Chapter 16

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"We have to split into two groups when we cross the creek," I instructed, "Roberto and you," I nodded to Mang Reno, "should go east ward. I and Miguel will head west." "Right, so that when we emerge at the village, we'll be approaching from opposite directions," Mang Reno agreed. "Hold hands, we must pray first and invoke the protection of the Archangels," I reached for Miguel's and Roberto's and they grabbed Mang Reno's. "Holy Father most High, tonight we are heading out to hunt your enemies' cursed armies, we beg for your protection. Let your Archangels help us in this quest for your glory and safety of your children. Let your son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit fill our hearts and minds with courage, strength, love and justice to prevail against evil. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen." I looked at each one of them, nodded and said, "Happy hunting, guys! May St. Michael protect us all!" And another chorus of Amen from the men. "Okay Tatay, lead the way," Miguel motioned to his Father. I left my bag pack on the sala set and strung on my back were my twin Chinese butterfly blades, on my neck hung my crucifix and a small bottle of coconut oil, on my right wrist clung my rosary, on my waist was a stingray tails coiled and attached to my belt with a belt bag to carry my holy water flask and salt bag, and inside my right boot was my trusty old dagger. Miguel looked at me from head to foot and remarked, "You looked like a ninja warrior!" and belted out with karate chopping hand movements, "Hiyaahhh!" "If you don't move your butt, I'll ninja kick your balls," I said gritting my teeth as he laughed moving along. "Don't mind him, you look really fierce but sexy," Roberto said as he passed me by, joining Mang Reno and Miguel towards the fields. "Uh, boys!" I just muttered under my breath, as I stepped into the open air.   The smell of dewy grass invigorated me. Each of us held a flashlight to illuminate our steps along a dirt path leading towards the creek. Each man had an unlit torch tucked under their arms and held bamboo stalks with both ends sharpened and dipped in holy water and salt. "Ears open guys," I whispered, and then asked Mang Reno, "Is the silence usual at this hour?" "No, usually you could hear crickets, grasshoppers, bats and night owls," he answered. Then Miguel added, "Male crickets chirp to attract mates and to keep away competition. A rather unnecessary trivia, but I thought you'd want to know," he looked back at me with a grin then started chirping like a cricket. "Yeah, you would definitely attract female crickets; they are the only ones who'll find you attractive," I called out to him and told him to shut up. Mang Reno was leading the way, behind him was Roberto followed by Miguel and I walked a few steps behind him, looking back once in a while. I listened for any hint of noise, but lapping water at the distance was the only sound I could hear. Not good, I thought to myself. Silence doesn't always bring comfort. Sometimes, silence welcomes an incoming danger. Something or someone was lurking somewhere...waiting. I had a feeling we were being closely watched. After a 20-minute walk, we reached the end of the footpath at the left side of the field and edged down slowly onto a rocky and moss covered path. Trees grew thick and close to each other, making the area darker, cooler and spookier. The creek looked rather shallow but the flowing water indicated strong current. Water from the mountains comes down to fill this creek and empties into the Cagayan River, the longest one in the Philippines. It is also known as the Rio Grande De Cagayan that traverses the North Eastern Luzon provinces of Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino, Isabela and Cagayan. Shining my flashlight unto the creek, I saw huge rocks protruding from the heavy flow of water. "Where is the rope?" I asked Mang Reno who looked rather confused.  Mang Reno shone his flashlight from left to right, searching for his rope. "It was supposed to be tied onto this tree," he pointed at a Banaba tree near the path where we came from. I moved towards it and saw remnants of the rope, "It was cut." "Where's the rest of it?" Miguel asked. "Whoever cut it must have pulled it when he got across," Roberto made a sound explanation. "It would take us another hour if we go back and take another route where the submerged bridge is," Mang Reno pointed to his left. "We have another rope, right?" I asked. Then up above, I heard a strong flap of wings. It could be from a bat... a giant bat? It was very unlikely. I looked down at the bottle of oil and held it high for the others to see... the oil was bubbling to a boil. "Get down!" I whispered as we all ran underneath the banaba tree. The flapping of wings grew stronger, nearer that the surrounding leaves of trees swayed and quivered from the sudden gust of wind. I heard the familiar sound, "Ik-iki-ik-ik". I stiffened, then grabbed