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After taking a quick shower, applying light make-up and wearing fresh clothing, I was sane again. I regained my seriousness and sense of purpose. Checking at my reflection, I looked better, my hair regained its glorious shine and golden brown color after a thorough blow dry, my cheeks definitely had some glow then and my pink lip gloss added freshness to my haggard look. I only brought black tight spandex clothes, combat boots, sneakers and slippers so I chose a racer black top, sweat pants and my trusty old black sneakers. Well, I looked like a gym instructor; that was the best I could do with myself then. Who was I trying to impress anyway? Disgusted with myself, I grabbed my bag pack and went out of the room. The restaurant was half packed with diners. Most of the guests were families and businessmen on trips or stop-overs. I saw Roberto by the bar. I moved towards him and noticed all the eyes of the diners were on me. Do I have a booger on my face? Consciously, I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. He turned around and he looked taken aback. It's positive, I had something icky on my face! "Wow, you sure turned out to be pretty," he said looking at me with a slow smile. "I took a shower, it was a long trip," I managed to answer and felt so relieved. So, my prepping worked! Clap, clap, clap! He motioned for me to follow him at the back of the room and headed towards a vacant table. It was isolated yet we could still see the whole room. It was a great spot for a private conversation and for people watching. "I know you must be hungry. So, shall we order?" he asked, handing me a copy of the menu. "Tell me what's good to eat here?"  I checked the menu which was dominated with Ilocano and Ibanag delicacies like Igado (pork with liver), Papaitan (cow's innards stew), Dinakdakan (pig's skin chopped finely added with mayo), Dinuguan (pork blood stew) and Pinakbet (mixed veggies with fermented fish). "Try our Sizzling Bulalo (cow's kneecap with bone marrow). It's the best seller," he suggested then continued before I could agree, "Unless you are a health buff and want a healthier option."  "Ah, I am not health conscious," I answered and agreed on the Sizzling Bulalo.  So, he made the orders as I studied the other diners. They all looked to be enjoying their meals. I could hear Ilocano dialects being spoken meaning they were locals. The single diners had laptops in front of them or were reading some papers. "Is there a convention here in town?" I asked. "None, but there was a group of engineers who checked in 3 days ago surveying sites for new malls and new sites for subdivisions," he answered. "So, how did you come to know my brothers?" I asked. Looking at him intently now, he looked about Dan's age. He mentioned he lived alone, so I reckoned he was still single or gay. Most single good looking guys nowadays turn out to be gays, especially the neat ones. Roberto definitely looked well-groomed and wearing fashionable clothes. His nails, I noticed, were also manicured though without colorless nail polish.  I remembered when my friends and I went to Puerto Galera for a summer vacation. While waiting for our boat ride in Batangas pier, four good looking guys stood in front of where we sat facing us. They were only wearing sando shirts and board shorts. Their huge biceps were bulging. They were tall like basketball players and looked like GQ models even. They spoke like call-center agents, slang and cool. I and my friends were salivating and for sure imagining being undressed by these hunky dudes and making sweet hot s*x on the sandy beaches of Puerto Galera. Then, one of them called out in a very masculine voice, "Picture-picture!" Like choreographed movements, each did his signature pose and one of them even cried out, "Wait!" He rummaged his backpack and brought out his prop for the photo shoot. Then, "Click!" snapped the camera with a flash. If someone had taken our pictures too, we would look as follows: Sandra was gagging on her coffee cup. Alfie was choking over her chips and boxing her chest. Bessie was pulling on her hair in despair and repeatedly saying "What? What? What?" and looking from side to side, front and back. Kenny kept slapping her face to wake herself up from a nightmare and even pinched her nose as a final remedy to the malady. And I was blinking rapidly to clear my eyesight from the hallucination trying my best not to scream, "Why?" over and over. The hunky dudes instead of posing like Captain America or flexing their biceps like Incredible Hulk, they did a sexier version of the Charlie's Angels Tableau with one of them posing with his pink teddy bear with red ribbons which he took out from his bag pack. Before the camera clicked they all chorused, "Peniiiiissssss." Remembering that scene really gave me shivers. I shook my head to get rid of the remnants