Chapter 17

734 Words
"So, it's official," Miguel breathlessly said as he chained the door (as if that would stop aswangs from getting inside), "We are definitely dealing with four aswangs minus one." "No, there are four left," I slumped down the hard wooden chair. "But you killed one," Mang Reno in a trembling voice said. "Yes, that was the youngest son, his wings were still underdeveloped and his feet were still human. The mother wasn't among our attackers," I explained.  The three men faced me and I studied their expressions. Clearly, Mang Reno was scared to death, Miguel was rather excited to have been part of an exciting adventure, and Roberto's expression was rather hard yet concern was apparent in his eyes. "Miguel, are you okay?" I asked with concern. He grinned and answered, "A little sore on my, you know." "Roberto, how about you?" I asked as well. Roberto just smiled and said, "You were awesome Maya. Your brothers would be so proud that their sister is really back to hunting." He stepped closer to me and was about to reach for my cheek when... "Aw come on guys! Not in front of my busted butt!" Miguel injected with an irritated tone. "I need to call my brother," I voiced out trying to divert the attention. "Sorry, the signal is weak here; you have to go to the village or near the highway for clearer reception," Mang Reno said moving towards the kitchen. "Miguel, we have to light up the torches we set up surrounding the house and the pen," Roberto said. "Yeah, we should do that. Keep busy on other things, will yah?" Miguel looked at me then peeped out of the window before saying "Okay, coast is clear." "I'll come with you," I said, standing up reaching for my twin blades, one was still a little bit tarred with dark blood. I stood by the porch, as I surveyed the dark side of the field. They retreated to their home, I thought to myself. Thank God for our safety. I offered a silent prayer and stared once more up to the starry night sky.   It was almost 2:00 a.m when I drifted to sleep at the guest room upstairs. It was a fitful sleep filled with flying dragons and fiery pith. At exactly 3:15 am, I arose once more for a new message awaits me outside. I opened up the window just beside my bed which overlooked the field. At the middle of it was a lone figure, she was dressed in white blouse and a long gray skirt. The moon was setting down the horizon giving the fields more eerie shadowy light. She stood there motionless; I knew she was staring at me too from afar. Then she turned around and moved towards the path we used to reach the creek. Inside my head, she sang taunting words, "I am the one you seek. Come down, come down... let's play, don't sleep." I reached for my silver dagger under my pillow and bolted out of the room. I ran as fast as I could to reach the doorway and fumbled with the unfamiliar locks. When finally I was able to open the door and sprinted to a run towards the fields. "Stop!" I knew I could not hurt her then and there... she was human and very pretty when she whirled around... not showing any surprise, or fear, not even loathing. "It's you! We meet again at last," I hissed drawing in labored breath. She snarled and I changed my mind when I said she was pretty, she then looked evil like a possessed woman, "You have no business here huntress. You have no idea what you are up against." "I know exactly what you and your kinds are. You kill and consume. You destroy every village you come across with. This ends here and now! On the rise of the Hunger Moon, I will hunt you down, b***h!" She just gave me a slow wicked smile and turned around towards the creek. In my head, I heard her evil laughter that sent shivers down my spine, "You will lose for you are weak... Maya!" The sound of my name on her lips gave me more reason to hunt her and her family down, and burn them all to ashes. For years I tried to forget her, to let her go... at last, I would soon put an end to this. This time, she found me. She led me to her. This time, I will not let her go. This time, I will kill her.
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