Miguel's arm and pointed at the gap of canopy of trees behind me. He looked back and he too froze. All four of us stared up and saw a man with giant bat-like wings circling the area where we were crouched low. I slowly reached for my stingray's tail rope and one butterfly blade. I tied the blade's handle onto the ray rope, then whispered to Miguel, "Run towards that direction on the count of three," pointing to the dirt path. He nodded and understood. "One, two, three!" Miguel ran towards the path leading to the field belting out expletives in clear loud voice drawing the attention of the birdman. The flying Sup shrieked rather excitedly and flapped its wings towards the direction where Miguel scampered to. I took a deep breath, moved towards the opening as I anticipated, before it flew past the opening, I threw my sword upward with my right hand using my left to anchor it with the rope. Like a boomerang, it struck the flying sup on its chest as I pulled the sting ray to release my blade which fell a few steps from where I stood.  A deafening cry pierced the quiet night, and then I shouted commands after the others, "Roberto! Mang Reno! Get back to the house! I think I just graced it's chest and now it is pissed!" I prayed that Miguel could run faster than he used too. I ran up the bouldering hill and unto the familiar path. The flying Sup swooped down on Miguel and tried to grab his shoulder. Miguel dropped to the ground face first and rolled on his back to face the monster coming down on him. Roberto was the fastest runner for he was already behind the Sup and stabbed it's back. The Sup flapped it's huge wings which pushed Roberto to the side. Miguel regained his senses and scampered out of the way by crawling beneath the agitated Sup.  When I reached the field, the Sup was already at its feet and hissing at both Roberto and Miguel.  "Hey you!" I cried out from behind him.  The Sup then twirled around to face me baring its fangs and snapping its long sharp nails. The sound really infuriated me that I drew out my butterfly blades and charged. The Sup waited... eager... anxious... still it hissed and squatted... ready to receive my first blow. I aimed at its right shoulder but it was quick to jump aside. I immediately slashed my other blade on its chest but was deflected by its hard claws. Roberto joined in the attack and was trying to hit anywhere near its wings. Miguel then jumped behind the Sup and grappled its neck with his right arm. Like a sack of cotton, the Sup threw him off its back into the hard ground. "Awww!" I heard Miguel groan but I knew he was okay. I needed a new way to attack a very defensive Sup. I needed to anger the beast.  "Roberto! After we kill this evil son-of-a-monster! We will exterminate his whole family!" I called out to Roberto who pulled Miguel out of harm’s way. Mang Reno was also with Miguel then and was wide-eyed watching the whole show. "Yeah, we will burn his kind to the ashes!" Roberto shouted back. The Sup growled and his eyes were so red that it looked to be on flame. As expected, the Sup shrieked as it ran towards me. I was so ready for him that my blade connected to his nape which took him by surprise. I pivoted to my right before he could grab my neck and with a swift gliding motion of my trusty blade, blood erupted from the Sups neck and back. Before it could lick the wound with its long and slimy tongue, I kicked him hard on his back, jumped on top of it and drove my sword into its back, deeper and stronger to pierce the heart. The night birds flew from their shades, dogs howled from the neighboring village and the dying shriek of the monster disturbed the peaceful night. "More are coming," I shouted at Roberto, who reached my side, "Burn the torches now!" Miguel reached our side too followed by Mang Reno. They fumbled for their lighters as I stood up to reach for my other blade and searched the night sky. The wind blew stronger and the sound flapping of wings grew clearer at the distance. "Hurry! Light up the torches!" I shouted at the others as I poured the boiling oil unto the dying sup. It shrieked in pain as its skin blistered from the hot oil. It was t*****e for him. Die, ugly sucker! Finally, fire burned from the torches. I gave instruction to the three who held their torches high up in the sky. "Few more seconds guys, here they come!" I uttered breathlessly. One by one more flying sups came into view, and when I saw the last of them, I screamed, "Now!" Instantaneously, three torches were thrown onto the lying creature before us. Readily it was consumed in flames, as we ran towards the house as fast as our feet could carry us and not looking back. Then we heard the booming sound of erupting flesh and torn parts of the sup identified to be an aswang. The firelight from the burning aswang drove his kind away in fear, for they know what happens to them when burned, they explode into thousand embers, shooting in every direction, turning into ashes in seconds.
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