of the past and asked Roberto then, "Are you even Filipino?" He laughed and answered, "My mother was pure Spanish, and my father was a local here but half Spanish too." Noting the past tense, I need not ask if his parents are still alive. So rather I pointed out, "So that explained your Mestizo features." "You don't look like typical Pinoy (slang for Filipino) too. You look more of an Indian Mestiza," he studied me with glinting eyes. Hmmm... he was studying my looks, definitely not gay. I was kinda relieved. But he could still be thinking how to further enhance my beauty like shaving my eyebrows or adding volume to my hair. Please... not gay, not gay, not gay! I thought before answering. "We are actually a mix of Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Filipino blood. Sam and I have Indian features maybe because of our deep set round eyes, thick and long eyelashes, and thick bushy eyebrows from our Spanish ancestors. Dan and Aura have Chinita eyes (slanted/almond shaped) though, they got that from our father who is more Chinese-looking than Filipino. Good thing we all have fair complexions." I was getting conscious of the way he was studying me so I repeated my question about how he knew my brothers. But before he could answer, our orders arrived and the delicious aroma of the Sizzling Bulalo excited my stomach that I readily dug in to satisfy my hunger. I knew he was watching me eat, silently taking in my every oohhs and aahhs as I devoured that glorious tender savory yummy piece of meat. After I swallowed the last bite, I looked at him and I could see a tinge of laughter about to erupt from his sexy gray eyes. I then remembered how to feel embarrassed by my appetite. With a single burp, he laughed out loud. "I'm so glad you are enjoying my company," I said, trying my best to feel hurt but truthfully I was amused by his reaction as well. "You even eat like your brothers," he said, still chuckling. "And I hit like them too, want me to demonstrate?" I said with my fist high up in the air. "I'll just take your word for it. Sorry, I was actually complimenting you." "Whatever, you did not offend me at all." But secretly I wanted to strangle him. If he did not look so adorable and his laugh sounded so wonderful, I could have nicked him. "We have to go see Mr.Baluyot, the cows' owner tonight," I told him as I took out my cell phone to call Sam to check in.  I went outside the hotel to wait for Roberto. It was only 7 and yet all the establishments near the hotel were closed already and no motorists except for buses from the city were passing by the highway. The silence and stillness of the night were luxuries here. But since I am a big city girl now, I did miss the blaring sound, the hustle and the bustle of the metro.  "Sam, I'm here now. Aura called me up, she's worried about the folks' reaction when they find out I'm hunting," I whispered to conform to my quiet surroundings. "Don't worry, it will never reach them. I don't want to get you in anymore trouble with our parents and relatives," he assured me. "Why didn't you tell me Roberto was such a hunk?" I blurted out before I could help myself.  Damn girl! It's Sam you were talking with not Aura! Good thing it wasn't Dan I was talking to!!!! "How should I know what hunks look like? Maya, you are there to hunt. Get your head in the game, kid!" he sounded irritated. I gulped, disgusted with myself. And suddenly remembered why I was in such a complicated situation with my parents and relatives. I must stop being distracted with attractive boys! "Sorry, bro, I was just noticing. Anyway, have a safe trip coming here," I hastily said before he could upbraid me further. I then shuddered thinking again, what if it was Dan who I accidentally slipped my adoration for Roberto to? Man, I was sure if he could just insert his hands through the cellphone to reach and strangle me from the other line he would have. Maya please... behave!     *     "How far is Sta. Maria from here?" I asked as I got into Roberto's Black Hummer. I was so impressed with his ride, another 1000 pogi (handsome) points! Okay, Maya, again... behave girl! "About one hour and thirty minutes," he replied. "Great! You have enough time to tell me something about yourself then," my voice echoed excitement.  He looked at me and he didn't seem excited at all. Instead, there was dread or anger in them.  Ooops... was I entering guarded territories here? When we reached the highway leading towards Sta. Maria, Roberto then narrated how he met my brothers and it was a very sad and gruesome story. Then, I understood why Sam wanted me not to pry him with questions. He told me to let Roberto just speak what he is comfortable to divulge. Roberto's voice was hard, heavy and unfeeling as he narrated the story. But I could feel he was still healing the wounds caused by a tragedy.
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