEEEELLLLPPPPP!"
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